What If?

Chapter 1



'I think this is the on switch,' Rose said, as she 'jumped' back from what the Doctor nicknamed "Pete's World". The Doctor looked up with surprise from the computer he was rebooting.

What the hell was she doing? He was fairly certain he was going to die in his attempt to defeat the Daleks and the Cybermen, and he didn't want Rose to go the same way. And if by some miracle they did survive, she would be trapped here, never able to see Jackie again. He ran over and gripped her arms.

'Once the breach collapses, that's it,' he said angrily. 'You will never be able to see her again, your own mother!' He knew what that was like, not being able to see your own family, and he didn't want Rose to go through that anguish.

'I made my choice a long time ago, and I'm never going to leave you,' she said in a quiet, but determined voice. Her mind was made up, she'd said forever, and she meant it. 'So what can I do to help?'

'Systems rebooted. Open access,' an electronic female voice announced.

He saw that defiant look on her face, and God how he loved it. 'Those coordinates over there, set them all at six. And hurry up.'

She went over to the terminal, removing the dimension button from around her neck, and started entering the coordinates. She saw a proximity alarm flashing and clicked on the icon.

'We've got Cybermen on the way up,' she said, looking at the surveillance footage on the computer.

The Doctor ran over to have a look. 'How many floors down?'

'Just one.' The Doctor went back to the computer and finished inputting the lever command code.

['Levers operational,'] the computer announced, and a broad smile spread across his face.

'That's more like it . . . bit of a smile . . . the old team,' she said, matching his smile.

He grabbed the Magnaclamps. 'Hope and Glory, Mutt and Jeff, Shiver and Shake.'

'Which one's Shiver?'

'Oh, I'm Shake,' he said as he gave her a Magnaclamp. She followed his lead and put it on the wall by the lever.

'Press the red button,' he told her, and the clamp fastened itself to the wall. They went to the levers and knelt down in front of them, ready to lift them into the locked position.

'When it starts, just hold on tight. Shouldn't be too bad for us but the Daleks and the Cybermen are steeped in Void stuff. Are you ready?'

'So are they.' Rose was looking out of the window of Yvonne Hartman's office, where she could see four Daleks about to attack.

'Let's do it!' he shouted, and they lifted the hefty levers into place.

['Online,'] the computer announced as they ran to the Magnaclamps to hold on. A bright light came out of the breach and a strong wind rushed into it, sucking the first Daleks through the windows and into itself.

'The breach is open! Into the Void! Ha!'

Daleks and Cybermen started streaming through the window and into the Void, becoming a blur as they accelerated from further a field. Something hit the wall hard near Rose, she thought it was the Dalek Crucible, but couldn't be sure. What she was sure of, was that the vibration had loosened her lever and it started to move.

['Offline.'] the computer told them

Rose tried to reach across to the lever, but it was too far, she would have to let go of the clamp and risk a jump to the lever. But if she missed, she would fall into the Void and that would be the end. She needed some kind of safety line to stop her falling into the breach.

The Doctor could see Rose reaching towards the lever, and his hearts went into his mouth. "Oh please Rose no, don't try and jump the gap", he thought to himself. But she didn't. She held back onto the Magnaclamp and looked down at her legs, then she looked at him with a sort of embarrassed smile, and then back at her legs.

It was fair to say that what happened next took him completely by surprise. As Daleks and Cybermen tumbled past, their speed decreasing as the breach started to close, he saw Rose start to unbutton her jeans and pull down the zip.

'ROSE, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?' he shouted across the room.

She had her right elbow hooked around the Magnaclamp while she tried to pull the legs of her trousers over her boots. 'SAFETY LINE,' she shouted back over her shoulder.

She had estimated the distance from the clamp to the lever, she knew her height and her inside leg measurement, and calculated that she could use her jeans as a safety line.

She was struggling to get the jeans over her boots and she was acutely aware that time was running out. If she didn't get a move on, they would be shot by a passing Dalek or Cyberman. She pulled her knees up to her chest and pulled down the zips on her boots, kicking them off and seeing them tumble into the Void.

She took her left leg out of the leg of her jeans and tied it around the handle of the Magnaclamp, giving it a sharp tug to pull the knot tight. Her life was going to depend on this knot so it had to be tight. She then took her right leg out of the jeans leg and tied it around her ankle so tight that it made her toes tingle.

"Right, here goes", she thought to herself and let go of the Magnaclamp. The wind and the pull from the breach had lessened, and she was able to walk her hands along the floor, up the semicircular lever housing, and up the lever to the handle at the top. She squeezed the handle to release the catch, and slowly pulled the lever towards her.

The Doctor looked on with a mixture of concern, amazement, and admiration, as Rose in her light blue hoodie, pink knickers and white ankle socks, pulled her body into a crouch to get the leverage she needed to lock the lever in place.

Rose could feel the denim creaking as the lever started to reach its zenith. She was SO thankful that she'd spent that little bit extra on her black denim jeans to buy a quality pair with double stitched seams.

'EXTERMINATE!' She heard the scratchy voice beside her and glanced over to see a Dalek slowly floating by with its weapon pointing directly at her. She squealed and jerked the lever into its locked position.

['Online,'] the computer announced and almost immediately, the wind picked up and she felt the increased pull of the Void.

'ROSE!' she heard the Doctor cry out as a green flash of energy passed in front of her, singeing her eyebrows and exploding on the wall. At the moment it fired, the Dalek had been pulled tumbling towards the Void, causing it to miss its target.

To Rose, the pull of the void had replaced the pull of gravity, and as far as she was concerned she was performing a handstand on the lever as though she were on top of the high bar in the gym. This was something she could do, and do well. Her knots had held, the stitching on her jeans had held, and she was feeling pretty good.

She looked over at the Doctor, who was still looking worried, and gave him her biggest smile. She saw his face light up with a smile to match and saw his lips say 'yes!'

When the last of the mechanised soldiers had disappeared into the bright light at the end of the room, the pull and wind decreased until the room became still and silent.

'Oof,' Rose said as she let go of the lever and dropped to the floor. No sooner had she hit the floor, when a pair of strong hands wrapped around her shoulders and pulled her into a sitting position and a hug.

'Hah! That was brilliant, absolutely one hundred per cent genius. We did it! You did it!' the Doctor said, laughing with relief.

Rose wrapped her arms around him and pulled him close, laughing and giggling hysterically. 'Warring mechanical armies . . . bring 'em on I say. They're no match for this team.'

'Rose Tyler, defender of the Earth, even in her knickers,' he said with a mischievous grin.

She blushed at that realisation and pulled her knees up to her chest, pulling at the tight knot of her jeans around her ankle. 'Can you give me a hand with this?'

'Sure.' He stood up and used his strong fingers to loosen the knot around the Magnaclamp, before kneeling down and doing the same to the one around her ankle. He helped her to her feet and she put her jeans back on.

'I'm going to have to get a new pair of boots,' she informed him as she zipped up her jeans.

'Have you got any back at . . .' He stopped, hesitant to remind her that her mother was gone and the flat would be empty.

'At the flat?' she finished for him. 'Yeah, I have. Can we stop by and I'll pick up the rest of my stuff.'

'Rose, you do know that Jackie's gone don't you?'

She looked down at her hands. 'Yeah, I know. And I'll miss her, like I missed Mickey when he moved to that universe.' She looked up into his dark eyes and smiled. 'But you know what, she's got Dad again, and that's great because she's been without him for twenty years and now she's got him back.'

It was her turn to hesitate as she looked down to her hands again. 'And . . . I've got you,' she said quietly, looking up uncertainly into his eyes, wondering if she really had got him.

She needn't have worried though; he smiled and held out his hand for her. 'We've got each other.'

She grinned and took his hand, feeling the thrilling tingle she always felt when they held hands. She hugged his arm as they headed out of the lever room.

'Ooh, careful. There's glass all over the floor,' he said as they tried to pass the remnant of Yvonne Hartman's glass fronted office.

Rose gave a squeal of surprise and hugged him around the neck as he scooped her up and carried her along the hallway into the corridor. He put her back on her feet once the floor was clear, and they headed for the lift, hand in hand.

They wandered unhindered through corridors and stairwells, making their way back to the TARDIS. They could feel her calling them back to her present location in the main warehouse. The Touchwood staff were either wandering about in shock or they were dead, deleted by Cybermen or exterminated by Daleks.

The scene of destruction around them dampened the initial feelings of happiness and success. It was time to do what the Doctor normally did in situations like this and leave the tidying up to someone else.

'It looks like Torchwood is out of business,' the Doctor said as he carried Rose over the rubble of a destroyed wall.

The TARDIS was standing alone, a sentinel in the dimly lit wreck of the warehouse. Rose lovingly touched the blue wooden panelling. A warm "hum" filled her mind as the TARDIS welcomed them back. He put the key in the door and pushed it open for Rose to go inside, following her in and closing the door without looking back.

The Time Rotor pumped up and down to the wheezing, grinding sound of time and space being bent out of shape. The Doctor orbited the console, as Rose returned from her room wearing a pair of white trainers.

'There, that's better,' she said with a smile.

The Doctor cast a concerned glance at her. 'Are you ready?'

'As I'll ever be,' she sighed. 'Might as well do it now and get it over with.'

He twisted a dial and flipped a lever, and the Time Rotor slowed to a stop. Rose walked slowly, almost reluctantly, down the ramp to the door, opened it, and stepped out into the living room of the flat that had been her home for the last 19 years.

The Doctor stepped out behind her and held her hand in support. 'Where do you want to start then?'

There was a long pause before she spoke. 'My room I think, that'll be the easiest.'

They went down the short hallway and into Rose's bedroom on the right. Her room in the TARDIS was an exact copy of this one, well almost.

'Did you say easiest? Did someone let a mess bomb off in here or something?' he said with raised eyebrows.

'Oi, this is my room,' she said with a laugh, and then went sad. 'Was my room.'

'So what do you want me to do then?' he asked.

'Well, I've got bed linen and everythin' in the TARDIS, so it's just the personal stuff really.' She picked up Mr Tedopoulos, her teddy bear and hugged it to her chest. 'He's comin' with us,' she squeaked through tears.

'Hey, hey, come on now,' he said putting an arm around her shoulders. 'We can come back another time if you want.'

'No, it's okay. It's just that there are so many memories connected to all this stuff, it took me by surprise. Could you get the photos around the mirror please?'

The Doctor walked around the bed, glancing out of the window which looked out over the estate, before approaching the cluttered dressing table. He picked some magazines up off the floor along with a gold coloured shoulder bag and put them on the bed.

Rose opened the wardrobe and started taking hangers of clothes out, laying them carefully on the bed. She noticed a cardboard box at the bottom of the wardrobe which contained old books from her childhood. She opened the box and rummaged through the contents.

She lifted out a book, "The Legend of Pandora's box" and wiped a tear from her cheek. She remembered her mum reading it to her and showing her the pictures when she was little, before she would go to sleep.

There was another book below it, "The Story of Roman Britain", a picture book about the Roman occupation of the British Isles. She had always enjoyed reading that book about the straight roads and Hadrian's Wall. She sighed and put the books back in the box. That chapter of her life was over now, it was time to grow up and move on.

When the wardrobe was empty, she started on the chest of drawers. Ten minutes later, the bed was piled high with 19 years worth of personal possessions that she wanted in her room on the TARDIS.

'I'll start taking this through to the TARDIS, and you can start on another room,' he said kindly. 'Are there any keep sakes of your mother's that you want to take?'

'Yeah, thanks. I don't want to leave any of Mum's personal stuff behind.'

Rose was reminded of the time they emptied Mickey's flat when he stayed behind in "Pete's World". It was hard to do, but it needed to be done, and it was reassuring to know that they had saved personal things that meant something to them both.

She met the Doctor at the door of the TARDIS, with a suitcase full of Jackie's clothes. 'Here, we can take these down the charity shop later,' she said as she slid it towards him. 'I'm going to get her jewellery and the photo album.'

There wasn't anything in the kitchen that had any sentimental value, so she turned her attention to the living room. There was the television and DVD player, as well as Jackie's hair dressing equipment and hair products dotted around the doorway. Although her mum would have valued the items, Rose thought it was easiest to leave them behind.

'Oh my old red bike,' she said as she looked behind the sofa. 'I'm takin' that with me.'

'Have you still got that?' he asked without thinking. 'It must be eight years old by now.'

'Of course I've still got it. I love that bike, and I've looked after it . . . well, Mickey looked after it. He serviced it regularly for me down the garage.'

She smiled at him, before it turned into a frown. 'Hang on, how did you know my bike is eight years old?'

'Er, you told me, on the TARDIS. Don't you remember; when the nano-genes fixed everyone that time. You said I was beaming like Father Christmas delivering your bike when you were twelve . . . that makes it eight years doesn't it?'

'Oh yeah,' she said uncertainly. She remembered it was something like that.

She sorted through the photos and knick-knacks on the shelves and display stands in the living room and put them all in the TARDIS.

'Right, that's it then. The end of my old life, start of the new one,' she said as she wiped the tears from her cheeks with her fingers.

He opened the door, and held his arm out inviting her to step on board. 'Rose Tyler, your universe awaits. Welcome home.'

'Thank you . . . for everything.'

He flew the TARDIS to the courtyard below, opposite the charity shop, and offloaded the unwanted clothing. The ladies serving in the shop were overjoyed with the amount and quality of the donated items.

Rose stood at the door of the TARDIS and took one last look around the estate, before stepping through the door and leaving her old life behind.

'Are you okay?' the Doctor said as he started up the Time Rotor.

'Yeah,' she said quietly. 'I was just thinkin', I never said goodbye to Mum.'

'Ah, right . . . not big on goodbyes myself, but I know you lot are quite keen on them,' he said trying to lighten the mood. He checked the monitor with a frown that turned to a grin. 'Would you like to say goodbye?'

'Of course, but I can't can I,' she said sadly.

He pulled a lever and flicked a switch with a flourish. 'Got your phone on you?'

She reached into the pocket of her hoodie. 'Yeah, here it is, but it can't connect across universes can it.'

'The cracks between the universes are closing, and there's one little hole left. The TARDIS can project a signal through the void to the other universe.'

Rose pressed the speed dial for her mum and held the phone to her ear. 'Oh my God, it's ringin'.'

['ROSE! Rose is that you? Where are ya?'] Jackie said quickly. Rose's eyes immediately filled with tears.

'Mum,' she squeaked, 'Mum, I'm in the TARDIS. The Doctor found the last gap in the breach, I haven't got long.'

'Tell her to put it on speakerphone,' the Doctor told her.

['Pete, Mickey, it's Rose. She's alive!'] she heard her say in the background. ['Sweetheart, are ya safe? Are ya comin' home?']

'Yeah Mum, we're safe. Put the speakerphone on Mum so everyone can here us.' Rose did the same with her phone.

'We did it, we beat the Daleks and the Cybermen, but the breach is closed now and I won't be able to see you again.'

['Oh Rose, Sweetheart . . .'] Jackie started to sob. ['And I've got nothin' to remind me of you. We left everythin' behind.']

That got the Doctor thinking. He went over to a floor panel and pulled it up, rummaging through various bits of equipment.

'I know Mum. I've been back to the flat and got all of our personal stuff. I couldn't bear the thought of the council goin' through it an' throwin' it all away . . . So, how are things over there then?' Rose cried.

The Doctor was plugging leads into a gizmo he was holding in his arms, his sonic screwdriver held in his teeth.

['It's been four months now Sweetheart, and I've been thinkin' about ya every day. We're fine here. Pete's loaded and lives in this big gaff, it's very comfortable.']

Rose laughed through her tears. 'I know Mum, we were there before, remember?'

['Oh yeah, Mickey told me all about it.'] Jackie said.

['Rose, its Pete. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry the way I behaved towards you. Jackie's told me all about your dad and what happened, and . . . if its all right with you, I'd like to think of you as my daughter, what with me and your mum being together now.']

'Really? Oh yes, that would be brilliant. Thanks . . . Dad.'

['She called me dad. Did you hear that? She called me dad.']

The Doctor put the gizmo on the console and adjusted the position of it until he was happy. He then started to connect the leads into a panel.

['We heard you big lump, now button it I've got to speak to our daughter,'] Jackie said. Rose could actually imagine her roll her eyes at him.

['Before ya do Jackie I just want to say hi,'] Mickey said. ['Rose, I'm really glad that you an' the Boss are okay. We were really worried when you jumped back over, and then we didn't know if the plan had worked or not. Should have known better than to doubt you two.']

'Well thanks Mickey, that's nice of you to say,' the Doctor said with a grin at Rose.

['Look Rose, before we run out of time, there's somethin' I've got to tell ya . . . me and Pete, we're havin' a baby.']

Rose was temporarily struck dumb. 'Wha'? Did you just say you were havin' a baby? You're pregnant?'

['Yeah, I know, bit of a surprise, particularly at my age. Pete's over the moon, he walks around with a permanent grin on his face.']

'Smile,' the Doctor said as he rested his head against Rose's and waved. There was a flash from the gizmo as it took a digital photo and sent it to Rose's phone, which then sent it to Jackie's phone.

'Oh Mum, that's brilliant. I'm so pleased for ya.' Rose paused and thought about the flash. 'Hang on, did you just take our photo?'

'Yep, it's on it's way to Jackie's phone via your phone.'

'Mum. The Doctor's rigged up a camera. There's a photo on it's way.'

'Ask Mickey Boy to bluetooth the data to a computer and he should be able to reconstruct the image,' the Doctor instructed.

['Thank you Sweetheart. Now, talkin' of the Doctor, I want a word with you before you go.']

'Er, yes Jackie, right here,' he said nervously. Rose wiped the tears from her cheeks with her fingers and laughed at the Doctor's expression. There was another flash from the gizmo.

['Now I know you can't promise me that she'll be safe. No one can promise that anyone will be safe as they go through life, I realise that now. But I want you to promise me that you'll look after her, and that you'll make her happy. Can you do that?']

He put his arm around her shoulders and gazed into Rose's hazel eyes. 'Oh I can definitely promise you that,' he said. They smiled at each other and there was another flash from the gizmo.

['Good. 'Cos if ya don't, I swear I'll tear that breach open with me bare hands and come and give ya what for.']

They heard a series of quick beeps. 'Oh Mum, the signals breakin' up. I love you Mum. Tell the baby about me won't you?'

['Rose, I love you Sweetheart, and the baby will grow up knowin' they have a sister who is beautiful, and brave, and loves them very much. And Rose, be safe, be happy, and for God's sake tell that daft alien you love him.']

'MUM! He can hear you,' she said, her cheeks blushing with embarrassment.

['Good. Might help 'im buck his ideas up a bit. He might be able to change his body but you can't, so he'd better get a move on. Life's too short for us lot.']

The Doctor nodded his head, deep in thought. He was loathed to admit it, but Jackie was right. He couldn't argue with her on that one; human life WAS too short.

'Okay Mum,' she laughed and cried. 'I'll get around to it one day. Bye everybody.'

['Bye Sweetheart / Rose,' they called back. 'We lov . . .']

Her breath caught in her throat as the phone went dead. She started to sob and the Doctor wrapped his arms around her and rubbed her back.

He wasn't big on goodbyes.