Here we are! Reaching the end of this story! Told you this will be up sooner than you think!

Anything else that's needed to be said will be said at the ending AN. Right now, enjoy!

Months passed since summer vacation ended and Hiro and Marys were still maintaining their relationship through their online conversations. To them these were the best part of each day, the perfect note to end on before going to sleep, even if the day itself wasn't all that great.

With it being December, Marys told Hiro about how close her birthday was. He of course stated he wanted to come and celebrate it with her, like she did on his birthday, but he couldn't do it as there was no long vacation from college which allowed it. While depressed by it, Marys said it was okay as long as he won't forget to wish her a happy birthday. He of course, gave her his word that he won't.

The special day came and Marys was beyond excited. Her mother already agreed for her to host a party with all of her friends at their house, which she was really happy about, but the thing she seemed to be waiting for the most was Hiro's call on that special day. He said nothing during the morning, though that was understandable because both had school anyway. Marys didn't pay any attention to the fact it was already the afternoon and Hiro didn't even text her happy birthday, thinking he was still busy in college.

By the time her party started, she started to worry about the situation. Did he forget? Was he waiting for their talk at night? She had no idea what was the case. She tried to hide the fact she was a bit disappointed with Hiro not calling her at all during her party, seemingly doing a good job because it didn't look like someone picked up on her feeling a bit down because of it.

In the middle of the party however, a path of smoke started appearing in the sky, kind of like the smoke a plane would leave behind. The smoke gathered the attention of the participants at Marys's birthday party as it appeared right above her back yard.

"Look! It's writing something!" One of the teenagers at the party pointed at the sky, noticing the smoke attempted to write a massage.

Shortly after, the letters H, B and M appeared in the sky. While some of the guests didn't get it fully; most of them, including Marys herself, figured out it was aimed at her. No longer than a few seconds later, something landed in Marys's back yard. Whatever landed was quite large and appeared to be robotic. It was mostly red with only its middle body part being blue. While some of the teens had no idea what that thing was, some of them recognized what it is, the birthday girl included.

Once the robot got up from its kneeling position, it looked around its surroundings until Marys entered its eye-sight. "Hello, Marys." The robot said while waving his hand. "Happy birthday."

"Baymax…" Marys exclaimed, giggling in enjoyment at what this might have meant. "Thank you." She nodded at him, still smiling, expecting to see one more person who might have come with the robot.

From behind Baymax's back, a landing sound could have been heard. Then, from where the sound was heard, showed up a teenager with messy black hair. He wore blue armor with black clothing beneath it and he was also holding a blue helmet under his shoulder. "Happy birthday, Marys!" He managed to say a second before Marys ran up to him. The boy managed to grab her just as she engulfed him in a hug, spinning her around in the air. As soon as the spinning stopped, Marys looked at her surprise guest before forcing her lips into his, kissing him numerous times until she had to stop and breath. "I missed you too." He told her, causing Marys to chuckle.

"What are you doing here, Hiro?" She asked, though happy beyond belief.

"What? You thought I'd miss my girlfriend's birthday after the great one that she gave me?" He asked. "Not going to happen. I even brought you a little present…" Hiro pointed out before detaching something from Baymax's back, which turned out to be Marys's pink suit he made for her during summer break.

"My suit!" Marys said happily. She didn't think Hiro would bring it; then again, she didn't think he would come to her party at all.

"You forgot it when you left at the end of the summer, so I thought you might miss it." Hiro told her. "I even made some upgrades to it." He added with a smile. Marys was about to kiss him again before Hiro stopped her. "Don't thank me yet. Let's go for a quick flight first." Marys took a minute to digest the offer before heading into her house in order to change into her suit.

As she changed, Hiro used the time to get to know some of Marys's friends. To his surprise, he discovered some of them were actually aware of Big Hero 6 even if they weren't from the same city, thanks to the news talking about them and the team's heroic deeds receiving headlines every once in a while in the morning newspaper. Marys also helped with the publicity from what he understood.

Shortly after, Marys came back out with her suit intact. "Let's go!" She said excitedly to Hiro, who put his helmet on and climbed on the robot's back, handing her a hand in order to help her get up. It wasn't long before they were high up in the sky, flying at blistering speeds. "I forgot how fun this was!" Marys called to Hiro after they flew around for about a few minutes.

Hiro looked back at her, smiling at her reaction. "Now, are you ready to try out the new feature I put into the suit?" Marys nodded with excitement, waiting to hear what kind of upgrade Hiro made to her suit. "Okay, here's the thing. Whatever happens, just make sure you're pressing your thumb towards your ring finger. It doesn't matter which hand." He instructed her, and she nodded in understanding. "Here it goes. Baymax, detach!"

Realizing what Hiro said a bit later than she would have liked, Marys suddenly detached from Baymax's magnetic pads, making her fall towards the ground. As she screamed at the top of her lungs while falling down, she did managed to catch Hiro and Baymax diving by her side with Hiro showing her what action she needed to preform. With nothing to lose, Marys pressed her thumb into her ring finger and all of the sudden her fall stopped.

When Marys realized that she was no longer falling down, she looked to her sides to see a set of wings coming out of the suit's back, allowing her to fly. Finding the situation wired, Marys turned towards Hiro for answers. "You said your favorite Super-Hero is Wasp." He explained. "I thought this would have been a nice touch." That's all Marys needed to hear before she started flying around using her new upgrade. Flying on Baymax was an amazing enough feeling, but this suit was even better because there was nothing supporting her. It was just her, by herself, flying in the sky like her favorite Super-Hero. Was there something better?

When both landed back at the yard, many cheering and clapping were heard. Marys's friends, undoubtedly, enjoyed the presentation. Marys herself was still trying to process what she just experienced right now.

"So…?" Marys suddenly heard Hiro asking, turning her head in his direction. "Did you like your gift?" He asked her before she threw both her and Hiro's helmets aside and kissed him again, almost forcing her love on him. Not that Hiro had a problem with that. After months of not seeing Marys in person, he took everything he could have gotten.

"I love it." Marys whispered as soon as she broke the kiss, ignoring the cheering of her friends regarding the display of affection.

To Hiro's surprise, some of Marys's friends were asking if they could have ride Baymax for a bit. Thinking about that, Hiro decided a test run could have been done, giving one of the guys the gloves and knee protectors of his suit, which were the parts attached to Baymax's magnetic pads. After a successful test run, many others asked for a ride on top of the robot's back and a line started to form for a chance to fly with the robot.

As Marys's friends played with Baymax, the birthday girl and Hiro sat together from a near distance, watching the many flights with their hands entwined and leaning against each other.

"Best birthday ever." Marys said, looking at Hiro. "Thanks again, Hiro."

"No problem." He answered. "As soon as college started, I started working on making Baymax's rockets capable of achieving longer distances so that visiting wouldn't be that much of a rare occurrence."

"How long can my suit go?" Marys asked.

"In theory, you should be able to fly around the city before it will stop working for a while." Hiro explained. "Meaning, I get to visit you now."

"Unless my mother decides on another visit to your aunt before you decide to come here." She pointed out, causing Hiro to shrug.

"Whatever comes first, I'm cool with it."


They looked at each other, smirking, thinking they both knew exactly what to say.

"It's a date."


It's done! Man, this has been in the works for a while, and now it's over! Wow, what a long journey that was...

Anyway, despite it being a long story which was being worked on for quite a while, I still enjoyed every little second of writing it. It was definitly fun to write Marys again and build on what "Unexpected Reunion" was. Speaking of which, there won't be another sequel. I think this was the right place to end it and I'm happy with the final result.

So, moving on to thanks now; thanks to anyone who read, reviewed, followed, favorited the story, hope you enjoyed it until the end! Thanks again to yaGrlelyse001 for letting me use her drawing as the cover art for this story. Of course, Disney and Marvel for creating these characters and... That's it I think...

With another story done, I hope you all enjoyed! I'll catch you all next time!