AN: ok, so i was given the idea that Fred's parents should adopt hiro and tadashi. and i really like the idea. I REALLY DO! the only problem is that tadashi is 23 so he can legally raise hiro on his own and that's kinda what i planned for this story. i really do like the idea though and i'm thinking about writing another story with that idea in it. so keep an eye out for that!


chapter 9:

(one month later)

hiro opened the fridge to find some breakfast.

"Tadashi, there's no food."

tadashi who was sitting on the counter checking social media turned to hiro.

"Hiro. quit exaggerating. there's plenty of food."

"Tadashi. the fridge is empty!"

"Hiro i really can't afford your picky eating."

"Tadashi. look in the fridge,"

tadashi sighed and looked in the fridge to see that it was indeed completely empty.

"Hiro! you're such a pig!"

"I am not!"

"I JUST bought food last week!"

"I'm not a pig. i'm a growing boy that needs a lot of food." hiro said more than innocently. they both immediately busted up laughing their heads off. by the time they stopped, hiro was on the floor crying cause he was laughing so hard and tadashi was bracing himself against the counter.

"I don't even get how that was so funny!" hiro laughed.

"neither do i!"

hiro sighed, "I guess i just needed to have a good laugh for no reason."

"I feel you, little bro."

tadashi sighed and helped hiro up off of the floor, "I guess i'm just gonna have to get a second job."

"What? no way! tadashi. no. you are not getting a second job. i know how you get when you're stressed out. i don't wanna deal with a sleep deprived tadashi."

"then what are we supposed to do? i can't afford to buy more food!"

"I'll get a job."


"Robot supply store."

"Should've guessed."

"Hey, we all know i'm smarter than you."


"Oh, shit." hiro ran up the stairs as tadashi chased him. he chased him all the way down the hallway until hiro was pinned in a corner.

hiro dove underneath tadashi's legs and bolted for the stairs.

"I'm faster than you too!" hiro yelled.

just before hiro was going to run down the stairs, tadashi grabbed him by the ankle causing him to face-plant on one of the steps and thump all the way down the stairs.


"Oh my God! are yo okay?"

"My nose is bleeding. my nose is frickin bleeding."

"Oh, my Gosh." tadashi got hiro a tissue and hiro pinched his nose shut.

"Come sit at the table."

hiro got up off of the floor and limped over to the table.

"Yo alright?"

"Ya, i think i twisted my ankle."

"I'll get baymax. OI! BAYMAX! OW!"

baymax waddled down the stairs and over to hiro.

"I will scan you for injuries. scan complete. you have no broken bones, but you have a nosebleed and twisted ankle. i recommend wrapping and icing the ankle."

"Ok, thanks. i'm satisfied it my care."

baymax waddled back upstairs.

"Tadashi, are you sure this is gonna be safe with two hormonal teenagers high on testosterone left to their own devices?"

"I am not a hormonal teenager high on testosterone. that's you."

"You act like one, though."

"Be glad you're injured. that's the only reason i'm having mercy on you right now."

"Whatever. i think you're just to nice."
