So, I'm back with a new chapter. I know it took forever, I've been dealing with a lot of personal problems these past couple of weeks and sadly it's keeping me from writing. I would like you all to know that I'm not just going to leave this story and I do very much intend to finish it, it just might take a while.
Anyways, enjoy!

Peter, Kayla and Frankie?
Walk On The Wild Side

''I wish my book of life was written in pencil, there are a few pages I would like to erase.''

Feeling her soft lips connect to his own, Peter got lost in the moment. All the drama between him and Kayla faded away and all he could think about was the fact that the woman, whom he had once loved more than anything else in this world, was kissing him. Again. After all these years.

He had hurt her by leaving her when she needed him most – as he now knew – and yet, she still kissed him. She still wanted him. She still loved him. Or so she said, she had always been the kind of woman who was a bit… loose. Always flirting with other men right in front of him, commenting on other men in the room just to remind him how lucky he was that she had chosen him to marry.

Both the fact that the love of his life, Kayla, and the fact that the woman kissing him had made him the happiest and most miserable he had been in his life, faded away when her warm hand landed on his chest. Her other hand stroked his cheek as she attempted to deepen the kiss.

When he heard a loud crash behind him – glasses breaking, a surprised shriek from someone he didn't know – Peter broke away from the kiss. Thankful for the distraction which had made sure that no one was paying attention to him and Frankie, he looked at her in shock. He had given in to the temptation; he had officially cheated on Kayla.

It was what she had been warning him for ever since Frankie had re-entered his life, it was exactly what he had promised her wouldn't happen. And now, during their engagement party, he was kissing her. He couldn't believe himself. He had not only broken his promise to Kayla, he felt like he had broken a promise to himself.

Peter knew that this wasn't what he wanted; he didn't want to get sucked into the crazy mess that was Frankie's life yet again. He wanted Kayla, forever. When he came home at the end of a long day at work, he wanted to come home to Kayla, not Frankie. When he woke up in the morning, he wanted to wake up next to Kayla, not Frankie…

Frankie eyed the mess on the floor, the drunken people around them, and made a decision, ''we should get out of here,'' she told Peter, gently pushing him to the entrance. She saw the hesitance in his eyes, ''these people are wasted. Also, we need to talk and I'd rather not let any of our colleagues overhear us.''

Peter gently gave into her suggestion, not sure what else he could do. It wasn't as if Kayla was talking to him anyway. ''Where do you want to go?'' He asked Frankie as he walked out of the bar, the cold breeze sobering him up a bit even though he was sure he was still too drunk to make any decisions, ones that he wasn't going to regret in the morning.

Frankie shrugged, ''my place? I have more booze in case you're still thirsty, and I promise I won't make any moves.'' She told him as she unlocked her car.

''She is just always around,'' Kayla told the other three women in the room with her. ''And I can see in Peter's eyes that he still has feelings for her, despite him swearing high and low that he doesn't.''
Lu looked up from baby Milagro in her arms, ''maybe you should just trust him? You said that she's going to leave town soon, you two probably just have to hang in tight and wait.''

''That's what I've been thinking too,'' Kayla said, feeling defeated. ''It's just hard to trust him when every time I turn away she's all over him, and he doesn't even seem to mind. She showed up tonight and the only reason he was mad was because he knew I didn't want her there -he didn't mind having her there.''

''But you still want to be with him though, don't you?'' Andy asked. Just like Lu she hadn't known about any of this until tonight.
''Of course I do,'' Kayla told her.
''Then is it worth throwing away everything you two have over this? I mean, if she is leaving soon…''

Lana cleared her throat, ''actually, rumor has it she's looking for a permanent position at the hospital,'' she told Kayla, whose face immediately turned into despair. ''Nothing has been confirmed but Lana thinks she ain't going anywhere.'' She felt bad having to break the news, but she figured it was better having Kayla find out sooner rather than later.

Kayla groaned as she buried her face in her hands, ''now what? How am I supposed to be with Peter with her fawning over him 24/7? I love him, I do, but I don't think I can live with that.'' She thought their situation had been bad before, but it just seemed to get worse.

''Just because she wants to work at Rittenhouse doesn't mean she will,'' Andy reminded her, ''considering her background it's doubtful there are many positions for her.''
''With her luck the perfect position for her will open up at the exact right time,'' Kayla commented gloomily.

Peter groaned as the light pouring in through the curtains woke him up. There was a buzzing sound in his ears and when he sat up, the whole room spun. He hadn't drank as much as he had the night before, in… ever. Alcohol had never been his thing, but with things with Kayla going the way they were, it was as if he was turning into his late father. Not something he had ever aspired to be.

Peter opened his eyes as he pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to wake himself up so he could go figure out where the hell he was. The soft blue walls, the white bedding, the view out the window… none of it looked familiar.

The last thing he remembered was going out to a club with Frankie, to avoid going back to her house. To be fair, it had seemed like a good idea at the time. The last thing he remembered was ordering a drink and Frankie telling him that she needed something strong as well… he had been too drunk to remember she was a recovering alcoholic, something he felt awful about now.

He rolled out of bed, ignoring the way the room was spinning and the urge to throw up. His pants were lying on the floor and it took all of his energy just to walk over to them and put them on. His shirt was nowhere to be found but that was the least of his worries now. Peter slowly stretched his muscles, forcing himself to wake up despite his body's protests.

As he looked around, trying to find something that would help him identify where he was, he stopped dead in his tracks. His arms dropped to his sides and his mind went into overdrive. Since the moment he woke up he had known that this was life-changing bad, but things had just gotten a thousand times worse.

A picture. Frankie and her mother staring back at him from a gold-framed picture.

He could feel his insides sink and he could've sworn his heart stopped for a couple of seconds. Tears started to form in his eyes as he rubbed them, ''God no…'' He felt sick to his stomach as the realization of how incredibly bad he had messed up started to sink in.

Not only he had cheated on Kayla, he had cheated with the person he had sworn he'd never even talk to again. They weren't even married yet and he was already breaking promises. How was she ever supposed to trust him after this? If the roles has been reversed he wasn't sure he would ever be able to forgive her.

He sat down on the edge of the bed. He couldn't stand anymore, his legs felt like jelly. He caught his own reflection in the mirror and froze, his messy hair and dark circles… the unmade bed… He closed his eyes, not being able to deal with it all. He stood back up and started pacing around the room.

What was he supposed to do now? He didn't want to go downstairs because he was sure he would run into Frankie if he did. He wanted to go home, but he couldn't face Kayla. He wanted… to go back in time, to three weeks ago, the last blissful moment of his life.

The day he proposed to Kayla was a happy one but now it was being overshadowed by the fact that that was the day Frankie had came back into his life.

Frankie could hear Peter moving around in her bedroom as she went up the stairs. She leaned in the doorframe as she caught sight of what a mess he was. Still picture perfect gorgeous, but a mess nonetheless. ''Aren't you a sight,'' she joked as she sat down on the bed.
Peter turned around, staring at her in disbelief, ''what the hell happened last night?'' He demanded answers.

This had to be a dream, there was no way he had slept with his ex-fiancée, right? He didn't have it in him to do that, he wasn't like his father, he wasn't. Up until he had woken up he had been entirely, one-hundred percent certain he wasn't…
''Well,'' Frankie started, ''you have nothing to worry about, we didn't have sex,'' she assured him casually as she checked her perfectly manicured nails for chipping.

''We didn't?'' Peter asked, feeling very unsure. Considering the way Frankie had been acting ever since she came to Rittenhouse he wasn't sure he could trust her answers. Plus, everything around him indicated the exact opposite.
''No,'' Frankie assured him as she chuckled, ''trust me, you were way too drunk to get it up. When we got home we messed around for a while and then went to sleep.''

Peter let out a sigh of relief, ''thank God…'' He knew he still had a lot of explaining to do, and he wasn't sure Kayla would forgive him for what did happen, but at least this wasn't as bad as expected.
''There is one other thing though,'' Frankie said, trying to sound casual despite the fact that this had even freaked her out.

''What is that?'' Peter asked.
Frankie bit her lip as she held up her left hand, showing him the shiny ring on her ring-finger, ''looks like we made a stop on the way home.''

''But it was not your fault but mine,
And it was your heart on the line
I really messed it up this time,

Didn't I my dear?
Didn't I my dear?'' Mumford And Sons, Little Lion Man

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