Day prior to arrival.

South worriedly taps her feet in front of the communication booth, North isn't a freelancer anymore. Good news but at a cost, he can't walk anymore cause York's healing unit was half-assed and he was in a hurry to be with her or something. This will also mean that he'll have to adjust to civilian life. South always was jealous of North, even in his condition. Its not because he had an AI which was Theta, being better than her, stealing her spot on the leaderboard but its because he's free now. Free of project Freelancer. Everything. Theta appears beside South, he's recovering at the moment since he fragmented himself to make a decoy against the Meta after York offered him to her.

"Is he there?" Theta asks South. His voice is rather weak but he's getting there at the moment. To this day South took care of him and became a second mother to him. Good thing York didn't finish them off otherwise recovery would lose another freelancer.

"Just be patient." South replied to the AI. She contacted Wyoming earlier and he said that the meta took Gamma when he played dead, South always needed outside help. The screen flips up to reveal North in his wheelchair.

"South!" North called in a happy face as South smiled in response. He always was strong even in this kind of situation.

"North, what's up?" South asks in response. In terms of looks, South has drags on her eyes and a more tired and worn out appearance because of the Epsilon AI that was implanted in her head.

"Doing good, still can't feel my legs but they'll heal soon. Can't wait to get back on the field." North replied with a smile. In actuality, North has a small chance of making it back to the field nor having his legs healed.

"Yeah...say, Theta wants to see you." The AI appears beside South again.

"North, I missed you!" Theta cheered.

"I missed you too buddy. So how's South been treating you?" North asks his companion.

"Really well. She's very nice to me and always asks me on how I'm holding up ever since I fragmented myself. It hurts of course but I'm getting better." Theta replied as South makes a light chuckle.

"Hey Theta, can you log off for awhile? I need to speak to North in private." South called as Theta nodded.

"What's it about South?"

"Look...I just...I just wanted...I'm sorry." South apologized. Its not because she failed to save her brother, being a jealous brat and paid the price, shutting him out ever since the incident and borderline broke the unity they had together. Its all of the above.

"South, don't beat yourself over it. We...I didn't know York is capable of doing it too."

"I should've known something was wrong with him."

"We didn't know okay? He got to us and we fell for it, if anyone on who's to blame its him." North reasoned.

"But York was acting too nice! I should've saw through him but...damn...dammit." South cursed. She wished that she had wasted York the moment she noticed Delta was gone.

"Again, it wasn't our wasn't..." North replied.

"Anyway, I got an appointment again. Stay safe sis." North logs off. South sighs and goes to the next list, Tucker. The two didn't get along in the first place but as time went by, she began to respect him more and they became friendly with each other. In fact, he's the person she came out of the closet to. After that, they pretty much became the best of pals. The screen comes on.

"South? What's up?" Tucker cheered. In the background are humans and aliens working together also Wash using the computer nearby.

"Doing good, here to talk to Maine and Wash."

"Oh, Wash is behind me and Maine is playing some arm wrestle with the aliens here. Let me call them." Tucker turns around.

"Wash, Maine! Its South!" Tucker called causing the two to come on the screen.

"South, how are you holding up?" Maine asks.

"Doing good. I'll be sending Theta to you guys." South replied.

"But...why? Won't Carolina-I mean, the Meta come for us?" Wash continued.

"The desert is the last place she'd expect. Anyway, sending him now." Thea appears before South as she sighs to him.

"Look, the Meta only goes for heavily fortified bases and the desert is very hot to the point her air cooler will breakdown before she can get you. You'll be fine, Theta. Wash and Maine will take good care of you or Tucker." South assured the young AI.

"I...I kind of like being with you. Tucker seems...a little weird." Theta replied.

"He has great experience and he's like North if you get passed his stupid perverted exterior. He even has an alien baby." She answered.

"Wait...adopted?" Theta asks in confusion since the only way to have an alien baby is to adopt it.

"Its...very, very complicated aaaannnd you'll learn about it soon when you're ready. Sending you off." South pulls out the chip out of her helmet and installs Theta. The computer transfers Theta into another chip inside the mammoth and it gets out. Tucker grabs the chip containing Theta.

"Sup little guy!" Tucker greeted Theta.

"Okay Tucker, make sure you don't let Theta out of you're sight. Who knows what's out there." South advised.

"Gotcha. Say, can I look up-"

"No. Do that, I'll get Maine to maim the shit out of you." She promised.

"Okay, okay! I get it! Anyway, the other ambassador is coming. Got to go." Tucker logs off as South sighs. She grabs her battle rifle nearby and checks out the magazine, its full alright. South walks towards the entrance way to go on her mission.

Blood gulch outpost alpha.

South overlooks blue base. Its slightly worn down with gunshot and explosion marks, looks like its seen better days. Teleporters are active though and it appears to be no signs of life. She walks towards it to get a better look before activating her radio while aiming her rifle in case of ambush.

"Recovery two calling command. Recovery command." South said via radio. She walks towards the base and looks around it with a suspicious look on her eyes, something doesn't feel right.

"Go ahead recovery two, we read you." Command replied with some radio static.

"I'm at outpost 1A, looks deserted. See if you can find evidence where they all might-" Little does she know that a woman wearing yellow armor is standing in the entrance.

"Hey bitch what's with all the noise?! People are trying to sleep here!" The woman called out thus getting South's attention.

"Um...scratch that command. It appears I've found someone. Recovery two out." South corrected herself and puts away her battle rifle as the woman walks towards him.

"" The woman whined.

"Hi, I'm agent South Dakota. This is blue base, correct?" South asks her. This woman looks easy to manipulate for her goals and looks drunk also.

"It was." She replied.


"Everybody's gone. Transferred. Something about this base being obsolete now or-"

"Right. Where did they do?"

"I don't know! All different places. Nobody told me anything."

"Well, I'm trying to locate people who have experience with the freelancer program."

"Freelancer? Is that the band we had here last night?"

"You had a party here? Why am I not surprised..."

"Yeah, I throw a rave every night. Charge five bucks a night. Last night, I made ten bucks. Oop, oop! Nice!"

"You used the base for raves? Hm..."

"What are you? Like a cop or something?"


"Cause if you are and I ask you. You have to tell me. That's totally a law or something."

"Not a cop bitch and that's not a real law also." South growled. This was a waste of her time...but this woman here looks like she'll get into trouble real soon. Who knows, the Meta will go after her.

"Well if you're not a real cop, how do you know its not a real law? Busted!" She replied.

"Well for starters you need to have a uniform to identify yourself as an officer which is common sense and also a vehicle of some sort to represent that you are indeed a cop. Now is there anyone here with a fucking brain?" The freelancer asks while clutching her rifle.

"Yeah, Like I'm going to tell you. I don't rat people out, COP!"

"Excuse me." South walks back to the tank nearby and activates her radio yet again to call command. She has an idea.

"Recovery two calling recovery command. Come in command."

"Read you loud and clear recovery two."

"Say, Connie. I found this girl all alone in blue base but she doesn't have experience with project freelancer though she does look like she'll get in trouble so I'm taking her with me for witness protection." South informed.

"South, the objective is to find people who have experience not witness protection. Plus I overheard the radio chat, she's a lost cause." Connie or formerly known as agent Virginia replied.

"Oh don't worry, I'll persuade her. Lesbian magic." South replied. The woman may look like a bimbo but she doesn't deserve death.

"...You better not be fucking her. Command out." Connie logs out before South turns to the woman and walks towards her before holstering her battle rifle and pistol also clearing her throat.

"Hey, sorry about calling you a bitch and flipping out and all...I...I've been through a rough week." South said while scratching the back of her helmet and lightly kicking the dirt. All part of the act.

"Oh yeah? How rough is it?"

"My real dad died in a car crash, my best friend left me, my mom married a new man who is an asshole and I made a new best friends but she disappeared five months ago before my other friend came back then we decided to find her and then I found out my other best friend was fucking a drug dealer. Yeah." She replied.

" I feel like a total bitch. Sorry about calling you a cop and all." The woman replied.

"Say, you never told me you're name."

"Kaikaina Grif, Grif calls me Kai while others call me Sister." Sister replied.

"Well Sister, I need you to come with me. You're sorta not in the right position right now. There are assholes out there who think you know stuff about them but you don't and said assholes will and try to kill you." South replied.

"Okay, you seem kind of nice. So I'm coming with you. Also about you're previous question, there's an asshole old man at red base and his hot Spanish speaking gray guy." Sister answered before South and her walks towards red base. Unlike blue base, something ominous is going on inside it but South can't put her finger on the problem as she looks around. She turns to sister.

"Stay here." South commanded before readying her battle rifle while taking slow steps. It is then a cardboard cutout of a pink soldier appears.

"Halt, in the name of the red- *clears throat* I mean "lightish red army. This base is operating at full capacity. And if you come in here, you're gonna get in to a big uhn-uh slap-fight!" The voice yelled at South who grimaces underneath her helmet and continues walking.

"Oh shit." She said while rolling her eyes.

"Don't come any further!" He warned before South walks again before another came up.

"This is your last warning, stay out! I love math!" South simply rips off the head of the cutout in calm rage before continuing to walk.

"Your only hope of survival is to kiss my commander's ass!" She further continues to walk and is stopped by another cutout but this time of an orange soldier with bullet holes and ash marks on it.

"And this is another warning: I know the other warning was supposed to be last, but I never listen to orders, 'cause I'm too lazy and stupid! And ugly. Did I mention ugly?"

"This is fucking stupid, I can tell already!" Another cutout appears before South to show a soldier aiming his shotgun.

"Yeah, freeze intruder! Stop yer intrudin' right there!" He ordered before South sighed in irritation.

"Who made these?" She asks.

"I did!" He replied before making South internally jump in fright.

"Wait, you're real!?"

"Of course I am. You fell for a classic misdirection. I still got it. Heh heh." He boasted before she sighs again. She got tricked by a sim trooper, most embarrassing moment in freelancer history.

"¿Esta todo bien aquí? (Everything okay there?)" A Spanish voice asks.

"We're fine, Lopez. Just caught myself a dirty Blue. How many does that make this week?" The man asks him.


"Yahtzee! We're on a hot streak!" He cheered before South makes an ahem at him as he turns around.

"I'm not a blue idiot. I'm from command." The soldier lowers his shotgun.

"Command, no kiddin'. I didn't think we were due for inspection." South remembered the records and found a name, Sarge but nothing else.

"Okay Sarge, the soldiers here-"

"How in Sam-hell do you know my name!? Who sent you!? The blues!?" Sarge accused her before raising his shotgun but South grabs his shotgun and takes it away from him.

"No, I looked at you're records. I was hoping you could tell me about the soldiers transferred out of this outpost." South replied before dismantling the shotgun but not breaking it.

"You mean Grif and Simmons? Those traitors. I told 'em not to go! The battle here isn't even over yet." Sarge replied to her.

"If you're talking about the yellow girl then she's under my protection and will be coming with me, period." South countered.

"So this means red team wins the war?" Sarge asks.

"More like will win the war, so tell me about the blue soldiers-I'll secure a cunning and ultra badass route of the blue team's retreat from the ever-so heroic red team. I promise." South bribed.

"Fine, fine. Lopez, give her the relocation ordered." Sarge ordered.

" Spanish." South observed.

"Yep, its a little hard to understand." South sighs before leaving with Sister as she signals her to come with her. They walk away from red base.

"Yeah that's right you dirty blue! Run away like the coward you are in that armor!" Sarge hollered in the distance as they walk away.

" said routed! I don't see routing!" He said.

"What are you talking about this time!?" South replied in annoyance.

"You said routed! I don't see fear, humiliation, and embarrassment while retreating!" Sarge replied to her before looking at Sister then looking back at him. She sighs in order to play along. South hits Sister causing her to yelp in pain.

"Why did you hit me!? That really hurts..." Sister winced and whimpered before getting up.

"Much better!" They get away from red base via canyon cave and distance themselves from Sarge's sight. South stops as they make it to the warthog she was using to get there. She gets her med kit.

"Take off you're helmet."

"I'm okay, once I got in by a car in the face." Sister replied before South takes off her helmet thus catching her off guard as South does the same thing to assure Sister that she's human as a sign. She gets the rubbing alcohol and rubs it on the tampon to rub it on her cheek as time froze around the blue team member.

"Um...why are you blushing?"

"You're kinda offense."