It was the day of the Payback ppv Dean was on edge the entire day he tried to hide it from Lily but she didn't pay him hardly any attention since she was still a little sick, in fact she didn't pay hardly anyone any mind she was still a little out of it. She clung to Dean as he carried her through the hallway down to catering after they had dropped their stuff off at the hide out she had her head buried in the crook of his neck.

"You alright sweetheart?" Dean asked.

"I still don't feel good Uncle Dean". Lily muttered.

"You'll feel better soon sweetheart i promise". Dean said.

"I wish mommy were here". Lily whispered.

Dean held his niece tighter a little he knew Grace's death hit her hard. "I know sweetie i know". He said then kissed her temple.

"Do you think dad and Nikki can watch me when you go out for your match tonight?" Lily asked.

"It's ok with me but you have to ask them". Dean said.

As they continued to walk to catering Dean had ended up running into Batista and Randy he stared at the two men with an icy death glare.

"What the hell do you want?" Dean asked coldly.

"Just came by to wish you good luck because after tonight there will be no more shield". Randy said.

Lily wasn't in the mood for any kind of crap so she quickly turned her head around. "Hey douche one and douche two why don't you save it for the ring tonight when all three of you get your butts kicked". She snapped.

Dean smirked knowing she had always had his attitude and temper the other two men had stormed off while Lily laid her head back onto Dean's left shoulder. "That was amazing sweetheart". He commented his niece.

"I'm just tired of them always being stuck up douche bags thinking they're better than everyone else, besides i didn't wanna hear any of what they had to say". Lily said.

"I can say that you have my attitude and temper". Dean said.

"Mom said i have a mixture of your temper and hers". Lily said.

"She's right about that when your mom got mad you didn't want to get in her way of what was gonna happen". Dean said.

"I've never seen her mad i seen her upset but never really mad". Lily said.

"When we were in high school and a girl was picking on your mom, she had ended up giving the girl a black eye, split lip, and two bruised ribs". Dean said.

"It's strange to hear that mom was fighting she didn't seem like the type to do it". Lily said.

"Trust me sweetheart your mom was a very good fighter in fact she told me she wanted to wrestle one day". Dean said.

"Why didn't she?" Lily asked.

"Well she had you and she didn't want you on the road all the time, she wanted you to have a good, stable home but once you were old enough she was gonna start wrestling". Dean explained.

"Did i mess up her chance to wrestle?" Lily asked.

"No, no sweetheart you didn't when she found out she was having you she wanted to give you a good life, she wanted you to have a home. It was nothing you did". Dean explained gently.

"But you brought me on the road and i'm fine". Lily said.

"Well back then you were just a baby and she didn't wanna bring you out at that time". Dean said.

"Why". Lily said.

"Because all babies could get sick easily since their immune systems aren't strong enough to handles things yet". Dean said.

"Oh ok". Lily said.

The two continued their way to catering when they finally arrived to see everyone sitting, eating, and talking, he spotted John with Nikki talking with Roman and Seth so he walked over to set Lily down in a chair by John.

"Hey guys". Nikki said.

"Hi Nikki, Hi daddy. Hi Roman, hi Seth". Lily said.

"Hey kiddo". Seth said.

"Hi Lily". Roman said.

"You feeling any better today princess?" John asked.

"I do but i still don't feel good". Lily said.

"I'll get you some soup". Dean said.

When Dean walked off John went to give Lily her medicine but forgot that Dean had the bag of the medication. "Lily have you had your medicine yet?" John asked.

"Not yet, Uncle Dean and I had overslept so we just packed and left". Lily said.

John was a little ticked so he got up and went over to Dean who was waiting for the soup. "Can i talk to you for a second?" John asked Dean.

"Um ok". Dean said.

The two had went into the hallway to talk. "Why didn't you give Lily her medicine when you got here?" John asked.

"Look here Cena don't you dare be the one to tell me how to parent Lily when i was the one who was there and you weren't". Dean snapped.

"You still can't let that go can you? That was in the past Dean let it go, what's done is done it can't be fixed". John said.

"And i didn't give it to her because i want her to eat something before she takes it, if she takes it and doesn't have food on her stomach she'll throw up. Don't come over here and question me on my parenting when you've only been a father for a short time, i know more about her then you do". Dean said.

"This isn't a competition to win her over Dean, i'm just trying to be a good father one a should have been for her all those years". John said.

"You are a good father John, it's still taking some time but you are a good father. I never seen her so happy after Grace died, when i look at her i see my sister and think of how much she's missing and i'm making it up to her everyday by taking care of Lily". Dean explained.

"I'm sorry i blew up at you Dean i'm still trying to figure this out as i go". John said.

"It's ok and i'm sorry too, i should let the past be the past and move on but uh let me say one thing. If you ever come at me like that again about my parenting skills your face is gonna meet the floor when i knock the hell out of you". Dean said.

"Noted". John said.

"The bag's in the locker room go get it". Dean said.

John had ran off to get the bag while Dean went back and had gotten Lily her soup and him a small something to eat, he brought Lily back at the soup when she was laughing at a joke Seth had told. Lily had started eating some of the soup with a side a crackers just then John had came back into catering with the medicine bag.

"Alright sweetheart time for some medicine". Dean said.

"Do i have to?" Lily asked.

"If you wanna get better yeah you do". Dean said.

Once Lily had taken her medicine she looked over at John and Nikki. "Dad could i stay with you and Nikki while Uncle Dean, Seth, and Roman have their match?" She asked.

"Sure sweetie". John said.

"We all should get ready soon". Seth said.

When everyone stood up ready to leave Lily quickly ran to John grabbing his shirt from behind. "Dad". She said.

"What is it honey". John replied.

"Will you be alright after your match?" Lily asked.

"I'll be just fine". John said giving her a reassuring smile.

Once everyone left they went back to their locker rooms to get ready, the guys had just got done strapping their vests on when Lily had let out a harsh cough and Dean had rushed to her side immediately gently patting her back.

"You alright sweetheart?" Dean asked.

"I'm ok". She said.

Seth had went into the bag and got the nine year old a halls. "Here you go sweetheart". He said.

"Thank you Seth. Uncle Dean can we go see dad before his match please". Lily said.

"Sure sweetheart come on though his match is soon". Dean said.

The two then left to go to John's locker room and the whole time Dean had kept his guard up as he kept glancing around making sure that Evolution isn't around.

"Uncle Dean?" Lily said.

"What is it sweetheart". Dean replies.

"Are they gonna get me again?" Lily asked.

"No sweetheart nobody'll ever hurt you again i promise". Dean said.

The two continued their way to John's locker room when they finally arrived, Dean knocked so they wouldn't walk in on John changing after a couple of minutes Nikki had opened the door.

"Hi guys come in". Nikki said.

The two enter the room just as John was finished tying his shoes, John looked over to see Dean and his daughter. "Hey guys". John said.

"Hey man someone wanted to see you before your match". Dean said.

Lily then went over to John and sat next to him holding onto his arm. "Good luck daddy". SHe said.

"Thanks honey". John said kissing her temple.

"Uncle Dean can i spend tonight with dad and Nikki please". Lily said.

"It's alright with me sweetheart". Dean said.

"We can have a movie night". Lily said excitedly.

"We'll have so much fun". Nikki said.

"I can't wait". John said.

John had seen the time and it was time for his match so he got up. "I gotta go now i'll see you guys after". John said.

"Good luck John". Dean said.

"Good luck handsome". Nikki said.

"Good luck daddy". Lily said.

John bro hugged Dean then kissed Nikki and Lily's head, when John left the room Lily had spoken up. "Is he gonna be ok?" She asked.

"He'll be just fine sweetheart we promise". Nikki said.


"This is a last man standing match set for one fall the only way to win is to incapacitate your opponent to where he cannot answer the referee's count of 10". Lillian announced.

John's music hit as he came running down. "Introducing first from West NewBury, Massachusetts, John Cena". Lillian announced.

John had done his pose and threw his shirt into the crowd just as Bray came out. "And his opponent Bray Wyatt". Lillian announced.

Once the two men were in the ring separated the ref started the match.

(Skip time)

Wyatt continued his onslaught on Cena, who was still struggling to stand. Wyatt's Sister Abigail finisher did not keep Cena down as he responded with the Attitude Adjustment, which wasn't enough to score the win. A brawl broke between The Usos and The Wyatt Family at ringside as Harper dove out of the ring at his foes. Meanwhile, in the ring, Wyatt cracked a chair across Cena's back. His next chair shot only struck the ring post. It was then Cena's turn to take advantage of the Last Man Standing stipulation. He whacked Wyatt with the chair and then brought a table into the ring. Wyatt drop suplexed Cena through the table. Cena barely managed to to rise before the 10-count. Wyatt then took to clocking his enemy with the steel steps. The level of viciousness increased, both men using more weapons, Wyatt performing Sister Abigail outside the ring and Cena flinging him into another set of steps before hitting a second Attitude Adjustment. Harper and Rowan rushed back to ringside. They mauled Cena before lifting Wyatt to his feet to beat the referee's count. The ref struggled to maintain control as The Usos and The Wyatt Family used each other to break tables out of the ring and Wyatt broke a barricade by crashing into Cena. Cena and Wyatt fought among the sound equipment, where Cena won by sending Wyatt through a crate with the Attitude Adjustment and burying him under equipment cases so Wyatt couldn't recover before the 10 count.

"The winner of this match John Cena!" Lillian announced.

John had went to helped The Usos and went backstage the second he was back there he was hit was a little force as two arms wrap around his legs tightly.

"I knew you could do it dad". Lily said.

The young girl then looked over to the twins who were slightly injured. "Are you guys ok?" She asked.

"We're fine little uce nothing to worry about". Jimmy said.

Everyone went back to their locker rooms, it was almost time for the match against The Shield and Evolution so Dean had quickly brought Lily to John's locker room.

"I got her". John said.

Dean had bent down to his niece's level and took a hold of her shoulders. "Alright sweetheart you stay here, i don't want you anywhere near that ring tonight do you hear me". Dean said.

"Yes Uncle Dean". Lily said.

"That's my girl". Dean said.

He then kissed her head a couple times and went off for his match while Lily had went into John's locker room, she had put her head down in sadness and John had became very concerned.

"What's wrong sweetie?" John asked.

"I don't want them to do the match, i'm afraid that one of them will get really hurt". Lily said.

"They'll be fine i'm sure of it, they're all amazing fighters besides your uncle is very stubborn when he wants to be". John said.

"I know but it's just the type of match it is". Lily said.

"I can promise you that they'll be ok". John said.

"I hope so". Lily muttered.


"This is a six man tag team elimination no holds bar match, the ways to be eliminated is by pinfall, submission, or disqualification". Lillian announced.

Evolution's music had hit and they came out. "Introducing first The Viper Randy Orton, The Animal Batista, and The Game Triple H, Evolution!" Lillian announced.

The trio had went down the ramp going into the ring doing their poses they then start to pace around the ring as they waited on The Shield. Just then The Shield's music hit as they came down. "Introducing their opponents Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, The Shield!" Lillian announced.

Once the other trio had hopped the barricades and had gotten in the ring a brawl had erupted between the six men, it was Randy going at Dean, Roman going at Batista, and Triple H going at Seth. Once the ref had restored order the match went under way.

(Skips time)

When the match descended into fighting between everyone once more, Rollins leaped from a production case only to suffer a blow with something metal from Triple H. Evolution began to emerge as the dominant faction in this battle, leaving every member of The Shield fallen throughout the arena. The trio sent Reigns through the Spanish announce table with a triple powerbomb. The focus remained on Reigns as Evolution attacked him with kendo sticks, bashed him with the steel steps and tore off his vest. Somehow, the powerhouse survived. Reigns would spear Batista for Rollins to pin and eliminate him. The shift of momentum toward The Shield continued. Ambrose performed a Dirty Deeds on Orton on a chair to take him out of the match. This left Triple H alone as the remaining Evolution member. Orton then handed Triple H his signature sledgehammer, and Triple H knocked Ambrose down with one shot. Rollins then performed a Springboard High Knee onto Triple H, followed by Reigns spearing him for the win.

"The winners of this match The Shield!" Lillian announced.

The three men had struggled to get up but managed to get up, Lily was ecstatic that the guys won so John went with her to surprise the guys they went out and Lily was running down the ramp into the ring while John stayed at the top of the ramp. Dean had seen his niece and picked her up holding her close kissing her temple. Lily then hugged the other two men and went back to Dean but she had a fun idea so she went for a mic.

"Believe in The Shield!" Lily shouted in the mic.

She dropped the mic as everyone went backstage so they can change and head back to the hotel, Dean quickly gave John the stuff for Lily he kept some of her stuff since they were in the same hotel. On the way there Lily had fallen asleep so once they had arrived Nikki offered to carry the bags while John carried a sleeping Lily, once everyone went to the floor they were staying on Dean had quickly placed a kiss on Lily's head.

"Sweet dream sweetheart". Dean whispered in her ear.

"Good night Dean". John said.

"Night man see you guys tomorrow". Dean said.

"See you then". John said.

When everyone had went to their rooms John had quickly woken Lily up to have her change into some pajamas then he and Nikki had tucked her into the other bed.

"G'night daddy...g'night Nikki". Lily said sleepily.

"Sweet dreams love". Nikki said.

"Good night sweetheart". John said.

The two kissed her head then quickly changed their clothes and went to sleep for the night.