AN: Last chapter for this fic. Song for this Chapter: Wonderland by Taylor Swift.

"When did you decide you wanted to be-" Elijah trails off.

"That day in France in the hotel room with the three vampires. Right before my birthday the first year." Elena answers. There are not very many black and white things in her life, but this is one of them. She knows what he's feeling, the conflict is on his face.

"Elijah, I love you." She reminds him gently and lets him digest that for a moment.

"But I didn't do this for you. I turned for me. We're gonna be fine. So if you feel guilt, don't. I want this, you aren't getting rid of me that easily." She smiles and he lets out a chuckle.

"Besides, there's no one else I could think of to teach me how to live as a vampire and we were planning on being here for a while anyway." Elena smiles at him, and he lets himself relax. He doesn't have to feel the grief that plagued his mind for those few long minutes, he doesn't have to feel the guilt that he thought he would.

"I need to call a witch to get you a daylight ring." Elijah says and she nods.

Maybe someday they'll settle down somewhere, some small town or big city, but that's not now. They're going to travel and love and dance and be themselves.

That's what she wanted for them in the beginning before she knew he loved her too, home is wherever he is. The future's going to be filled with tasks and challenges but as long as she has her family and friends, the world can throw anything at her.
