Hiya! Sorry I haven't updated in a while but here is the new chapter, hope you like. Oh don't forget to comment ;P

Disclaimer: Everything you recognise is most likely not my work :D


"Stop it Firecrotch you're going to burn all my hair off!" I yelled at Christian who was coming at me with fireballs nonstop.

"Oooh is the legendary Rose Hathaway scared of a little fire?" Christian grinned at me as he launched a fireball at my face. I tried to deflect it and failed. Again.

"Why can't I do this?" I screamed in frustration, trowing my hands in the air.

"Hey you can't always be kick-ass!" Christian laughed.

"Hey…are you still…you know, in love with Lissa?" I asked cautiously.

Christian froze, "Why would you say that?" his voice was stiff.

"Well your new girlfriend Angelica, who I by the way totally don't approve of, she looks like Lissa, they're like identical. Except for the fact the Angelica isn't a vampire and not as tall as Lissa." I pointed out accusingly.

"What no, they're nothing alike; I mean Angelica is nice..." Christian trailed off.

"You didn't answer my question Sparky, do you still love her?" I fingered the draw strings in my pants.

My question was met with silence.

"No. I don't." his voice was soft.

My head snapped up and I stared at Christian.

"How, she was your soul mate. How did you stop loving her?" I pleaded. I needed to know.

"I don't know, I just stopped, I realised that someone better would come along, and that Lissa wasn't my soul mate." Christian explained to me.

"So it just goes away?" I didn't understand how love like theirs just vanished.

"Eventually." Christian's tone was final.

Scowling I focused my thoughts on creating my own fireball, heat spread through my body; gathering at the tips of my fingers. I inhaled and felt power surge in me as fire erupted from my open palm. The gym crackled with electricity, euphoria took over. I was giddy with excitement, the fireball grew double in size as I pushed more of my magic and energy into the ball of fire.

"I did it! Did you see that, that was fucking awesome!" I squealed and jumped Christian, hugging him tight. Laughing, Christian spun me around; just as excited as I was.

"Now we will be unstoppable, nothing and no one will be able to destroy us." I said breathless, now that I could control the elements; use magic, no one could hurt Christian and I. We would finally be safe. I giggled out loud; darkness clouded the edges of my consciousness.

"Easy there Rosie, no need to get carried away." Christian chuckled at me, taking my arm and steering me to my room.


I sighed as I lay Rose down in her bed, trying to calm her ranting down. I watched her for a few seconds, sighing again at her black eyes, goofy smile and crazed expression. Rose looked high. It's been happening a lot since Rose started to show signs of being able to wield magic; darkness got the best of her sometimes, it was worse than Lissa. Rose was pretty slow at developing her power, finding it. At times, too overwhelming and she'd go all evil-Strigoi-killer-vamp, feeding seemed to make the darkness go away even if it's only temporary; it helps.

It has been over a year since we ran away, at first I thought that I would regret this decision for the rest of my life but soon I realised that it was the best decision that I've ever made. My thoughts went back to Rose, I know we never really go along but it's different now, Rose is truly something different. My heart hammered in my chest at the memories that Rose and I had made since coming to this place. For the first time in a very long time I was really and truly happy, no snobby royals, no rumours and no drama. I smiled to myself, thinking of Rose, she's been on my mind a lot lately, with everything going on; her developing powers, the hunger and now darkness I just want to help her but I don't know how. Worst of all; she's still hurting, Rose tries to hide it from me but I can always tell, anger boils my blood, I shake; bloody Lissa and Dimitri, damn them for what they have done to Rose. I would never treat Rose the way Dimitri treated her, she deserved better than that cradle-robber. I froze, confused as to where that thought had come from, shrugging I pushed it to the back of my mind.

Collapsing onto our couch I put on a movie and started to watch, half way through the movie I was starved, I groaned when I remembered that the feeder only comes tomorrow morning. Sighing I threw my head back and rested my eyes, letting my mind wander; a memory began to play in my mind, I shivered in anticipation of the images flicking at the back of my eyes. It was a memory that I constantly replayed, dreamed about and couldn't shake off the feelings and confusion that I was left with once it finished playing. Rose feeding off of me, it was that time when we ran out of class because Rose started to change and I had offered myself to her. The way Rose looked at me that day, touched me; I trembled at the memory. I had never experienced anything like it, it was enticing, sensual; I've never felt such ecstasy as when she ravished me. I moaned softly at the memory of her seductive smirk, Rose was intoxicating. My arousal grew as I remembered the feeling of Rose's fangs deep in my flesh, her curvaceous body against mine and the way her nails dug into my pale skin; drawing blood.

"Are you masturbating?" an amused voice cut me from my daydreams.

I almost jumped out of my skin in fright, I turned to face Rose frowning.

"No, I'm just really hungry." I told her half of the truth.

"You sure? You were practically having sex with the couch, thrusting about and moaning rather loudly." Rose snickered at me, mocking me.

"Oh Rosie, you're just jealous that I'm fucking the couch and not you." I smirked, trying to cover up my embarrassment.

Rose scoffed and rolled her eyes, making her way to the fridge where she pulled out last night's leftover pasta. I breathed a sigh of relief, when Rose tuned her back on me.

"I'm gonna take a shower, I still stink from training." I announced waking to my room.

I turned on the shower full blast and cold, hoping the freezing water would clear my head, I have no idea what's happening to me. For the first time since 'that night' I found myself admitting that I'm really, totally and fully head over heels in lust with Rose Hathaway. Ha

Ha! bet ya'll didn't think that would happen ;P

Thanks for reading and for that comment/reveiw you're writing right now ;P *smirks*