Authors note: Hey what's up Cat here, this is my first fanfiction so you know what that means...ITS PROBABLY GONNA SUCK. Well that's up for you guys to decide maybe you'll love it maybe you'll hate it, we'll see. But that doesn't mean I don't want you guys to comment please let me know if this is Naruhina goodness or naruhina trash. Well I've wasted enough of your time go and read it...go on.. DO ITTT

Disclamier : I don't own Naruto and I'm actually glad I don't because it would be horrible and really mushy. But Neji would be alive and Iruka would have a beard why?... Just because

" Why did this have to happen!" Hinata Hyuga let out an irritated sigh as she checked her watch for like the Hundred since she boarded the bus. It's seemed like luck just wasn't on her side today, she had decided to try to be a productive student and spend a good fifteen minutes studying for her biology exam in her university's library before work. But the lack of sleep from the previous night and the oh so boring material got the best of her. And the next thing she knew she was waking up thirty minutes later, her books scattered beneath her and a trail of drool leaking out of the corner of her mouth on one of library's tables. Giving her exactly ten minutes to get work on time.

Now here she was pacing back and forth on the bus heading towards her job holding her self back from running up and taking the stirring wheel from the bus driver,so she could drive at full speed to her job.

She had never been late before, she was always on time... early even, a role model employee and now her punctuality was about to be ruined over some stupid class she hated to begin with. Why oh why didn't anyone wake her up or even check to see if she was still breathing for that matter? Hinata knew with her kinda boss she knew she would not hear the end of this if she didn't get there on time.

Finally after what seemed like eternity the bus arrived at the bus stop. Hinata shoved her way through the crowd saying an "Excuse me" and a "I'm sorry" every chance she got until she was off bus. She wasted no time and sprinted as fast as her legs could go to her job down the street ignoring the weird looks she was receiving.

She practically fell to her feet in exhaustion when she bursted opened the doors of the cafe, breathing heavily scaring a few of customers. Her eyes instantly shot up to the clock hanging on the wall across from her and she couldn't stop a relieved grin from spreading across her face. She had done it! With one minute to spare, she finally made it to her cozy little job at the Sweet Delights cafe.

She tied her hair up into a ponytail and was about to make her way to the back counter to get her apron when some one in the corner of her eye caught her attention.

"Well look who finally showed up, ya had me worried for minute there- ttebeyo"

Hinata's shuttered in surprise as she quickly spun around to meet the owner of the voice. Her heart sped up instantly as her pale lavender eyes met blue ones. "N-naruto-kun" she managed to squeak out as she grabbed the edge of the table to keep her stable.

"The one and only, thank god your here Hinata this place would be a reck if I was left alone with it" he said giving her his trademark grin.

She let out an uncomfortable laugh as she nervously played with the end of her pony tail " Y-Yeah just in t-time."

He and Hinata had gone to high school together and used to be pretty good friends. Along with their large circle of friends, they use to hang out with all the time until junior year of high school.

Hinata had fallen hard for the blonde and one day (with the help of her girlfriends)summoned all her courage and told him that she liked him.


His reaction was not what Hinata had expected, At first he didn't say anything he just stood there and he looked at her for a long time in shocked. She got worried and was about to ask if he was alright but suddenly began nod his head, as if he finally understood what she said and smiled warmly at her. " Thanks Nata I really...uh appreciate that " he said slowly and appeared some what uncomfortable. " I don't know why your saying that so randomly like that but ok...I like you too in fact your one of my best friends in the world " he said laughing. Hinata tilted her head in confusion. What was he talking about? And why was he laughing?

" For a second there, I thought you were trying to say that you liked me, like you wanted me to be your boyfriend or something, oh man that would have been so weird, you really scared me.." He lightly padded her back as he continued to laugh. " So that was the big thing you wanted to tell me... Ugh and here I thought it was something important don't do that to me Hinata"

Hinata's eyes became as big as saucers and she finally pieced together why he was laughing, A cold sinking feeling over took her body. Him ever liking her was just a joke right? Her heart was broken into a million pieces that day. She thought she at least had a chance after he got over his crush on Sakura, but no matter what she did he still could not see her as anything but a friend.

"Ha Ha yep that was it, fooled ya I bet you were super nervous huh? she said laughing painfully. " I uh just remembered I needed to talk to Kiba about something I-I gotta go" she did even give him a chance to respond before she ran off towards the school. But she didn't stop there she ran and ran and Ran until she couldn't anymore. She curled up on one of the benches outside the gates where she couldn't be seen and let all her emotions out.

After that nightmare she tried her hardest to pretend like nothing happened and get over him but she couldn't it hurt her too deeply and she loved him too deeply.

So she chose the cowardly way, to run and hide. She told no one what happened between her and Naruto. She distanced her self from her circle of friends and him, making up excuses like she was busy with school work. And when things became too difficult she listened to her fathers wishes and went to study over seas for a few years.

When she returned to konoha, she decided to have a fresh start, so she moved out of her father's place and into her own, made sure to go to a different colleges from everyone and found a job on the other side of town. She thought she was finally beginning new a life and she could forget her past but when she found out Sakura Haruno would be working at the same job she was currently working at that all vanished.

Of course Sakura was enraged when she saw her and bombarded her with questions, Hinata tried to remain quiet but eventually broke and answered all of them. And Once Sakura understood the circumstances she forgave Hinata and they picked up right were they left off in there friend ship.

Life was good and just when she thought she was moving on HE came back into her life. Out of no where he suddenly came in the store one day asking for a job, Hinata was terrified and prayed that he wouldn't get it, but with his charming demeanor who could say no and just like that he had the job.

Thank the great heavens above that there schedules were different so they rarely saw each other. But each time they did it was always nerve recking for her. She feared that he would question her or yell at her for cutting him out of her life all those years ago but he didn't.

He acted like nothing happened and remained him self. Which was a relief but also kinda pissed her off at the same he not care about her at all? Was their friend ship really nothing?

Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard some one call her attention.

"Excuse me madam!" Hinata look down to see that she was over filling the customers coffee cup. "Oh my god I-im soo sorry sir!" She nearly shrieked as she quickly grabbed some napkins out of her apron pocket and started wiping down the table.

The coffee was every where some even manage to get on her clothes despite having an apron on ruining her new beige sweater dress and white leggings.

She then declared in her head this was probably one of the worst days she has had in a long time. Suddenly she felt large warm hands gently place them selves on top of hers and looked up to see Naruto look at her with a warm smile.

" I'll take care of this you clean your self up ok" he said lifting her hands away from the soggy napkins.

"Uh.. yes t-thank you" she said looking down avoiding eye contact and trying not to blush.

She could of sworn she saw him frown as she looked down but when she went to double check he was cleaning the table. It must have been her imagination... man did she need some sleep.

It was almost closing time there was no one left in the shop expect for her and Naruto...Great! now things were really awkward.

Hinata tried desperately to count the money in the register as quickly as she could so she could leave.

What made it worst is that she could feel Naruto's eyes piercing into the back of her skull like knives like he wanted to say something to her but couldn't. She had enough if he wasn't going to say anything by himself she would make him. She turned around sucked in her breath and SAID!

"I-is there something wrong N-naruto-kun" really threatening Hinata.

But she guessed it worked because he looked thrown off guard.

"Ahhaha sorry I didn't mean to stare" he said scratching the back of his neck. "I wanted to ask if you were ok, you seem out of it did something happen?"

She looked down still avoiding his gaze, YOUR WHAT HAPPENED is what she wanted to say but she lied instead and said "No everything's fine" but Naruto saw right through her.

"Don't lie to me, you were never good at doing that" he said almost laughing.

He walked closer to her and placed a hand on her shoulder causing her to look up at him.

"Come on I don't bite tell me whats up ttebeyo" Hinata gave him a small smile.

" I'm fine I've been j-just studying too hard and kinda stressed my self o-out" which was true but not the whole truth.

Naruto stared at her while squinting his eyes and rubbed his chin as if trying to read her mind. She nearly bursted out laughing but held her cool. "Hmmmmm..ok I believe you, you should try laying off the books and relax once in a while" he said and then all of a sudden he lit up with excitement.

"Oh! I have an idea you come over my place after work" he said nearly jumping. " Me and our old classmates are hanging out at my apartment tonight you should come too it will be fun!"

Hinata didn't know what to do its been a long time since she has spoken to anyone from there old circle of friends besides sakura. Would this be ok? What if they all hated her now!? And didn't want to see her again after all no one made much of an effort to contact her.

" I-I don't know I-If thats a good id-"

" Oh come on Hinata lighten up would ya, forget it you no longer have a choice your coming hinata thats final" he said cutting her off before she could finish.

"And would ja look at that its 9:00, closing time so we can leave now" he said smiling brightly at her. Damn it! just her luck.

"I'll get the lights and keys so wait for me kay" he yelled as he ran towards the back room.

Hinata was weighing her options here, she could easily grab her coat and make a mad dash towards the door...but then she would look like a bad person. Oh! she could lie and say she got a text from her sister and there was a emergency! But thats a little sketchy..Or she could- just then Naruto came running back holding the keys to the store in his hand.

"Ok all taken care off lets go ttebayo!" he said grabbing her hand a leading her out the door.

Her face turned tomato red at the feeling of there hands pressed together...well soo much for giving up on him.