Takes place early relationship, call it between 5x01 and 5x02, when we all know they were pretty much constantly doing it. Rated T for a couple swears and implied sexytimes.

Kate Beckett was not inept at technology. Sure, she didn't always need the latest and greatest like Castle did, but she knew enough to get by. She'd even set up her own Wifi network, not that it was very hard, thank you very much. In fact, she secretly liked seeing the network names that her neighbors used. Her favorite, so far, had been FuckLeBron. That anonymous owner was obviously a Cleveland native.

So she was a bit taken aback one afternoon when, not long into her suspension (and their "sexathon," as Castle called it), she had to reset her connection and noticed that everyone had recently changed their network names. All of them. To a very similar name. At first she chuckled; what a passive-aggressive way to relay a message to a neighbor.

But her chuckle quickly turned into a horrified gasp when she realized that she wasn't in on the joke. Therefore, it had to be directed towards her. Kate slammed her laptop closed. Shit. She was never going to be able to face her neighbors again. She'd have to move out, secretly, in the middle of the night.

Kate carried her laptop into her bedroom and perched next to the figure in her bed. "Castle," she stage-whispered, poking his side. At the muffled groan – his head was buried in his pillow like it usually was first thing in the morning – she shoved his shoulder instead. "Castle, wake up."

Rick rolled on top of Kate, pinning her underneath him in a surprisingly smooth move for someone who was half-comatose. "Hey," he murmured in a low growl, the rumble of his chest sending waves of arousal straight through her.

Beckett managed to pull herself together and pushed him off of her. She pulled the computer out from under her hip. "We can never have sex here again," she said sternly, opening the network settings before turning the screen towards her boyfriend.

Castle ran his fingers through his ruffled hair, yawning widely. "What do you mean?" His eyes focused on the screen in front of him and he barked out a laugh. "Are you serious right now? This is a joke, right?" One look at Kate, though, and the laugh was glared right out of him. "Oh, shit, I'm sorry, it's embarrassing. But even you have to admit it's pretty genius."

Kate narrowed her eyes, but Castle couldn't keep his laughter in anymore and before long they were both doubled over, tears streaming down their faces, grabbing each other to keep from falling off the bed.

Castle recovered first. "You know," he finally managed to hiccup, "this doesn't necessarily mean we can't do it here anymore." He wiggled his eyebrows. "You just have to try harder at being quiet."

Kate wiped her cheeks. "Whatever you say. Hey, what are you doing?"

Castle had grabbed the laptop and, after a few clicks of the mouse and keyboard, showed Kate what he'd done.

At some point in the past week, her neighbors had all changed their networks to variations of "We can hear you having sex."

Hers now read "Not just winter that's coming."

Idea from the following tumblr prompt (this may not be the exact wording cuz I can't find it now): "is it awesome or awkward that every wireless network in the building except ours is named 'we can hear you having sex?'" I think it was from putthepromptsonpaper

A/N: I'd like to thank the anonymous neighbor who doesn't know that I borrowed their old "FuckLeBron" network name for this fic. You made me laugh for the several months you had that name and for that I thank you.