Levy was unable to sleep kicking her feet off of the ledge of the bed as she sat on the corner. The dimly lit candle flickered to the soft breeze of an exposed window. With the moonlight seeping in, the only movement aside from hers was dancing dust particles.

She smiled softly to the prospect to a new friend. Few came from only the privileged like her. Very little she knew from the inside her caged in bubble. When she tried to speak to anyone lower, they ran on terms of 'working' to appear busy freaking her unbeknownst 'wrath.' Asking any further question on elaboration was not an option.

Yet Gajeel didn't fall back, a half-way normal conversation she held for the first time which made her soul flutter. When she drew past his rough nature, he was fairly cute. After getting through the abrasive introduction, he became flustered. She even caught the light pink dusting on his cheeks giggling at it as she skipped off in a bliss.

No. She reprimanded herself as she kicked her small shoes off letting them sloppily tap down on the wooden floor clicking as they fell into their resting position. She laid herself in bed clutching the satin pillow tightly to her chest in lieu of a board body. She nuzzled her face to the pristine fabric before falling asleep.

The sun rose the following morning, beating rays on Gajeel's face through the curtain less window. A loud animalistic growl he let out from the unwelcomed disturbance waking his slumber. He draped his arm over his eyes covering some of the light but not the heat that lit up his skin.

"I'm sorry Gajeel!" Juvia came rushing in with black fabric draping over her arm as she had sloppily yanked off of the wall. "Gray-sama need clothes and –"

"You took my curtains for…get out!" He barked at her making her drop the fabric in a panic as she rushed out.

"Gray-sama! Gajeel is being mean to Juvia again!"

With his gloves slipped onto his hands, he proceeded to pick up iron rods setting them aside for future work. The wood he had not so kindly asked Natsu to set aside had been moved into sloppy piles making him snicker. More work for him to complete.

Even with only a few hours of day light starting off the morning, the humidity pumping through the air brought the few outdoors down in stamina. A beat of sweat slipped down before having a chance to lift his thick locks into a low pony tail.

The scurrying of legs moving slowed down this morning as it was everyone's day of rest. Though for the few including Gajeel, work never appeared to be finished.

After sitting the desired metal aside, he finally sat down for a small break out of the blistering sun. The spot he took on the rusty bench he had built was a creaking pain but it served its purpose. His eyes focused on nothing in particular as Juvia stepped out of their shared home to hand him a drink.

The deep cobalt from Juvia's hair sprang his thoughts to the petite princess. There was nothing quite remarkable in his life. Yet Levy seemed to have a soft interest. He shook his head to the thought assuming it was just pity.

The mess of thoughts was becoming a lot to deal with. He was never one for feelings as he'd never had a reason to face any other than anger. Anger from being abandoned and having to fend for himself for a good damaging amount of time. Just by sheer luck did the two come into his life, he often thanked the world that they both ended up in the same situation. Well now guilt was added onto anger only increasing his first emotion.

Fuck. He growled out to the point of almost snapping the delicate cup in his hand.

"Oi Juv—" He turned towards what was supposed to be the seated blunette. When he looked, she had sprang up without his knowledge to follow Gray who had finally awoke slumping out of the house. He stretched before Natsu came out from the next home trying to typically start a fight.

He let out an annoyed grunt unwilling to join in like usual.

"Yo metal face! You ready!" Natsu came up to Gajeel with a visible stinging red mark on his skin still unable to shake his grin. He held their cheaply made fishing poles over his shoulder with Juvia behind him holding her homemade basket.

"I have work to do, I'll meet you guys there later." Gajeel's stood back up tugging to make sure his gloves were on tight.

Gajeel turned the corner passing the two slanted pine trees leading the way to the group's typical fishing spot. The stream was quiet and relaxing, a place where they could get away from the world's worries.

For the few times, this was the place he saw Natsu down from his active high long enough to quietly and calmly hold the pole.

He came beside the cherry blossom haired man watching his friend's at play. Juvia dipped into the water following in after Gray. She seemed to always be more of a natural in the freezing liquid.

Gajeel snickered at their stupidity choosing once again to ignore them.

The hours flew by rather successfully. Dinner for the next few days was caught by a dual effort by Natsu and Juvia. They remained seated around the fire they had built as the blunette and cherry blossom haired man were wringing their hair out.

The realization of meeting the petite princess had begun to slip his mind when his ears perked to the thought.

"I have to go." Gajeel stood without any further word picking up his coat that hung up grown root.

"Where is Gajeel going?" Juvia looked up to the long haired man questioning his actions.

Gajeel tsked before slipping his hands into his pockets. "No your business." He began to walk away before hearing her voice pitch up with a squeaking excitement.

"Gajeel had a girlfriend!" She covered her mouth as he gave her a menacing scowl.

"Humph." He kicked away the grit before him while on his way leaving his friends behind.

Levy sat on the bank of the river slowly flicking small pebbles letting the stream take them along. She quickly ran out of distractions while waiting for him to appear. As she stood, she softly sighed dusting herself off leaving the patch of plucked grass behind.

Too much to expect?

She took steps forward looking down counting each step as she went along. The crisp air brushed against her cheeks before crashing into a warm wall like body that she suddenly jumped back to.

"Oi Shrimp, what are you runnin' off to?" Gajeel looked down at her rubbing her forehead as she met his gaze.

The two sat beside each other as Levy fidgeted with her fingers. They remained quiet staring at the water glistening to get their minds off of the silence.

Gajeel looked every so often to his right catching her now fidgeting with her fingers with nerves that he mistook for boredom. He gulped mentally kicking himself as he was unable to come up with something to say.

Just say anything. He curled his lip frustrated with himself.

As he turned to her, she remained oblivious to his watchful stare. He studied the curves of her curls, the way they danced down into a plie.

He thought to tuck the curl behind her ear as not to obstruct her face but turned against it.

The blunette looked up at him just as he turned away. She first focused on the cascading studs on his arm leading into ragged scars. She wanted to reach over just to curiously know how they'd feel under her digits. She bit her lip quickly nipping the idea.

She looked up to him to study him further but he turned at the perfect moment

Gajeel tsked and Levy let out a squeak of surprise before turning away with a pink tone dusting on each other their cheeks. They placed their hands between their legs as not to get into trouble.

"So what did you want to talk about shrimp?"

Levy squirmed in her seat trying to and failing to think on her toes. "Oh um…" She stumbled on her words while holding her cheeks unaware of his confused expression.

"Don't over heat now, gi hi."

Levy huffed puffing her cheeks before relaxing listening to his unique laughter. She let her breath go exhaling breathing in a sense of comfort.

"Can you tell me about yourself?" The blunette looked up to him with bright hazel eyes that glistened.

His breath hitched from her questioning as he awkwardly scratched the back of his head. "Shouldn't you go first?" Levy looked up at him puzzled. "You know…ladies first." He coughed out while looking away.

The blunette nodded and began to give vague details on how she was an only child and how she lost her mother.

As she spoke, it gave Gajeel the opportunity to focus on her on the pretense of listening. He knew those small details about her and nodded while 'listening.' He focused on her lips.

She'd part them to smile at some bright points that he found himself matching hers before pushing down into a frown.

"Hmm?" Levy turned gaining a bright pink tone as he started with a softened expression that changed as he noticed.


"I think it's your turn." Levy looked up at him with curiosity as to what he had to say.

"Humph., there's nothin' to say." He grunted.

"O-Of course there is! There always is!" Levy grabbed his hands suddenly brining a confused sound. She squeezed his gloved hands in excitement before he pulled away. "Like, what do you do?"

"F-Fine." He coughed from stammering his words. "I do iron welding and…" He trailed off lifting the bow front and center on her dress propping up the rosy cushion cut gem, "treasure hunting."

Levy looked down without hesitation before coming up to the ruby gems that were his irises.

"Really?" She gleamed. "Will you take me one day?"

"Huh?" A perplexed look drew on his face from the question he wasn't expecting. "Sure 'bout that?"

With an excited smile, she nodded.

A/N: I apologize that things are going so slow (In terms of story progression - me updating late bc i have other fics is another story) but I didn't want to rush things. Honestly I have no clear idea as to where this is going. I have like 3 options so not sure which one i'll take!

response to Guest: Yes my family is also from there! & I try and go at least once a year; sometimes more...I don't like in a boarder state but still not so far :) umm it is aztec inspired in that sense but it wont go fully into depth (at least i dont think so) you know with the whole spanish conquest...