Harley and Bruce were sitting next to Alfred's bed, he had been sick for days and it didn't look like it was letting up anytime soon. Harley had been living with Bruce Wayne since he had rehabilitated her after the Joker died and they started dating, she turned to Bruce.

"What's wrong with him?"

"I ran some tests…he's been poisoned" Bruce replied

Harley was shocked and confused "Who would poison Alfred? None of your enemies know you're Batman…Do they?"

"Selina wouldn't do this and certainly none of the Bat family would. I can't imagine anyone who knew I was Batman that would do this"

"Master Bruce" Alfred said weakly

"Alfred take it easy, please, for me" Bruce replied

"I know someone to take my place to care for you while I recover"

"Alfred, I don't need someone to take your place" Bruce replied

"Master Bruce I don't know how long it will take for me to get better, I promised your parents that I would make sure you were safe and god dammit I will do whatever it takes"

Bruce sighed "Fine if it will stop you from stressing yourself, who is it?" Bruce asked taking out his phone.

"His name is Jack Napier, I've been told by a close friend he is someone we can trust"

"Ok" Bruce said as he took the man's phone number, he left Harley to care for Alfred as he left the room to call Jack Napier. He listened to the phone ring for a while until he heard the sound of the phone being answered.

"Hello, Jack Napier speaking" Bruce heard from the other side of the phone.

"Yes this is Bruce Wayne from Wayne Enterprises"

"Oh yes, good afternoon Mr Wayne is there something I can do for you?"

"My butler Alfred Pennyworth is unwell and he suggest you to take his place while he recovers, would you be able to do that?"

"I would be honoured"

"I don't mean to be any trouble but could you by any chance come over as soon as possible? We can give you one of the spare rooms"

"Of course, I'll be right over"

"Thank you" Bruce said hanging up the phone and walking back into Alfred's bedroom where Harley was holding a cold rag on Alfred's forehead.

"What did Mr Napier say?" Harley asked

"He said he'll be over as soon as possible"

"It's good to know you'll be taken care of Master Bruce"

"I would have been fine but as long as it helps you recover"

Harley and Bruce left Alfred to rest and closed the door to the bedroom when they heard the door knock.

"I think Mr Napier is here" Bruce said approaching the door, Harley followed closely behind Bruce. He opened the door to reveal an extremely tall pale man with brown hair and green eyes. He wore a black suit and tie and a dark grey shirt.

"You must be Jack Napier" Bruce said holding out his hand towards the man.

"Yes and you're Master Wayne of course" he said shaking Bruce's hand, he then turned to Harley "And you must be Miss Quinzel" he said holding out his hand towards Harley, she shook it timidly and he smiled at her so wide it was unnatural. She shuddered at the reminder of The Joker.

"I…prefer Harley"

"Of course Miss Harley" he said as he bowed to her politely still smiling at her. Harley moved closer to Bruce holding onto his arm, Jack's smile fell and turn into seriousness. Harley thought he looked even more serious than Bruce and that was saying something.

"This way, I'll show you your room" Bruce said leading Jack into the mansion, Harley follow staying close to Bruce.

Bruce whispered to Harley "Harley, is there something wrong? You seem shy tonight"

"I don't know, something about him makes me…uncomfortable"

"I know what you mean but Alfred suggested him so we may as well deal with it"

They stopped at one of the spare rooms, Bruce opened the door and let Jack into his room.

"You can stay here for the meantime"

"Thank you, that's very kind of you Master Wayne"

"I know that Christmas is coming up soon and I suppose that you would want to go visit your family" Bruce stated.

"Family?" Jack replied uncomfortably putting down his suit case

"Yes, you have family right?" Harley asked

"Uhh no, they umm they pay me to stay away from them" Jack said unpacking his things

"That's terrible"

"Oh don't worry about me my dear, I'm here to take care of you and Master Wayne. It is not my place to bring my personal life to work"

"Ok well…I'll leave you to unpack" Harley said walking towards the door, she stopped at the door way and turned around to face him again "You remind me of someone"

"Oh…I do?" he asked finishing his packing and walking towards her

"Yeah but I can't figure out who" Harley said studying him closely.

Jack walked past her to exit the room and whisper to her "I can think of couple of people toots" he grinned at her walking down the hallway.

"What did you just call me?!" Harley asked slightly offended

"Sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of how big this mansion is!" He yelled back to her as he left down the hall, she swore she could hear him chuckling as he left.

Later that night Jack had made tea for Harley and Bruce and was serving it to them when Bruce noticed the time.

"Oh! I didn't realise the time, I need to go to work"

"Aww come on Brucie, can't you take the night off? We could go have some fun?" Harley said seductively.

Jack spilled the hot tea on Bruce's lap when he heard what Harley said, she gasped as Bruce yelled in pain "Sorry Master Wayne, I've been feeling a bit off today" Jack said handing Bruce a napkin to clean his lap.

"That's quite alright, that reminds me I will need you to help me with my work and Alfred said you were trustworthy" Bruce said cleaning the tea off his lap.

"Yes, of course Master Wayne"

"Bruce I don't think it's a good idea to tell him" Harley began

"Alfred suggested him and I hold all my trust that Alfred made the right decision"

"Tell me what?" Jack asked curiously

"I'm Batman" Bruce said firmly, Jack was speechless as he stared in shock at Bruce "I need you at the Bat computer to help me through the night and if you tell anyone my identity I swear you'll regret it"

"My lips are sealed" Jack said as he let a small chuckle escape him.

Two weeks later

Bruce was sitting at the bat computer muttering to himself, Harley approached him.

"Something bothering you?"

"Yes there are some files missing from the bat computer but no one has been on here" Bruce said noting down all the missing files "Most of them are Jokers files"

"I'm telling you, it's that Jack character he gives me the creeps"

"How so?"

"He reminds me of…of…"

"Who?" Bruce asked turning around to her.

"He reminds me of…him. I know, I know, it sounds stupid because he has his hair shaved around the sides and Jay…uhh Joker would never do that but I can't help but think that…" she trailed off as she considered the idea that the Joker wasn't dead after all.

Bruce stood up and embraced her "He's gone Harley, you don't need to be scared anymore"

"What?! Who said Jay scared me?!" she asked pulling away from him.

"Harley, I didn't mean to…"

"You know what?! I honestly don't care! You were just another person who didn't understand our relationship!"

"You call what you had with that maniac a relationship?!"

"He loved me and you killed him!"

"He never loved you Harleen!"

"How would you know?!"

At that moment they realized that Jack was standing in the door way holding two tray with Harley and Bruce's Breakfast on them.

"Is this a bad time?" he asked setting down the trays on the desk.

"No Jack its fine, thank you for bringing us breakfast"

Jack noticed that Harley seemed upset "Is something wrong Miss Quinn?"

"No Jack I'm fine" Harley said storming out the room.

Jack sighed and turned to Bruce "Jee woman, can't live with them, can't live without them"

Bruce looked at him carefully as he picked up Harley's breakfast probably to take it to Harley where ever she ran off to "You're not by any chance tied or related to…The Joker by any chance?"

"No Master Wayne and I hope I never meet the bastard" Jack replied formally, it seemed enough to convince Bruce so he went back to the Bat computer as Jack walked out the exit talking quietly to himself.

"Not long now, all it takes is a little push" he chuckled as he walked to Harley's room where he could hear her sobbing. He set the tray down on Harley's side table as she cried into her pillow "Is there anything I can get you Miss Quinn? A glass of water perhaps?"

"No I'm fine" Harley sniffed "And you can call me Harley…Just Harley"

"Of course Miss Qui…Harley" He said cleaning up things off Harleys floor when she noticed a bag hanging out his back pocket, she grabbed it from his pants out of curiosity and he turned around to look at her quickly.

"What's this?" she asked but she already knew what if was…poison…particularly the type that was used to poison Alfred.

"I don't know" he looked confused "Now where did that come from?" he asked taking it from her examining it.

"Don't play dumb with me" she said sternly

"Harley, I honestly don't know what this is. I don't exactly specialize in chemistry my dear"

"You poisoned Alfred!" she yelled

"Miss Quinn please calm down, I don't know where this came from or how it got in my suit pocket" he said trying not to raise his voice.

"Fine but if you give me any more reason for me to suspect you of something, you'll be dealt with" she threated.

"Yes, I understand Miss Quinn" he said leaving the room with the bag, Harley followed him and to her surprise he gave it to Bruce for him to dispose of properly but Harley still suspected he was not who he was saying he was.