***I still don't own Ben 10, or Dragon Ball Z!***

***Saiyan Name Vegetable Puns: Carogo = carrot, Cauliflowenks = cauliflower, Gine = negi, Luxes = lettuce.***

Mission Objective: Eliminate a Threat to Vegeta!

Ben was busy thinking about how he was going to get a good workout routine set up so he could better harness his newfound power. He and the rest of his crew found a good cave to set up camp, and were currently planning out how to go about taking over this planet.

"...Cauliflowenks will then take out the Capital city with his strongest attack, leaving the rest of us to scavenge the ruins for anything of value. Any questions?" Carogo asked as she finished going over the plan of attack.

"Huh? Wha?"

Ben was broken from his thoughts, and obviously hadn't been paying attention to the plan. And while Carogo was annoyed by this, she did have an idea as to why he wasn't listening. He probably doesn't even know why they're wiping out the Kreeggians in the first place.

"Ben, do you know why my father sent us to annihilate this planet's inhabitants?" Carogo asked.

"No. Why is that? Can't we just settle this diplomatically instead of resorting to bloodshed?" Ben asked in return.

"Father already tried that." Carogo said.

Upon seeing the confused look on her new crew mate's face, the Saiyan princess decided to further explain what she meant.

"About two years before you were found by my parents, they came to this planet to try and negotiate a peace treaty with the Kreeggians. The Saiyans would open trade routes with them, as well as provide aid during times of war. However, these barbarians don't want peace. They wish to conquer the Saiyan home planet for some galactic warlord known as Vilgax." Carogo explained.

Upon hearing the warlord's name, Ben grew furious. He remembered all the times that old squid face tried to kill him in order to get the Omnitrix, and it caused him to unconsciously flare his Ki.

"Whoa, dude, calm down! You want these mutated freaks to sense us!?" Luxes asked incredulously.

While he was still angry about the mention of his arch nemesis, Ben decided that the mission was more important than his own pitiful squabbles. So he got his power under control. But just barely.

"I take it you and Vilgax have some sort of bad history with each other." Cauliflowenks stated.

"You can say that. Yes." Ben replied.

That's when Gine decided to save Ben from the interrogation that was sure to take place. And the best way to do that was with a Saiyan's only other weakness. Namely their monstrous appetites.

"Okay, y'all, food's ready!" Gine said.

And boy was it a spread unlike anything Ben had ever seen before. There was meat, hearty veggies, fresh fruit, clean drinking water, all that good stuff. And if definitely already had her teammates sitting at their assigned spots with their mouth's watering.

"We can finish interrogating our teammate later. For now, let's put all that good meat you guys caught to good use!" Gine said.

"Magical…!" Carogo breathed with stars in her eyes. "Go ahead and eat as much of this as you want, Ben! Gine's cooking is second only to my mom's!"

Now normally, Ben wouldn't go about eating strange food like this. But then again, normal has never been a word in the boy's dictionary. So, he decided to go ahead and fill his empty belly. As soon as the food touched Ben's tongue, his eyes widened in shock and amazement.

A quick x-ray of Ben's brain cavity reveals that his mind both literally and metaphorically blew up from the intensity of the flavor.

"Sweet mother of Neptune's mother…! WHAT HAVE I BEEN EATING ALL THIS TIME!?"

Ben soon began to eat at a normal pace, but with much more gusto. Something that the rest of the crew soon began to do themselves. Hey, Saiyans may eat a lot, but they know how to savour great cooking. Especially since Gine happens to be the best cook on the whole crew.

"So, Ben, why did you freak out when I mentioned Vilgax? Does it have anything to do with your past?" Carogo asked.

"Yeah, it does. When I was ten and up until this point, Vilgax kept coming after me in order to get his hands on the Omnitrix." Ben replied.

"And that's the device that turned you into a living version of the Codon Stream, correct?" Luxes asked.

"Yeah." Ben said.

The others could easily tell that this conversation wasn't one that would get them a lot of info out of Ben, so they dropped the subject for now. They knew they'd have to help him with his training tomorrow, so they decided to finish eating and get to bed early.

***To Be Continued…***

HELP! I need help with designing a look for the Kreeggians! Please send in your ideas VIA review! Thank you, and good day.