A/N: Updated and reposted 11/2/17

Hiro, Xon, and Gryder were messing around their dorm room. The three had just entered the Academy a few days ago. So excited were they to join the mighty Amestrian military, they had applied for entrance as soon as they were eligible. They were best friends from childhood and were lucky to be assigned to the same room. All the underclassmen were getting settled in when they heard a light laugh from down the hall.

A feminine laugh.

The boys traded startled glances. A girl? In their hall? This deserved investigation.

Three heads poked out their door to try and find the source of the laughter. Just down the hall was a telephone and there was a girl using it. Jerking his head, Xon indicated that they should listen in and maybe introduce themselves to the girl. After all, there were only a handful of ladies in the entire academy, so getting a head start might improve their chances with her.

As quietly as they could, all three boys slunk down the hall, trying not to be seen.

Another burst of laughter brought them to right around the corner of the phone. It was the perfect eavesdropping spot. Now they could hear everything she was saying without being seen. Her voice changed from playful to more sober.

"Yeah, I've gotten settled in okay. The room is exactly like all the military hotels I've stayed in in the past. No fuss, no muss. Just what I'm used to."

The golden haired girl slouched against the wall, twisting the phone cord around her finger. She was like no one they had ever seen before. She also seemed to have no regard for military regulations, with her loose hair, tattoo, and seriously non-regulation clothing. Damp gold hair hung loose around her shoulders. She was barefoot, wearing a tank top and short sleep shorts that barely covered any of her body.

She looked like a goddess.

(Though any girl would look like a goddess to a bunch of teenage boys.)

"Of course, I won't really be settled in till I've destroyed something." A sharp toothed grin spread across her face as she listened to the voice on the other end. "What, do you want me to break something?" An outraged squawk was clearly heard along with what was probably a long, furious lecture or rant. She smirked the whole time she listened. "Fine, fine. Don't get your knickers in a twist." She held up a hand as if making a vow. "I solemnly swear I will do my very best not to destroy anything." She paused. "Maybe."

She listened for a moment longer, a tiny smile curling her lips up. "All right, ya fussbudget, I have to go. Long day tomorrow and all that. Right, say hi to Hawkeye for me. Bye." With a sigh, she replaced the phone on the hook.

Her whole posture changed as she stood upright. Stretching her hands up to the sky, her back popped and she sighed. "Ah, that's better." She rolled her shoulders as she headed down the hall. "Better get ready for classes tomorrow. So much to do, so little time to do it."

They watched her walk away, a slight limp evident in her gait. Gryder hissed in a breath and pointed a shaking hand at her retreating form. Xon and Hiro followed his finger.

She had a metal leg.