Zendaya x Veronica

Bella comes to guest star once more on a new episode of K.C Undercover, and Veronica gets slightly jealous at the two's close relationship.


Veronica quietly sat in the back of the set watching Zendaya and Bella chat. Veronica watched very closely at every laugh, touch, or grin they shared. Veronica couldn't help but slightly frown at all the attention Z was giving to the redhead. Of course she understood that the two had been best friends for a while, but she didn't know they were that close. Veronica let out a slight sigh of relief as the two parted, possibly meaning that Zendaya was needed back on set.

Veronica plastered on a fake smile as Bella walked towards her, grinning. " Hey Veronica! " Bella chirped happily, being her usual bubbly self.

" Hey... " Veronica said flatly as Bella giggled, " It must be amazing being on set with Z, we barely have time to talk anymore! " Bella spoke as Veronica nodded, mentally groaning to herself.

She didn't quite understand why she was so ticked off by this girl, this was Zendaya's best friend, so she would most likely like her. But something about how Zendaya and Bella act towards each other bothered her... The two almost seemed to be in a relationship that counts as "More than just friends"...

She shook away the thought as she grinned at Bella, nodding, " Yeah... It is pretty amazing... I can see why you love her so much... " Veronica said as Bella giggled once more, " Yup! ZenZen and I have been friends for years! And I really do love her! " Bella chirped as she used an old nickname for Zendaya.

Before Bella could say anything else, a directors loud, booming voice could be heard, " Bella! Zendaya! We need you on set! " The director called out as Bella looked at Veronica, " Alright, I gotta go. Nice talking to ya! " Bella said as Veronica nodded in response, watching Bella trot onto set. Veronica let out a sigh as she ran her hand through her hair, sitting on a chair nearby which gave a clear view of the set. She couldn't understand what se was feeling, she has a boyfriend, an amazing job, and loyal fans, she has all she wants... Right?

Veronica smiled slightly as she watched Zendaya act as her character K.C, almost completely forgetting about Bella. It was only until she noticed that Z seemed to have misstepped while she was walking and tripped. But instead of falling onto the floor she fell into Bella, knocking the two onto the floor. Zendaya managed to catch herself so she wasn't completely crushing the poor girl under her. The two shared an awkward silence as Zendaya's face hovered inches apart from Bella's.

Something about the two being so close in a "More than friends" position made Veronica's stomach churn. She bit her bottom lip as she squeezed the arms of her chair, trying not to be affected by the two. " They're just friends... They're just friends... " Veronica quietly chanted to herself, soon calming down.

Veronica started to get up from her seat and start to make her way over to the set to check if Zendaya was okay, but froze once Bella started to laugh. The sight of Bella laughing seemed to have made Zendaya slightly smile, soon making her laugh as well. Zendaya stood up as she helped up Bella, they laughed as they share an embrace. Veronica slightly frowned at the sight of the two. If she was in the place of Bella, Zendaya would probably jump back right away, not just stay in that position, or even laugh it off, Veronica bit her bottom lip and sighed as she made her way into her dressing room, trying to get her mind straight.

She didn't understand why she was feeling this way. Zendaya was just a friend. A friend she cared a lot more than she should. Veronica let out a groan as she stared at he ceiling, thinking about all of the events that have happened today.

After several moments of silence and alone time a sudden knock at the door snapped Veronica away from her thoughts. She looked at he door as she said, " Come in! "

Zendaya soon slowly opened the door, looking inside, " Hey, V. " Zendaya said, using her new nickname for her.

" H-Hey! What's up? " Veronica replied, trying to hide the light blush forming on her cheeks.

Zendaya walked in and sat on the small couch in the room, right next to Veronica, " Nothing really, I just really wanted to talk to you! " She said as she gave her signature crooked grin.

Veronica slightly chucked and couldn't help but blush even more at the girl. She really did enjoy having the little talks with Zendaya, she felt truly at peace when she was around her.

After a short moment of comfortable silence Veronica decided to ask a risky question, " Hey Z... Have you ever kissed someone before? And when I mean someone... I mean like, A girl. And would you want to kiss one? " Veronica asks awkwardly as she looked over at Zendaya, who furrowed her eyebrows in response.

" A girl? No, I never kissed one before.. Why are you asking this? " Zendaya asks as she gives Veronica an odd look, " You're weird, V. " Zendaya slightly chuckled as Veronica shrugged.

" Well it was just a random thought... " Veronica said as she shifted her gaze over to the ground. " I honestly don't know why I asked that... " she spoke as she gave a nervous chuckle.

Zendaya slightly rolled her eyes at Veronica, " I didn't say I didn't want to kiss a girl, " she slightly laughed as she scooted closer over to Veronica, which caused her to blush even more.

" W-What do you mean? " Veronica stuttered as Zendaya chuckled, " I mean it would be interesting to experience it, that's alł, " She said as she looked at Veronica, slightly smiling.

Vernonica's face was probably as red as a tomato at this point, but she still managed to ask another question, " I-Uh- Do you want to...? I mean- just to see how it feels! " She stammered as Zendaya laughs at her flustered expression.

" Hmmm... Fine. If you really want to do it. " She said as if it was the most normal thing in the world. " But you gotta promise that you won't tell anyone. Ever. " She spoke as she stuck her pinkie out, using the famous "Pinkie Promise". They both knew perfectly if they were caught kissing they were post likely going to be fired, or at least be scolded.

Veronica bit her lip as she nodded, intertwining her pinkie with Zendaya's. But what she didn't expect was Zendaya to pull her forward, smashing Zendaya's lips into her own. Veronica was shocked at the sudden action that she simply froze. Veronica blinked in shock before she soon melted into the kiss, kissing back. Before the kiss could get any deeper, the two immediately pulled back when they heard a knock on the door, their faces flushed.

" I-Uh- Come in! " Veronica stammered as the director trotted in, looking at Zendaya, " Ah there you are, you're needed back on set with Bella, " the director spoke as Zendaya fixed up her hair a bit, nodding, " Alright, " She said as she looked over at Veronica, whispering in her ear, " This isn't over, just so you know... " She whispered, causing a shiver to go up Veronica's spine. She knew she shouldn't be doing this, she had a boyfriend. But she could make a few exceptions here and there, right?

Zendaya got up from the couch and walked out of the room, leaving the director and Veronica alone in the room. He seemed to have noticed Veronica's red face as he asked a question.

" What did you guys do in here? "

" N-Nothing! "

Haha, hey guys... I should be working on a K.C x Brett oneshot... but i just couldn't resist writing this! Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this while I finish up the next oneshot! Love you guys!