Thank you's to Serenbex and Guest for your, as always, lovely reviews!

Harriet burst through the double doors of the hospital and ran towards the reception desk as fast as her legs would carry her. She slammed onto the desk and the receptionist glanced up in shock at the disturbance.

"Can I he-."

"Sergeant Callum Stone," Harriet panted. "He was brought in with a stab wound. I need to know what ward he's on."

"If you aren't a relative of the patient then I'm afraid we're not permitted to disclose information to you."

Harriet gripped the desk tightly, her temper flaring at the woman's words. "I'm his girlfriend!" She snapped. "If anyone should know where he is then it's got to be me."

"I'm sorry, officer, I cannot-."

"Listen," Harriet leaned over the desk angrily. "Just tell me-."

"Sergeant Barclay!" Harriet winced at the sound of Rachel's voice and she turned, slowly, to face the Inspector. "What's going on?"

"This woman," Harriet pointed at the receptionist angrily. "Won't tell me where Callum is."

"Why do you need to know where Callum is?"

Harriet stared at the woman incredulously. "He's my boyfriend!" As soon as the words had come out of her mouth, Harriet remembered that Rachel had no idea about Callum and her but before she could say anything else, the Inspector had grabbed her by the arm and was propelling her towards the stairs.

"He got stabbed in the chest." The Inspector explained quietly. "He and Stevie were trying to detain a suspect and he pulled a knife which he somehow managed to get under his stab vest." Harriet suddenly felt dizziness overwhelm her and she clutched the handrail tightly.

"Is he…"

"I don't know." The Inspector answered honestly. "Stevie went with him in the ambulance, she'll be able to tell you more." Opening the door to the ward, Rachel led the way down the corridor.

"I don't… I…" Harriet tried desperately to find something to say but the shock of the situation had made her speechless. Rachel turned and frowned at the woman.

"Where's your radio?"

Harriet blinked at the Inspector as she tried to focus her attention on her face. "The suspect I chased made me hand it over."

"Are you alright?" Rachel frowned and peered closely at the brunette.

"Yeah… Yeah, I'm fine." Seeing Stevie sat on the plastic chairs outside a room slightly further down the corridor, she gestured to the Inspector. "Can I…" The older woman paused before stepping aside and letting the woman pass her.

Harriet jogged down the corridor and, noticing the blinds in the window of the room were down, she dropped into the chair beside Stevie who smiled at her friend weakly. "Is he okay? What happened?"

"We were trying to detain Ronnie White." The blonde ran a hand through her hair shakily. "After the van turned up, all hell broke loose; the suspects and the girls were running everywhere. Callum and me chased Ronnie White out of the warehouse and further down the estate. I grabbed him but he pulled a knife so Callum decided to tackle him and he managed to get the blade of the knife under his stab vest."

Harriet felt her stomach turn at her friend's words and she clutched the seat tightly. "How bad is it?"

"I don't know." The woman swallowed thickly. "All I know is that he was still alive when they brought him up from A&E but there was blood... lots of blood."

Harriet leant back against the wall and attempted to fight back the tears that were threatening to fall from her eyes. She regretted not giving Callum the time to make it up to her after their argument and she felt her heart contract at the thought of losing the man that she loved so much.

Jumping to her feet, Harriet turned to face the doctor as he appeared in the doorway to the room. "How is he?" The brunette asked quietly.

"Well, luckily, the wound wasn't too deep which means that, while he has lost a significant amount of blood, no major arteries seem to have been disturbed so, hopefully, he'll make a full recovery." Harriet felt like she was about to collapse at the man's words and she couldn't stop herself from bursting into tears. "You can go in and see him, if you'd like. He's asleep, mind."

Before the doctor could finish, Harriet had disappeared through the door, leaving Stevie staring after her in puzzlement.


Stevie frowned as her friend slammed the door shut behind her and she sat down on the hard plastic chairs. She understood that Harriet and Callum worked closely together and were even friends these days but Stevie still found her friends behaviour odd. She glanced up as Smithy sat down beside her and smiled weakly.

"How is he?" He asked gravely.

"He's alright." His girlfriend replied. "They've stemmed the bleeding and the blade didn't touch any major arteries so he'll be alright. They think he'll make a full recovery."

Smithy breathed out deeply and wrapped an arm around his girlfriend who snuggled into his side, relishing the familiarity of Smithy's body after such a dramatic few hours. "Is Harriet in with him?"

Stevie frowned and turned her head so she was looking up at the Sergeant. "Why'd you ask that?"

"No reason." Smithy shrugged nonchalantly and avoided the woman's eyes.

Stevie sat up and narrowed her eyes at the man. "Smithy, is there something I should know?" Smithy shot the blonde a sideways glance and he sighed deeply.

"Look, you didn't hear this from me, okay?"

"Smithy, just spit it out!"

"Harriet and Callum have been seeing each other."

Stevie paused, processing the man's words slowly. "Seeing each other? What, like a couple?"

"Well how else can you see someone?"

Stevie sat in silence for a few moments before scowling at the man. "How did you know before I did?"

Smithy, despite the situation that had just gone on, couldn't help himself from chuckling at his girlfriend's response. "I guessed."

Stevie yawned and snuggled into the man's side. "Well if that's the case I need to sharpen up my detective skills. Harriet and Callum as a couple? I certainly didn't see that one coming."


Harriet crept round the end of her boyfriend's bed slowly, watching him sleep. The sight of all the tubes and monitors that he was connected to made Harriet feel sick but the reassuring sight of his chest rising and falling calmed her nausea. Reaching the side of the bed, she sat down in the chair quietly and she took Callum's hand in hers.

"You alright there?" Harriet jumped at the sound of Callum's hoarse voice and the man chuckled in amusement.

"Callum…" Harriet leant forward and smiled weakly. "How you feeling?"

"Never better." He replied sarcastically. Harriet rolled her eyes and the man smiled at her. "You?"

"Like I've aged about 40 years." This time it was Callum's turn to roll his eyes. "Thought you were supposed to be supercop?"

Instead of responding, Callum reached out and stroked the brunette's cheek gently with his thumb. Without warning, Harriet burst into tears and grabbed the man's hand tightly, squeezing it hard.

"Hey, shh." Callum wiped the tears away from the woman's cheek with his other hand and he sighed. "Stop that."

"I thought you were going to die." Harriet ignored the man's interjection. "Hearing that you'd been stabbed… I felt sick, I… I… I couldn't bear the thought of a future without you."

"Well that's not going to happen, is it?"

"All I could think about was what we'd fallen out about, how pathetic it was." Callum sighed deeply and Harriet clutched his hand tighter. "Callum… I want a life with you, okay? I want you and me to be together for the rest of our lives, you're the only man I've ever truly loved. Please tell me you want that too?"

"I want that more than anything." Callum whispered. "I want marriage, kids, dogs, the whole lot."

Harriet wiped the tears away from her cheeks roughly. "Really?"

"Yeah…" The man leant forward and pressed a kiss to her lips. "More than anything, though… I want you."

So that's it! The end of Calliet's journey!

Thank you for your incredible support over the last TWO YEARS (Sorry about that...), it meant the world. I hope you've all enjoyed reading this as much as I have writing it.

Fingers crossed, Calliet will be back in the future for PT 2 of their journey, so keep an eye out for a potential sequel at some point.