Author's Note: This story will mostly follow the Highschool DxD timeline. I have yet to decide how powerful Tatsumi will be in this story and I haven't given pairing much thought either. Due to it being set in the DxD universe, there will probably be a harem but as I said, I haven't decided yet.

Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to Highschool DxD, Akame ga Kill! or any of the other manga/animes that might find their way into this story.

A young girl was sitting, legs crosses, with a blank expression on her face. Well it would be more accurate to say that she was floating. There was no solid ground beneath her, yet she managed to remain in the same sitting position, with a straight back and an expressionless face.

The young girl had long black hair reaching down past her hips. Although her eyes were somewhat hidden behind her hair, point tipped pupils could be seen surrounded by deep gray irises. The short girl was wearing a plain white dress with a pink bow tie. She was surrounded by a black cape the same length as her dress, which had a purple bow attached to it over her lower back.

The young girl was sitting/floating in silence, enjoying the solitude of her home. Most may think it to be lonely, but this girl preferred being alone. She thought people were loud, selfish and uncaring. She preferred being surrounded by the quiet emptiness that her home provided, away from the world of the living.

That being said, it was rather odd for someone to be with her in her home. The girl tilted her head, looking down to observe her unconscious guest. Floating unconscious in front of the girl was a young boy of average height. He looked to be around sixteen years of age. He was of average height with medium length brown hair. Although he was unconscious and covered in blood, she thought that he had such an innocent face. Not the naive kind of innocent, just a pure innocence that was so rare to find.

He had been her unknowing companion for quite some time now. She had trouble keeping track of time any more; it didn't matter to her so she usually just forgot about it. She could have been watching over him for a day or a year and she wouldn't have known the difference. Immortality tends to have that effect on people.

As his body stirred for the first time since she bought him to her home, she thought back to when she first found the boy. However long ago it was, she was observing the events of a strange world. Every now and then she would get bored and see what was happening in the many different worlds. When watching an empire on the brink of civil war, this boy had caught her attention.

She remembered how ironic it was when she first discovered his existence. She learnt that this boy's name was Tatsumi, meaning the sleeping dragon. If that alone wasn't enough irony for the young girl, no more than five minutes after discovering the boy, he fought and killed some kind of dragon made out of earth.

Catching her attention she kept on watching as the boy lived his life. His naïve arrogance was amusing at first when he left his village to join the armed forces in the capital. He arrived in the large city and expected to become a Captain straight away. After being rejected and falling into a minor depression, he was then robbed blind by a girl who promised to help him get into the armed forces.

Left with nothing but the clothes on his body and the sword on his back, the boy set out in search for his companions that he'd lost on the way to the capital. The day was slowly passing and he had no luck finding them. As the sun was going down the boy was disgruntled to realize that he was alone, in a place he didn't know, with no money.

Out of nowhere a young girl came along to 'save him.' Taking him into her home and giving him food and clean clothes, he was so happy to finally discover the kindness in the capital that he'd heard so much about growing up. His happiness didn't last long when that same night, the house he was staying in was attacked. The girl's parents were murdered by a band of outlaws and they were chasing the girl when he tried to save her.

Jumping between the girl and her attackers Tatsumi warned the outlaws to back off but they simply laughed at him. One of them seemed to recognize him and he was shocked to realize that the girl, who had stolen all of his money, was among the outlaws trying to kill the girl he was trying to protect.

Feeling guilty for taking all of his money, the thief took it upon herself to 'enlighten' Tatsumi by showing him why they were killing this family without mercy. Pointing out a barn like structure to him she told him to go inside and take a look around. Upon entering the barn Tatsumi fell to his knees in shock. On a lower level were at least twenty dead bodies in a gruesome and undignified pile. To make matters worse, looking straight ahead he could see the form of his best friend and traveling companion. He was hanging from a beam barely alive.

The boy told Tatsumi that the family had taken him in as well, giving him food and clean clothes, only to drug him in the night so that they could torture him for their own sick form of entertainment. As further proof of this, the boy pointed to Tatsumi's left. What he saw almost made him vomit, cry and pass out, all at the same time. Lying dead in a cage in the corner of the room was his other travelling companion. A girl that looked the same age as him, and had grown up in the same village as him.

After seeing everything that had happened in that place, Tatsumi killed the girl that the outlaws were after himself. Learning that the group's name was 'Night Raid,' Tatsumi joined them to help battle against the government corruption in the capital that was allowing things like this to happen.

The young girl was so immersed in this world that she almost forgot that she was just a spectator. She couldn't remember the last time something had been so interesting to her. Being immortal has its benefits, but it also has its downsides. One of them being the boredom. After living for so long, it was hard to find things entertaining any more. That's why she was so interested in following the life of this boy that seemed so unique to her.

After months of observing his life, she actually begun to feel emotion. Not a lot of emotion, but enough for her to register that she had felt something. It had been hundreds of years since she remembered actually feeling any kind of emotion, yet somehow watching this boy had made her feel something.

What that something that she felt was, she did not know. It could have been admiration at his seemingly endless determination and passion. It could have been pity at the fact that his life was surrounded by so much tragedy and death. Or it could have simply been gratitude that he had somehow managed to entertain her for so long, even if he didn't know it.

She had to admit to herself that he was becoming an extremely powerful individual. In the time that she observed his life, he went from an above average sword wielding villager, to an extremely powerful warrior with some kind of weapon that reminded her of something called a sacred gear from another world that she observed occasionally.

She almost felt sad when his life ended. The boy gave his life to save a city that had bought nothing to him but pain. Weeks prior to his death the very people he saved had been cheering in a stadium waiting for his execution. Yet after everything this place had done to him, he still gave his life to save them. She couldn't decide if she was sad that he didn't survive the fight to see the victory he helped to achieve, or if she was just sad that she could no longer find entertainment in spectating his life.

Making a split second decision, she decided to intervene and save the boy. Although he technically still died, she managed to save his body and soul, forcing them back together so that he'd eventually wake up. As his name suggested, he had so much hidden potential and she could see that as clear as day. His life was so short and he didn't even get to enjoy the time that he had. He lived and died for other people and didn't even get to see the new world he helped create.

That is why she decided to save the boy and give him another chance at life. Maybe he could continue to entertain her, if not, healing his body and waiting for him to wake up had at least given her something to do for however long he had been unconscious for.

Tatsumi's eyes flickered a few times before they finally opened. His eyelids slowly separated to show bright green eyes. He blinked a few times when he realized that he was conscious. The last thing he remembered was being practically crushed to death and collapsing into Akame's arms.

He turned his neck to the side so that he could attempt to figure out where he was. To his shock, he seemed to be floating in some kind of void. The void looked to be never ending in every direction. As his eyes grew more focused he could make out mixtures of iridescent colours, swirling around each other, the view reminded him of looking through a kaleidoscope.

What is this place? I died… Is this some kind of afterlife? He wondered in confusion. He turned his head to the other side to see if he could see anything that might hint at where the hell he was. To his surprise though, when he turned his head he was greeted by a young girl with black hair and gray eyes looking down at him. She was sitting, well floating, next to him with her legs crossed and her hands in her lap. There was no expression on her face and she was simply watching him with her head tilted to the side.

"H-Hello?" His voice croaked as he spoke for the first time in god knows how long.

"Hello." She replied simply with no hint of emotion in her voice.

"Where am I? I-Is this some kind of afterlife?" He asked the young black haired girl floating next to him.

"You are in my home." She answered simply.

He looked around again and thought to himself that it was a rather odd place for such a young looking girl to live.

"I-I died. Didn't I?" He asked sadly.

She seemed to pause for a moment, thinking how to respond before answering. "Yes, you died."

"If I died and this isn't the afterlife, than how am I here?" He wondered out loud, his confusion growing even more.

"I watched you die and decided to salvage what I could of your body and your soul. Due to the way you died, and the amount of injuries you received in your final moments, it took some time for me to heal you to the point that you could regain consciousness." She answered in a calm tone.

Silence followed as Tatsumi took in the information before his eyes widened and he realized something.

"W-What happened to everyone else?! Did Night Raid and the revolution army put an end to the corruption?!" He asked in a desperate voice.

Instead of verbally answering his questions, the girl simply placed her palm on his forehead. His head shot back and his eyes closed due to the dizziness he was feeling. In his mind he saw images flashing through his head. They showed Akame defeating Esdeath and Najenda leading the revolution to victory. He felt a smile creep onto his face that his death wasn't in vain. The smile was quickly replaced with a frown though when he realized that out of everyone that he met along the way, it seemed that only Najenda and Akame survived until the very end.

"Akame…" He whispered to himself as his opened his eyes to find them slightly damp. He was beyond glad that she managed to make it through alive, but he wasn't sure if he could ever forgive himself for breaking the promise that he made to her.

He snapped out of his thoughts when he felt the girl remove her hand from his forehead.

"Who are you?" He asked her.

"I have been known by many names and many faces. For now, you can call me Ophis." She answered in the same emotionless tone that seemed to suit her.

"Alright... Ophis." He paused as he thought about the girl's strange name before continuing, "Why did you save my life, or bring me back to life, or whatever."

"You intrigued me." She responded, for a split second he thought he saw her lips twitch up but dismissed the thought as more questions came to mind.

"You said this place is your home… It doesn't look like any place I've ever seen before. Where are we?"

"I call this home; others have been known to call it the Dimensional Gap." She responded in her monotone voice.

"Dimensional Gap?" He asked, not sure what she meant by those words.

"We are in the gap that exists between worlds. This void is what connects worlds and makes it possible for those with the ability, to travel throughout the different worlds. This is my birthplace and current home." He followed along with her explanation before more questions came to his mind.

"Are there any other people in this, 'Dimensional Gap'?" He asked.


"So you're alone here?"

"Excluding you, yes."

Tatsumi frowned at her answer. Such a large and empty place to only be occupied by one person, it would drive him crazy if he was in such a strange place with no one to at least keep him company.

"Don't you get lonely?" He asked her slightly concerned for the young looking girl.

"No, I like the solitude. I find it… Peaceful." She responded and he could tell by the look in her eyes that she was being honest.

They spent the next few minutes in silence as they just looked at each other. When he realized that Ophis wasn't going to say anything any time soon he decided to ask the one question that had him more curious than all of the others.

"What happens to me now?"

"I have used a great deal of my power to heal you and keep the void from destroying your body. When you leave this place I will need to leave as well to regain my energy. Unfortunately when I leave I won't be able to maintain the barrier that keeps others from entering my home. This will no doubt lead to an intruder taking over this place." She said in a slightly annoyed tone, showing emotion for the first time since they'd started talking to each other.

Tatsumi waited patiently for Ophis to continue, figuring that she'd eventually answer his question.

"I will take you to a new world where I will leave you to begin a new life. You will keep your mind, body and memories. There is one condition to this offer though." She spoke, returning to her monotone voice.

"Condition?" He asked curiously. She had saved his life so he didn't see himself being able to refuse whatever she wanted from him.

"If I ever need your help with anything, you must assist me. You will be free and live whatever kind of life you want, but you must remain loyal to me above all others." She stated calmly.

They floated in silence for a few more minutes. During this time Tatsumi thought about what she had said and she simply stared at him.

"You've given me the chance at a second life; I don't think it would be fair of me to deny your request." He paused again and his lips turned up into a grateful smile. "You have my eternal gratitude and loyalty."

"Very well. Are you ready to begin your new life?" She asked.

"Before we go, Can I ask you for one favour." He replied hesitantly.

"What would you like to ask?"

The next day.

Tatsumi woke up to the sun shining through the window and onto his face. After waking up in the Dimensional Gap and talking with Ophis for a while, she bought him to this place. She told him last night that this was his new home. It was a simple apartment in a tall building on the outskirts of a city.

He was grateful for everything that she was doing for him, he truly was. She had given him another chance to live his life. On top of that she set him up with a nice place to live. The two bedroom apartment was a decent size. His room was spacious and had an on suit bathroom with a balcony looking over the city.

He hadn't checked out the other room yet but there wasn't much point in doing that for the time being. Along with the on suit bathroom, there was another, bigger bathroom down the hallway from the two bedrooms. The kitchen was well furbished with all different kinds of appliances and the pantry was filled with different kinds of foods. The lounge area was large and comfortable. All in all, it was a very nice place to live. Not as nice as the Night Raid base, but it would do the job for now.

Tatsumi stretched his body out and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. He sat up got out of the bed, moving towards the on suit bathroom. He stripped and walked into the large shower before turning on the taps. At first the water was cold but after a few moments he was leaning against the wall as hot water was streaming down his body and falling to the floor.

For the next fifteen minutes Tatsumi simply leant against the wall of the shower and reminisced about his past life. He thought about all of the good and all of the bad. All of the friends he made and sadly, all of the friends he lost along the way. It was hard to tell if the drops falling from his face came from the shower head above him or from his own tear ducts.

After finishing in the shower he moved back to his room to get dressed. When he was dressed he took to the mirror to see how he looked in these new clothes. He wore a black blazer with white accents over a white, long sleeved button down shirt with vertical linings. There was a black ribbon on the collar of his shirt to match the black dress pants and the look was completed with a clean pair of brown dress shoes.

Satisfied that he looked okay, he got some food out of the pantry, put it into a backpack with some books and made his way out of the apartment. When he made it outside onto the path, he pulled a map out of his bag. Opening up the map he found where he was and then drew a line for the most direct route to his destination.

It wasn't too far away, but he figured it would probably be around a half hour walk. After memorizing the route he had to take, he folded the map up and put it into his pocket. He took a deep breath before he started walking towards the beginning of his new life.

Next stop, Kuoh Academy.

Author's Note: Well that brings us to the end of the very first chapter of this story. I hope you enjoyed reading it and I am excited to see where this story goes. I am by no means an accomplished writer; I simply enjoy writing every now and then whenever I feel motivated and inspired.

I am a university student with many commitments so I can't promise when updates will occur, just know that they will come as often as possible.

If there are any grammatical errors, I apologize, and will do my best to make sure I fix them all.

All questions are welcomed and feedback is appreciated so feel free to PM me or just leave a review.

Until next time!