Hey guys, I know you are mad I haven't updated, but I've been working on school work and maybe possible other stories. Now, this story isn't over, but I'm going to rewrite it. I just feel like there is so much wrong in what I wrote. I don't particularly like OPHARRY stories. I'm hoping in this story to add OCS, and to make them like a second to the marauders. Hadrian and Neville are the two not OCS have planned. I don't know if I should put an already existing character like Blaise or Theo, but I plan on putting a character named Ignatius Nicholas Flamel, son to Nicholas and Perenelle Flamel. I plan on making all of them Ravenclaws, the best house of all time. I've add PM's to put Malfoy as a good guy, but I can't. I just can't. I don't like him, and I don't like many characters. Snape, Granger, some Weasleys, and Dumbledore. I feel like Molly, Ron, Ginny, and Percy are lost causes. Well maybe not Percy. I'll keep Ron in Slytherin because he just fits there. He has ambitions way above what his family could accomplish, because of his father's obsession with muggles in an anti-muggle society and ministry. But Arthur is a good guy, same for Bill, Charlie and the twins. I also think Ron keeps Harry around for his fame and not for real friendship. Hermione is a shrew. A know-it-all who has to bother you saying she knows stuff. I'll make her a fangirl to Daniel and later, Krum, who will strike a somewhat friendly relationship with Hadrian. I plan on Voldemort coming early and being like, "the child I hit a killing curse with, he had green eyes" and everyone will be likeā€¦ WHAT! Also, Malfoy fits in Gryffindor; in cannon he always initiates fights with Harry, which isn't very cunning. I also think of him as a disgrace. The only stories I can fit him nicely in are stories starting at 6th year and above, regretting all he did and all that. I'll try to have the story ready by Christmas, which will be a challenge as I want to make the first chapter at least 5 times longer. More information, less OP Harry, while still rich and powerful. The think about the blocks, I intend to make like, at 1 year old he had so much raw magic and stuck James and company to ceilings like 5 times a day, so they put an accidental magic block on him, but forgot to remove it at 5 at which time it morphed, allowing barely any magic at all. THIS IS GONNA BE AN AWESOME STORY, BELIEVE ME! Goodbye all, don't be mad at me please I apologised, and see you with that story in a weeks' time hopefully.

Ethan, the most amazing and handsome writer on , and please don't maim or kill me, sorry for no updates in months.