A/N: As requested, the 3rd and final chapter to this previous one-shot! This chapter includes Raph and Leo taking off their tuxedos. And nothing else.

"Are we ever gonna wear these again?" Raph gruffed at him.

"Well, they were expensive and specially tailored for our shells, so -,"

"Yeah, yeah," Raph said, ignoring Leo's smirk as his large fingers fumbled with the buttons on Leo's shirt. He'd easily removed both his and Leo's tuxedo jackets and had rolled his eyes as Leo had gently laid them across a chair in their room.

With Raph busy with the shirt buttons, Leo reached down and let his fingers quickly undo the button on Raph's pants.

Raph's green eyes lifted to glare at Leo and Leo's ease with tiny buttons.

"Come on sais master. Those fingers are usually much more nimble than this," Leo teased.

Raphael growled at him.

"I'm not seeing enough green yet," Leo murmured as he pushed Raph's pants off his hips. He batted away Raph's frustrated fingers and slid to his knees to help Raph step out of the pants before his tongue ran up the inside of one of those emerald thighs. "Gorgeous, Raphael," he murmured.

"Yer the one with the legs, babe," Raph said, his breathing quickening with each swipe of Leo's tongue. He chuckled when Leo pulled away from his legs to glare up at him.

"I'm not a babe," Leo said sharply.

Raphael chuckled again as he pulled Leo back up to stand in front of him. "Yer my babe," Raph growled possessively before kissing him. His fingers returned to Leo's small shirt buttons while he kept Leo's mouth busy. When the last stupid button was undone, he finally pushed Leo's shirt down off his shoulders with a victorious growl.

Raphael's growls always sent shivers down Leo's spine and he shifted his shoulders and arms to help get the shirt off before his free hands began to pull at Raph's tie. When the tie was loose, he began working on the buttons on Raph's shirt as he continued to twist his tongue around Raph's tongue.

He grinned to himself as he stopped unbuttoning halfway down Raph's shirt and then pushed the shirt off Raph's broad shoulders. With only the top-half of the buttons undone, the shirt soon stuck tightly around Raph's biceps and essentially trapped his arms at his sides. Leo pulled back and admired the makeshift binding.

"Ya leavin it like that?" Raph gruffed at him and heard Leo hum in approval as his biceps shifted to test how tight the shirt actually was around his arms.

Leo shifted forward and dipped his head to let his tongue slide over his new permanent mark on Raph's beautiful bicep before moving his mouth up to the strong, emerald neck. And with his arms trapped at his sides, Raphael could only groan in response to Leo's wet tongue gliding over his suddenly very hot skin. Leo slowly breathed in Raphael's scent and pulled some of his neck in between his teeth.

"Leo," Raph growled. There was a throbbing building in his lower plastron and his fingers swiped forward in his attempt to touch his mate in return.

Leo recognized the growing impatience and pushed Raphael backwards until Raph's legs hit the bed and he was forced to fall back onto his shell. Leo didn't follow him, though. Instead, he fell to his knees once again and ran his hands up Raph's legs as he began to press kisses to the inner thighs. His tongue slid up to the top crease, moved to swipe quickly over Raphael's slit, and then slid over to the crease at the top of Raph's other leg.

A few more minutes of that and Raphael released a frustrated growl when it was clear Leo was teasing him. And with his arms pinned to his sides, he was unable to lean up and properly glare at his mate. He shifted his hips towards Leo's face in a silent request. But growled again when he only got a chuckle in response.

Leo's head jerked up when he heard the sound of tearing fabric. His eyes widened as he watched Raph's tightened biceps rip through the sleeves of his shirt, freeing his arms and allowing him to surge forward and tackle Leo into the hardwood floor of their bedroom.

Leo churred loudly as he landed with Raphael on top of him. He loved those strong emerald arms and the image of Raph's biceps tearing through those sleeves was surely going to be an image forever seared into his brain. He tried to get his hands around Raph's arms but Raphael jerked himself off of Leo and moved down his body.

Raphael was too keyed up to be teased any further and he quickly began tugging Leo's own pants down so he could discard them by tossing them across the room. His eyes moved up to Leo's lust-filled blue eyes and felt a churr roll up his throat as he let himself fall forward onto his mate once again. One hand fondled Leo's tail before he began to push a finger into Leo's entrance as he also began to nip at Leo's jawline.

"Ya havin fun teasin me?"

Leo responded with a low moan as he shifted his head to the side. "Raphie," he gasped and shifted his hips in time with Raphael's probing fingers.

Raph grinned down at the writhing Leonardo. "I almost forgot," he murmured into Leo's neck, "I'm supposed to be followin yer orders."

Leo grunted in response but managed to say, "You've gone rogue."

"Want me to stop?" he began to pull his hand away but was stopped by Leo's iron grip on his wrist.

"You can stop when I say," Leo said and watched Raph's eyes spark at him.

"Yes sir," Raph murmured as he began thrusting his fingers back into Leonardo. He felt Leo's hand grip the back of his head and pull him down for another kiss.

Leo grunted as he dropped down and churred again as he felt himself rub against Raphael's own hard length. "Love your fingers, Raphie," Leo gasped out as he felt his body heat up further. And he meant it, although, if he didn't give Raph a new order soon, he was going to finish from just those fingers alone. "Want more, Raph," he grunted.

"More what, babe?" Raph teased.

Leo reached down to pull Raph's thick length into his hand. He gasped again as Raph's fingers continued to move within him. "More you," Leo said.

"How do you want me?" Raph said, shifting his own hips forward as he felt himself move back and forth between Leo's tight fingers.

"Don't care," Leo said. "Need you."

"Yes sir," Raph said. He forced himself away from Leo and pulled them both to their feet before bending Leo over the side of their bed.

Leo churred in approval as he felt Raph push into him from behind. He heard Raphael's responding churr as he began to thrust forward.

"Yer orders sure are fun, Fearless," he grunted.

Leo grunted as well. From this position he was able to inhale Raph's scent from their sheets. He pulled the bedding into his fists and released another moan.

Raphael leaned against Leo's shell and reveled in the noises he heard from the leader turtle. He reached around Leo to begin stroking him quickly. He heard Leo begin moaning his name and churred in response.

"Aishiteru, Leo," Raph groaned as he felt Leo twitch and spasm beneath him.

"Love - Raph," Leo moaned as he felt Raph begin to speed up his hips.

Raphael felt Leo reach his release as Leo's hips began to jerk wildly beneath him and those tightened inner walls pulsed tightly, quickly stroking him into his own release as well.

His legs weak, Raph dropped to his knees and pulled Leo off the bed with him to form a turtle pile on their floor. He tightened his hold around Leo as he adjusted his mate over his plastron and watched as Leo's softened blue eyes traveled over his face.

Leo leaned down and kissed him before tucking his face into Raph's neck. He smiled as he thought of Raph tearing through his shirt once again. "You ruined your fancy shirt, Hulk."

"Worth it," Raph murmured with a grin.