Chapter Nine: Murderous Intent (Part I)

Author's Note: Firstly … I AM SO SORRY THAT IT TOOK ME ALMOST FIVE MONTHS TO UPDATE! It's just that I was really busy and didn't have time to write anything. So, thanks for the reviews guys and also thanks for your support thus far. No, I'm not discontinuing this fic – unless you guys stop reviewing, then there will be trouble. Also, don't hate me for what's about to happen and the dramatic turn of events that will occur from now on. Just, consider yourselves warned. Oh, and this is dedicated to Henry Uchiha. I'm sure I mentioned why in the first A/N of the previous chapter. Also, I am now on AO3. I'll adjust my profile with the link so you can read the, ah, explicit version if you want to.

Disclaimer: I own nothing except the plot and ICDAT.

Warning: I can't say much without giving away spoilers, so … just don't try to kill me after this chapter and the next couple of chapters to come.

Percy watched intently as a happy head of black hair bounded out of the hotel lobby and down the stairs to his car.

"Hey, Percy." Nico greeted a broad smile – that most likely hurt – on his face.

"Morning Nico. I take it you're ready for another week of school?" Percy asked, sporting a little smile of his own. Nico nodded vigorously. Percy smiled awkwardly as he got into the car. Then, the sea-green eyed young man ran around to the driver's side and got in. Percy slammed the door shut and turned the car on. Shooting a small smile at Nico, Percy pulled out of the parking space Leo had acquired for them and drove into the street.

"So, when will your family be leaving?" Percy asked as he made a left for a wide street.

"Um, in a week or so. I won't be too happy about Thanatos and Bianca leaving, but I'm sure I'll be fine." The raven-haired younger boy answered.

"And I'm not good enough company for you?" Percy asked, unable to help himself. The funny thing, was that Percy was so desperate for Nico's attention that he literally couldn't help but be jealous of all of the younger boy's relationships. Yeah it was weird, but Percy didn't give a fuck about what people thought. Percy got what he wanted and if he couldn't, then he would make sure no one else could have it. Nico quirked a brow at Percy.

"Um, you are good company. Although, I've grown up with Thanatos and Bianca all my life so … obviously I'd prefer them over you. I mean, I've only known you for a month." Nico answered, leaning more towards his window.

"Oh," Percy said. "Yeah, I – I guess so." Damn, Percy thought. How could have I been so stupid? "Anyway, um, are you going to your sister's concert tonight? It's at Jupiter's VIP Club –"

"Yeah, I heard about it. Of course I'm going." Nico said, smiling fondly. "You wanna come with?"

Percy considered it for a second. Before the concert he had a very important 'errand' to run, but it wasn't like he couldn't do both – one after the other, that is. "Sure," Percy said, a small grin tugging on his lips.

"Great!" Nico said, pulling out his phone and dialing a number. "I'll just call Thanatos and let him know that we have another person joining us."

Percy rolled his eyes and let out a frustrated grunt. He didn't think of Thanatos. He'd have to work up some distraction so that only Percy and Nico would be alone with each other when his 'errand' came through.

"Hey, Thanatos." Nico greeted. "Um, so, Percy will also be joining us tonight – for B's concert thingy, oh, and can we go a little early? I wanna go clubbing a bit. I haven't been on the dance floor in ages."

Nico paused for what seemed like the longest time. He looked over at Percy and grinned a bit. He listened to his older brother for a further thirty seconds or so and ended the call.

"Okay, so it's all good. We're gonna leave around seven p.m. tonight. The concert starts at nine. So, we'll have some time to dance to the music." Nico said, a tiny blush gracing his cheeks. Percy smiled. He also wanted to get out a bit, enjoy the evening. So what if it was Monday? He wanted to dance all through the night with Nico in his arms. Sure he had to push his errand back a bit earlier, but it would be worth it.

"Say, who else is joining us tonight?" Percy asked as he made a right onto a narrow lane.

"Well … Piper, Jason, Annabeth and Reyna." Nico said. "They also listen to my sister's music and are major fans of hers and me."

Fuck! Percy thought. The sea-green eyed young boy cleared his throat and gave a slight nod.

Finally, they reached school. As usual, there was the media crowd and whatnot. Percy turned into the student parking, found a parking spot and shut off his car. They weren't even out of the car, when Jason came bounding in their direction from his Ferrari.

"Hey, Neeks." He greeted. "Oh, hey Percy. What's up?"

"Hey, Jason." Percy said cautiously. He watched tentatively as Jason slid his arms around Nico's shoulders. Nico took notice and rolled his arms.

"Arms off, Grace." Nico said. Jason pouted but he removed his arm from Nico's shoulders.

"You sit in your brother's lap; he has his hands on you all the time and you don't even say anything." Jason grumbled.

"Well, he is my brother. With you, it's not the same." Nico said. Jason pouted again and held up his hands in surrender. The brown-eyed boy chuckled slightly as they began walking.

"Where's Luke?" Percy asked, praying silently to whoever may be listening that Luke was not in school for some reason or the other.

"Oh, he's on a short vacation with his family." Nico said, texting someone as he walked. "He'll be back in a couple of days."

One problem taken care of already. Percy thought triumphantly.

"He must be enjoying it, then." Percy said halfheartedly. Nico nodded and smiled a small smile as the entered he Admin building.

Nico sighed. "It feels like ages since I've been in school." The brown-eyed boy said fondly. Percy chuckled. And tonight you're going clubbing, Percy thought. They reached Jason's locker.

"So," the blond said as he pulled out some of his notebooks and textbooks.

"So?" Nico repeated as Percy slung an arm across the brown-eyed boy's shoulder. Nico eyed Percy for a moment before he spoke again, shaking off Percy's arm.

"When are you available again?" Jason asked as he shut his locker.

Nico blushed a bit. "Um, not any time soon."

"Oh." Jason said in a small voice. He frowned slightly and his demeanor saddened exponentially. However, when a pair of arms flung around his torso, he put a smile on – fake, no doubt.

"Hey, Pipes." Jason said, as he leaned down slightly and sealed their lips.

Nico rolled his eyes as he walked on and pocketed his phone. Percy jogged to catch up with the brown-eyed boy.

"Hey, Neeks. Wait up." Percy called. Luckily, Nico came to a stop but only because of the person in front of him.

"Hi, Reyna!" Nico said, as he hugged the taller girl. Today, her hair was left untied, cascading down her left shoulder. She wore a white cropped top and a pair of jeans that came up, just above her waist. Reyna released Nico from her hold.

"Hi, Nico. How are you doing?" she asked as she unlocked her locker and dumped a whole bunch of books into it.

"I'm good. Nothing to complain about." Nico answered happily.

"Really?" she asked, quirking a brow.

"Uh-huh." Nico said – in a way that Percy found extremely cute.

"Right. You keep telling yourself that. With Jason behaving like some lovesick puppy and you barely resisting his advances, I'm sure you'd be a whole lot less than good." Reyna said, as she shut her locker and locked it.

Nico blushed furiously. "Uh …"

"Don't you 'uh …' me." Reyna snapped. "You better tell that idiot to back off before I seriously injure him."

"What's she talking about, Nico?" Percy asked.

"Nothing." Nico said, trying to be nonchalant. Both Percy and Reyna quirked a brow at the brown-eyed boy. Clearly, something happened between Jason and Nico, but Nico didn't want to say anything.

"Anyway," Reyna said, "What do you have first period, Nico?"

"Um, Advanced Drawing." Nico said tentatively.

"Well, you'd better leave for class." The dark-haired girl said. Nico nodded curtly and took off in the general direction of Advanced Drawing class with Mrs. Muse.

Nico slumped lazily in his seat. Dr. Boring really was boring. It was the last period, but Nico still felt as if he was going to die. He seriously didn't care about killing a mockingbird – no matter how innocent they were. He really didn't care whether the elusive Boo Radley saved the Finch siblings, or the fact that it was narrated from the perspective of a young girl. Quite frankly, Nico didn't care much for the literature that was thoroughly examined during English class. Yes, it helped his grades in school, but Nico had other concerns such as: his sister's performance tonight and also the clubbing he'd be doing before that. Yeah, Nico thought of other things during class, but who didn't?

"So, do you think that Ms. Mayella is guilty at all?" Dr. Boring asked the class.

Annabeth was the first to answer. "It's hard to say, sir."

"Oh?" Dr. Boring said, raising a brow. "And why is that?"

"Firstly, she tries desperately to be clean and also be different from her family. She always worked hard to be different from her family and also sought after attention. However, she tried to get attention from Tom by seducing him. Everyone knows that her family is one of outcasts and known as 'white trash' or even the 'rednecks' of their county. We also know, from the text, that her father convinced her to lie in court. And even though Tom was innocent before he was brutally murdered, I think that Mayella bares a lesser guilt compared to her father." Annabeth let out a breath.

Dr. Boring gave a slight nod of apprehension. "Very good, Ms. Chase. Next question –"

Fortunately, the bell rang.

Everyone filed out of the room almost immediately. Nico chuckled as a one of the Stoll twins ran out of the door and into a locker – literally – toppling backwards from the force he put into his little sprint. Nico chuckled as he walked up to his locker and unlocked it. He put some of his books in and grabbed the day's homework. Nothing really important; Calculus and Art. So, Nico could actually go out clubbing. Speaking of clubbing … Nico reached for his phone. However, he stopped as soon as a muscular and evenly tanned hand shut his locker for him. Nico looked up to find a pair of vividly electric blue eyes staring down at him.

"Hey." Nico said as he pocketed his phone.

"Hey yourself," Jason responded. "So, we still on for tonight?"

"Um, yeah." Nico said.

"Awesome. Can't wait to hit that dance floor." Jason said as he leaned against the locker, folding his arms.

Today, the blond wore a simple greyish cotton shirt that hugged his upper body and abdomen tightly. He rolled the sleeves up slightly so that they stopped short of his elbows, expertly camouflaging the (ah, muscular) joints. He also wore a casual blue jeans and a pair of black training shoes.

"Yeah." Nico said, as he unlocked his locker once more and throwing in his History textbook and workbook. He shut his locker and decided to go outside before his ride left him. Without a word to Jason, he walked off into the crowd, leaving a very confused blond behind.

Nico was shoved around and bumped into a lot, but he really didn't care. He just wanted to get out of the school building. Finally, he stumbled out of the oaken double-doors and onto the school steps. Nico bounded down the steps and scurried over to student parking where Percy was waiting for him.

"Hey there, Neeks." Percy said, sporting a smile. Nico smiled back before he answered.

"Hi Percy," Nico said as he opened the passenger seat door. "I am so psyched for tonight."

"Uh-huh." Percy said as he got into the car and started it. Percy pulled out of his parking space and entered the lane. "I guess I am as well for today."

Nico was silent for what seemed to be a long while. The brown-eyed boy watched the low-rise buildings change into the city skyscrapers and office buildings. The street lanes grew wider and the traffic seemed to choke the roads.

"So, what was Reyna talking about in school earlier today?" Percy asked, almost making Nico jump up and hit his head on the car's windshield.

"Um … nothing, really." Nico said tentatively. Percy looked at the younger boy as if he'd grown a second head. "Don't worry about it, Percy. It doesn't concern you, so, you needn't worry about it."

"Harsh." Percy said after a moment or so. "Besides, the thing that happened, well, I'm assuming something happened, with Jason on Saturday and Sunday … it kinda got me worried."

Nico was silent for a moment or two. "Oh, well, it's nothing serious. It'll be okay." Nico lied. Percy quirked a brow at the younger boy, making Nico blush slightly, but he said nothing further. Finally, they reached the hotel and Percy found Leo waiting there for him.

"Hola, Percy, Nico!" The Latino said cheerily.

"Hey, Leo." Nico said as he got out of Percy's car.

"Hi, Leo." Percy greeted. "Take care of her for me, will ya? We're gonna be going out tonight."

"Sure thing," Leo said as he got into the car and drove off to secure a private parking space for a certain sea-green eyed boy. The pale and tanned duo walked to the rotating doors and strolled across the lobby. Nico walked up to elevator when Percy got lost in conversation with the receptionist – Nyssa, was it? Nico pressed the call button for the elevator and waited patiently for it to arrive. The elevator finally arrived and dinged open. Nico hurried inside and waited for Percy to catch. Fortunately, the brown-eyed boy didn't need to wait long. Percy came running into the elevator moments after Nico entered it. Percy quickly thumbed the penthouse suite button and the elevator doors closed with yet another ding.

"So, I can't wait for tonight." Percy said, smiling brightly at the younger male.

"Yep," Nico said. Then his phone went off. Nico pulled it out of his pocket and read the screen. Nico grinned at the name on the screen. The brown-eyed boy accepted the call.

"Hi, Nico!" the girl's cheery voice came from the other side.

"Hi, Calypso! It's been ages! How've you been?" Nico asked, absolutely excited to hear from one of his best friends after such a long time. Was it Nico's imagination or did Percy mumble Fuck! Under his breath?

"I've been great. I'm sure you have been too. When are you getting back to the Jackson penthouse?" the blonde asked.

Nico frowned. "Um, Percy and I are riding the elevator up now. Why –?"

"Great!" she said. "See you soon!"

The call ended. Nico frowned as the elevator dinged open once more. Thanatos was waiting for them already.

"Hey, Thanatos!" Nico greeted as he ran into his brother's (very) muscular arms. Nico took in his older brother's scent. He always smelled like peppermint.

"Hey there, Nico." Thanatos said warmly. He released from the hug. Today, the oldest di Angelo male wore a very tight fitting black tee, a pair of black jeans and some black sneakers. "You ready for tonight?"

"Yeah. I just need to do some homework, grab a snack, a shower, a change of clothes and I'll be ready." Nico said.

"Well," came a rich and beautiful voice from behind the trio. "You're gonna need more time because I think you'd like to spend time with me too."

Nico knew that voice. And when he turned around, there she was. Calypso was standing there. A regal look on her face. Her honey-blonde hair was curled into spirals tightly and a beautiful white Greek-style toga that fell short of her knees wrapped around her voluptuous figure. A large golden belt studded with diamonds wrapped around her waist and her skin literally glowed. She wore a pair of golden strapped sandals that reached her knees.

"Hello, Nico." The blonde said, breaking into a smile, revealing perfectly white teeth.

"Calypso!" Nico said, as he raced up to the girl and was wrapped in a hug. "How are you?"

"I'm quite all right," she said, chuckling lightly.

"Yeah. She said not to tell you she'd be here for B tonight." Thanatos said, as he walked up to them. Nico rolled his eyes and swatted his brother's arm. The taller di Angelo hissed. A total drama queen, Nico thought.

"Anyway," Nico said as he walked over to Percy. "This is Percy Jackson. You know, Poseidon and Sally's son."

"Ah, yes." Calypso said as Percy kissed her knuckles, drawing a slight blush from the blonde. "So you're the famous Percy I've been hearing about."

"The one and only." Percy said halfheartedly. It seemed as if Percy was irritated. His face gave the expression that made it seem like the 'something-he-planned-was-falling-apart' kind of irritated. "Anyway, I have to go do some stuff. See ya later tonight, guys."

As Percy padded off, Nico was drowned in a clamor of questions by Calypso. Just another normal reunion.

Nico couldn't decide between the leather jacket and the black hoody with a skull embroidered on it. So far, he had on one of his tightest pair of black skinny jeans, a tight black tee and a pair of black sneakers that reached his ankles. Finally, after much inner turmoil, he chose the leather jacket. Nico slipped it on, popped the collar and rolled the sleeves up so they stopped short of his elbows. Nico walked up to his vanity mirror and stared at his reflection for a while. He looked good. And that was probably a good thing.

While Nico stared at his reflection, Thanatos came in.

"Hey, Nico." The oldest di Angelo sibling said. For tonight, he wore a stylishly faded pair of blue jeans and a tight greyish-blackish casual shirt. He rolled the sleeves of the shirt so they stopped short of his elbows. The shirt hugged Thanatos' entire upper body really tightly, showing off his muscles that rippled every time he moved.

"Oh, hi Thanatos." Nico said as he grabbed his smartphone. He thought of texting Percy when he remembered that the sea-green eyed youth had left an hour or so ago to run an errand. He told Nico that he would meet them at the club.

"Ready to go?" Thanatos asked as he held out an arm for Nico to loop through.

"Yeah." Nico said, as they walked out of his room – both arm in arm.

Percy checked the time. Six p.m. It was a great time, really. He had an hour to run his little errand to get Nico to be his – well, more or less his, really. A large two-piece vermillion shaded curtain hung from the ceiling and draped the stage. Percy ducked his head as a couple of men walked by, setting up the stage for Bianca's performance later. As soon as they left, Percy headed backstage. He made sure that he had all the equipment he needed for the task he had to carry out. Now all he needed was some rope and perhaps a place for the corpse. Well, it – she – was still a body, really. Percy wandered around the dimly lit backstage. Percy finally reached a white door that had the picture of a huge star hanging from it. Little lights glowed around the general shape of the star. They seemed to shine the color pink. Percy smirked as got out all of the necessary equipment. Percy opened the door ever so slowly and was greeted by the voice of Bianca harmonizing and vocalizing.

"Oh, Nico." Percy said. "You will be mine so soon. I can just feel it."

Percy barged in, the girl's screaming silenced by a gag.

Nico and Thanatos were sitting with each other in the private living-room of the Jackson penthouse. Nico lay sprawled against his older brother's body – which was rather difficult considering his choice of skinny jeans – and let out a sigh. It was around six thirty p.m. and Nico was rather bored.

"Hey, Thanatos?" Nico called.

Thanatos put his phone down and offered Nico a smile. "What's up, Neeks?"

"What did you mean when you said that you were kinda taken the day Rachel tried to seduce you?"

Thanatos coughed as a slight blush rushed to his cheeks.

"Well, it's kinda complicated." Thanatos said.

"Really?" Nico asked. Thanatos nodded nervously as he leaned back a bit, afraid of Nico's tone and also the way he was changing his seating position. Nico was now sitting such that he was practically straddling his older brother. Nico placed his hands on Thanatos' muscular, broad shoulders and leaned down to his ear.

"That's so not believable, Thanatos." Nico whispered a little seductively. Nico closed the space between himself and his brother so that they were now looking as if Thanatos was about to fuck Nico upwards or Nico was about to ride his brother. Either way, the, ah, 'sexual tension' was so thick, that it could most probably be cut with a knife. Neither Thanatos had no shame in what they were doing, really. But Nico pushed it more than Thanatos did.

"Tell me." Nico whispered again – even more seductively – running his fingers along the older male's muscular chest.

Thanatos let out a breath. It was warm on Nico's cheek and smelled strangely minty.

"I'm interested in someone, okay?" Thanatos admitted as he ran a hand through his hair. Nico leaned back.

"What? That's awesome, Thanatos! Who's the lucky girl? Is it Calypso? Is it that person you've been texting ever since you've got here?" Nico questioned.

Thanatos blushed. "No and no. I'll tell you when I'm ready."

Nico rolled his eyes and got off of his brother. He let out a sight and returned to his previous position.

"We need to leave if we wanna get to Jupiter's soon." Nico said finally.

"We can leave now, if you want." Thanatos said with a smile.

"Yeah, no problem." Nico answered.

They got off the couch and began walking to the exit. Nico thumbed the call button. They waited for a couple of seconds before the elevator finally arrived and dinged open. Nico walked in and requested the lobby. The doors closed with a ding and Nico let a sigh escape his lips. He got bored eventually so he leaned against the opposite end of the elevator – away from his older brother. Thanatos noticed this and immediately took the opportunity to take Nico into his arms. It was funny … Thanatos always knew what to do when Nico was out of it. It cheered Nico up so he hugged back.

"What's up with you, Neeks?" Thanatos asked as he let go, still ensuring his arm was around Nico's waist.

Nico sighed lazily. "I … you know what, never mind. I'll tell you when we get back, okay?"

Thanatos smiled a soft, knowing smile. The elevator finally dinged opened to reveal the lobby. It was extremely busy; bustling with customers, luggage being moved by the hotel workers, housekeeping running around making last-minute changes. The floors had been polished and waxed. The candles on the chandeliers were replace and lit. The stations of the receptionists were cleaned and freshly waxed. A whole lot of the press and media was outside the elevator. Flashes went off and the crowd screamed in anticipation.

The crowd roared as Nico and Thanatos walked out of the lobby and onto the hotel steps. The street was closed off from both sides since, for some reason, the di Angelos going out to a party or a club was a big thing. There was no one allowed on the steps leading up to the revolving doors of the hotel unless they actually stayed at the hotel. Security guards were stationed on the steps and up until the limousine that they were going to use. The others were going to use their own cars and well, Thanatos was rather prone to slamming into anyone who got too close to the car he was driving if Nico or Bianca was in it.

Once the di Angelo males made their way to the limousine, their driver came up to greet them and open the door for them. Nico got in followed by his older brother and the driver sped off to the club.

The entrance of the club was noted to be rather classy. A red carpet was rolled up and wound its way to the entrance. A fluorescent sign was mounted above the doors that led into the building. The sign read "Jupiter's VIP Club". The doors were glasslike and Nico enjoyed what he could see from the limousine. He got out of the limousine to be greeted by the roars and screams of adoring fans and also the press. They were practically everywhere. Seriously, Nico thought. How were they getting their information? Thanatos got out of the limousine and waved as he began walking up to the entrance with Nico in tow. Security guards, here as well, ensured their safety. They did the same they did at school. They separated the crowd into two groups and kept the people who were a little too excited to see them in check.

Thanatos and Nico finally reached the entrance and a man attired in a black leather jacket and ripped jeans opened the door for them. He was rather well built and looked really tough with his chiseled features. Nico smiled at him and he smiled back. Nico looked at his nametag. It was little rectangular strip of metal. Bronze, perhaps? The name 'Beckendorf' was etched into it.

When Nico entered the club, he had his breath stolen. It was almost a big a space as the entrance to the Jackson penthouse. Lights of various different colors flashed wildly as smoke billowed around the place from the desk jockey's platform. He looked really into what he was doing/. His platform was right in the middle of the room. To the far right of the room, a large bar with a large counter was present. There were multiple workers there, all dressed in formal white shirts and black waistcoats. In the middle was a large dance floor that was pulsating with various shades of white and black. There were multiple people already there, dancing to the rhythmic music.

Around the rest of the room, there were other platforms to dance on, none of which were elevated. The club was not filled to maximum capacity there was still a lot of people there. The walls were mostly painted with black and neon colors were painted over the black coat so it had a pretty amazing effect in the dark and when the other streams of light flashed onto it.

To the left of the club were some tables and chairs where people could just relax after dancing and whatnot. There were some familiar faces seated. Reyna, Piper, Jason, Annabeth and Percy.

Further left, a rather large stage was being prepared for Bianca's performance. A huge two-piece set red curtain was draped over the stage, covering backstage. Some men were reinstalling pieces of granite to the floor of the stage and a whole group of other men were setting up the stage and lighting. It seemed as if they were aiming for a winter-wonderland theme. One part of the stage was draped with white flecks that looked like feathers. Nico shrugged and quickly opted for getting a martini from the bar before speaking to Thanatos.

"Hey, let's go join the group, Thanatos?" Nico asked – well, yelled really.

The brown-haired male nodded and the sibling duo made their way over to the group. They laid sprawled out on their chairs. They looked quite bored.

Piper wore a white button down shirt that she gathered and tied up in a knot just below her upper chest, showing of her navel piercing. She ensured to show a lot of cleavage. She wore really tight black leggings and black, suede stilettos. She had a really good sense of style. Her hair was drawn into a high ponytail and she barely had any makeup on.

Annabeth was quite different. Her blonde hair was drawn into a higher ponytail and her hair seemed thicker. It was set so well, that she looked like she was going for an Ariana Grande kind of look. She wore a gray, baggy cotton top that stopped short a few centimeters of her knees. She wore a pair of fishnet tights and a pair of black anklet boots.

Percy and Jason however, didn't dress up as much. They went for something more casual. Percy had on a navy blue casual shirt that hugged his frame very tightly. He had on a pair of loose black jeans and a pair of casual sneakers. Jason wore a tight pair of faded blue jeans and a really good-looking dull azure-shaded tee.

Nico greeted them all and they responded quite lively. Some rock music was playing loudly and almost everyone was dancing to the beat. Their little group just remained there for a couple of minutes, really. No one bothered to actually get up and dance. That was only until one of Nico's favorite songs began to play. It was Selena Gomez's Slow Down and Nico immediately began dancing on the spot. He was about to turn to Thanatos to ask him to dance but he was nowhere to be seen. So, Nico turned to the group and eyed them curiously before he shouted:

"Let's dance?"

Piper and Annabeth shot up immediately, wove their arms on either side of Nico and the trio headed up to the main dance floor that was pulsating. There was a set of metal stairs that led up to the dance floor and as soon as they hit the dance floor, they couldn't stop. The trio was immediately shoved into the center where a makeshift circle formed around them and they were encouraged to dance to the beat – which really good thus far. Nico immediately took the initiative and began popping his hips to the beat. He started moving his shoulders around, ensuring they were in-sync, snapping his fingers, with his hips and then began moving his feet; kicking them up a bit, spinning around on foot and just enjoying himself.

Piper and Annabeth, however, moved their bodies more seductively, ensuring to move their voluptuous bodies to the beat and whacking their hair back and forth. Piper held her hands just above her head and spun her body seductively whereas Annabeth made sure to roll her hips and make sure that it looked as if she was twerking, but in super slow motion – which caught the attention of a lot of guys.

Nico snapped his fingers and ensured to sway his hips more speedily so that his butt moved as if it had a mind of its own. He placed one hand on his hip and spun his other in the air – as if signaling a butler – and rolled his stomach forward. Then, he got rid of his jacket as if he were a professional stripper and threw it to someone from the crowd. He lowered his entire body on one leg like a graceful ballerina, ensuring that his butt stuck out, probably getting a lot of attention from wandering eyes. He then shot up, standing straight, and starting moving his body to the music faster, moving all of the right parts of his body to get some random guy to grab from behind and hold on to him from behind and move with his body.

He smelled faintly of cinnamon – the guy from behind – and seemed fairly muscular. Nico could make out vivid grass-green eyes, a splay of light freckles, close-cropped, curly brown hair and he wore a tight-fighting green shirt that showed off his muscular abdomen. He had pink lips that were rather desirable and a shining smile. Hmm … I wonder who he is, Nico thought.

Nico spun around to drink in the other male's appearance and also to hold onto him probably. Anyone could have sworn Nico was drunk since he couldn't stop giggling.

"Hi!" he said over the music.

"HI! I'm Nico. And you are?" Nico asked, as the other guy spun him around and held him in his arms once more.

"I'm Alabaster." He said. Nico grinned. Nico leaned back so that Alabaster was pressed up against Nico butt – which Nico got quite a large, throbbing response to. Nico giggled.

The next thing Nico knew was that he was being yanked away from Alabaster and Thanatos stood in front of him.

"What do you think you were doing, Neeks?" he said angrily. Nico giggled as he reached up a brushed his lips against Thanatos' for a second or two. Thanatos smiled and they began dancing to the music together. He generally didn't give into Nico's antics that easily, but maybe Thanatos felt sorry for him this time. Something was playing but Nico didn't know exactly what. Sounded like something Nico never hear of. And he'd rather have his brother dance with him while he was drunk than anyone else.

"I need to go get a drink!" Thanatos yelled over the music. "Should I get someone to dance with you?"

Nico didn't know who so he yelled the first thing that came to mind: "Percy!"

Within minutes, Percy's arms were woven around Nico's thin waist tightly and Percy couldn't let go of him. Nico moved his butt around and made sure to get his butt pressed up against Percy junk – which responded within a matter of seconds. Nico giggled and turned around so that he could face the raven-haired young man.

"Hey you," he said over the music.

Nico smiled as he wove his arms around Percy's neck and held onto him as he worked his body. Nico was sure this would be in the tabloids in the next few hours. He sighed as a slow song came on it sounded like Take Me to Church – which was weird considering they were in a club but since the basic idea of the song was about fucking … no one really gave a shit. They just got touchy with their dance partners and these parts that were being touched were sometimes visible so Nico decided to focus on Percy's intense sea-green eyes, his smile, his hair and beautiful face. Nico felt like dancing even more, really. But Percy's eyes were intense. They were hard to look away from in the low lighting and Nico wanted nothing more than to kiss the sea-green eyed boy senseless but he decided to contain himself. Besides, his sister would be going on soon.

Speaking of which – he hadn't seen much. Nico was slightly worried since she always made an appearance before she performed but right now Nico was a little too tipsy to really remember or to care hard enough. Suddenly, the music dimmed and the host came up onstage. There was a lot of yelling and shouting and Nico really didn't pay attention to anything he was saying until the host said:

"And now, Bianca di Angelo will grace us with her performance!"

Nico turned around to face the stage, eagerly wanting to view his sister's performance. The curtains drew back, the stage was set and it looked like a beautiful winter wonderland! There was snow, a frozen a lake and so much more. Basically, it was to commemorate the main theme of Bianca's album. Then, the audience began gasping and pointing to something – or someone – that was hanging from a suspended by their neck. It looked like a girl – a very familiar girl. Blood was gushing from a gash across her pale neck, her sparkling white dress was laced in blood, dripping from her fingers and toes. She was barefoot. The blood pooled on the stage which was about twenty feet or so from the hanging girl. She looked so familiar to Nico – her pale features, dark hair …

Suddenly, realization hit Nico like a truck and he gasped out her name: "Bianca."

Author's note: So, review. Yes?