Author's Note: The following "Story" is a compilation of one-shots from my Tumblr that I wanted to share with a wider/other audience. Most are one-shots, some have parts. It will be specified in the A/N which is which. Thank you!

1) Karaoke Dance Party

There is no point in getting out of my pajamas if everyone is gone, I thought to myself with a smile as I rolled out of bed at like ten in the morning. I hadn't slept in that late in ages given Natasha and Steve think early-morning training is a good idea (I can assure you, it's not). The new Avengers facility was supposed to be left all to me for the next couple days because the rest of the team decided to go see Clint's family. All at the same time. And I had just gotten back from a visit with the Bartons so I elected to stay behind and "care for" the facility.

Though, by "care for" I mean play pranks on everyone and have a karaoke dance party for one.

Natasha and Steve were definitely going to kill me when they got back and found out I had done absolutely zero training. Or even a minor workout (in their book dancing to fast music didn't count—which was super annoying).

But I didn't want to get out of my pajamas.

My favorite place to dance was in the common area that was in the middle of everyone's bedrooms. It had mahogany floor with cream-colored soft rugs and beige walls. Nothing hugely interesting about the place, but it was mostly open because the sofas were far apart and there was a massive TV on the wall I could use for karaoke.

As I started my iPod playlist of favorite Disney songs (put on shuffle for maximum fun and confusion on my part since I generally had them sorted by movie), I found myself doing choreography and karaoke at the same time. I was singing Son of Man from "Tarzan" at the top of my lungs while beating on imaginary drums and jumping onto the coffee table and leaping off. Lucky me I wasn't tall enough to hit my head on the light fixture when I did that.

The next song to come on was I'll Make a Man Out of You from "Mulan". I started making breakfast during that one, singing along with my cereal spoon as a microphone.

I finished my cereal during Trashing the Camp from "Tarzan" because there weren't exactly words to sing to, just noises the characters were making. I still had about a minute of music left so I cleaned up as fast as I could and leapt over the back of a sofa to make it to the open space.

Once that song was over, a much gentler melody suffused the room.

It was Once Upon a December from "Anastasia". (Yes, I know it's not actually Disney but it's on the playlist anyway.)

A smile drifted up over my face as I closed my eyes and started to slow-dance with an imaginary partner.

I'd always had a problem with sensory illusions (meaning I got them all the time as a side effect of my powers) and an overactive imagination, so when the smell of mint came from nowhere and I felt a hand take my waist and spin me around, I didn't think anything of it. Nor did I realize I wasn't alone when a cool cheek pressed against mine and another cool hand took my free one. I kept my eyes closed as strong muscles started to lead me in a delicate rise-and-fall waltz around the entire commons area. I knew the place so well that I thought I was leading myself and miraculously not bumping into anything.

Yeah. That wasn't the case.

But I didn't know that.

Until I opened my eyes as the song ended and I See the Light from "Tangled" came on.

I eased one eyelid open to see long, sleek black hair and a pale ear about an inch from my nose. The other eyelid snapped open in surprise and my eyes widened in shock.

I wasn't alone.

"What the—?!" I exclaimed, shoving the newcomer away from me. He stumbled a half-step back while I scrambled to be at least ten feet away. Icy blue eyes with hints of green twinkled in amusement as he grinned mischievously and bowed low. "Loki! What are you doing here?!"

A light chuckle escaped his lips. "It's good to see you too, love," he greeted in that overstatedly Downton Abbey British voice.

"You're not supposed to be here!" I hissed.

"Oh, I have missed you," he remarked mischievously, closing the gap between us and standing so close to me my nose was almost touching the bottom of his sternum (yes, I am that short).

"I've missed you too but you could have given me some warning! I'm in my pajamas!" I protested, quickly becoming aware that my hair was probably a giant mess of tangles and snarls and self-consciously trying to tame it while my God of Mischief just grinned at me. But when I touched my hair it felt soft and smooth.

"Are you?" he teased.

My eyebrows scrunched. My sensory illusions happened so often that I never thought twice if I felt a random weight drop onto my hips—and it started to be that I didn't even notice it anymore. So when I looked down (bumping my forehead on his chest) and saw a full-length poison-purple ball gown with a puffy skirt hanging off my shoulders, I gasped in surprise. "What did you do with my pajamas?" I demanded. Loki laughed, like he was amused that that's what I was thinking about.

"I transformed them into the princess gown you always dreamed you had, love," he told me, laughing. Vaguely I remembered that one time I described the very gown I was wearing in exquisitely minute detail from my imagination. He hadn't seemed to even pay attention at the time so I was very surprised at how accurate the dress really was. "Now, dance with me." That was an order, not a request.

I grinned and took a step closer, feeling my bare feet slide over the mahogany floor. We'd talked almost all the way through the "Tangled" song and Once Upon a Dream from "Sleeping Beauty" had started. Geez, I liked putting my playlist on shuffle.

"I didn't know you liked dancing," I murmured as he very formally took my waist and bright white smile flashed and he gave me a tender, cold kiss.

"Only with you, love," he replied.

End Note: Thanks for reading!


PS, if you want to read them directly from Tumblr, the URL is sassycassie-s-writing . tumblr . com (I'm not super creative with URLs.)