Now that I'm a couple of chapters away from finishing a story of mine, I want to post this one. I've had it in my head for what seemed like forever!

I got this idea for two main reasons. I noticed that there don't seem to be a lot of stories on fanfiction that have Waylon's wife Lisa and their boys as main characters. I thought to myself, 'Maybe it's because we never see them in the asylum.'

The second reason being a drawing, the coverart photo, I saw by Relina-ru on deviantart. It's titled Family and is of Waylon Park with Lisa and his boys. They look exactly as I've imagined them to look like. I wasn't able to show the whole drawing, just Waylon and Owen, but if you go to Relina-ru's profile, you should be able to see it.

I highly recommend looking at the whole photo so that you can clearly see what the characters look like!

As I said, the coverart is by Relina-ru. She makes fantastic Outlast drawings that I highly recommend you look at! Thank you very much for letting me use the picture Relina-ru!

I don't own Outlast!

The school bus rolled through the quiet streets of the Leadville neighborhood. Fall was already taking hold of the atmosphere with the leaves changing colors and the air getting colder. The sun had already reached its high point and began to sink to the west.

Owen Park, the eldest child of Waylon and Lisa, sat on the bus, staring out the window he was sitting next to. At eight years old Owen was a bit rebellious, smart, and he could be a bit disrespectful to certain people, but he had a good heart. He took his job as the elder brother very seriously, especially now that their father had been gone for two weeks at his new job.

He still remembered the day when he left...

Waylon carried his large suitcase with ease into the living room. Lisa stood up from her chair, where she had been waiting for him. The boys paused their Wii game so they could say goodbye to their father.

Their father had sat his suitcase down before hugging his wife, holding her around the waist and resting his head on her shoulder.

Lisa wrapped her arms behind his neck, "Have fun."

"I will." He pulled his head away from her shoulder so he could look her in the eye. Both had small smiles on their faces, but in truth, they didn't want Waylon to go to the asylum. Owen knew this because he overheard them talk about Murkoff's corruption. But Waylon needed this job, and he was hopeful that he could help clear away at least some of the evil.

Owen didn't think the two would ever let go of each other, but they did, grant it hesitantly.

Waylon then kneeled so he was at eye level with his two sons, "You two be good okay? Listen to everything your mother says, do well in school, and get to bed on time." That last part was more for Owen.

The youngest child, Nick, asked, "You'll be back soon right?" At Waylon's nod he continued, "Before my birthday?"

"Your birthday's over a month away Nicky. I'll definitely be back by then. Long before then probably."

Owen grinned, "We'll be sure to drive Mom crazy for you." Waylon chuckled before both of his boys simultaneously attacked him with a hug. He, of course, returned it.

When they let go, Lisa said with a smile, "I think 'listen to everything your mother says' includes not driving her crazy."

Their father stood and picked up his suitcase, "I'll be sure to write everyday. I brought extra paper to be sure of that."

He kissed Lisa, earning a slight "Yuck" from Nick, and walked to his rusty blue car.

As he drove away, the three remaining members of the family waved until they couldn't see him anymore.

Owen was interuppted from his thoughts when Nick, who had been sitting next to him on the bus, tugged on his sleeve, "When is Daddy supposed to come back?" He took a piece of paper out of his backpack, "I made this today and I really want to show him!"

He shrugged, "I don't know. Maybe next week."

Nick pouted. Turning six in October, Nick was a very excitable little boy. He was also smart, very curious, adventurous, but he also liked to stick to the rules. At school, he stuck to his brother's side whenever he could (this earned a bit of teasing from Owen's classmates) and looked up to him. While he was a pain in the butt at times, Owen loved him.

Owen encouraged, "I'm sure Mom will really like the picture of... what is your picture?"

Nick happily showed off his painting, "It's you, Daddy, Mommy, and me!" Owen saw the four ordinary looking stick figures in the drawing, standing on grass and smiling at him. He realized those were him and his family members.

There was something a bit confusing to him though, "What's that in the background?"

"That's a wizard on a flying skateboard using a guitar that shoots lasers to fight a t-rex. I added that for you."

The elder brother grinned at him, "Thanks." He returned to staring out the window as Nick put his painting back in his backpack.

He pondered Nick's question a bit more. When was he coming back? They hadn't recieved any letters from him saying when he would return. In fact, Lisa and Owen were suspicious that he might not be sending letters at all. Waylon was the type of man who believed sending handwritten letters was more meaningful. The ones they got were typed, and used a writing style and vocabulary that Waylon didn't use.

Whenever Lisa tried to call him, the phone would say he was unavailable. Perhaps it shouldn't be a total surprise since he is high on a mountain, but it still frustrated the family.

Again, Nick tugged on his sleeve, "An asylum is a place where crazy people live, right?"


"Jake told me today that crazy people are locked up like in prison because they're dangerous. Are any of them going to hurt Daddy?"

Owen shook his head, "Dad's a pretty fit guy. He can take care of himself."

"Jake also said that crazy people are really strong."

"Asylums have ways to keep their employees safe. Besides, isn't Jake the kid that told you that birds can stick their beaks in people's ears and pull out their brain?"

"He saw it with his own eyes!" Nick covered his ears as if to protect them, "He said the guy lived long enough to see his brain being eaten!"

He rolled his eyes, "He's lying Nick. It's complete bologna."

As Nick crossed his arms Owen looked back outside. Their house was now in view as well as their driveway.

"Nick look!" Both boys were now looking out the window to see that their father's car was in the driveway. They got smiles so big that it hurt, but they didn't care.

As soon as the bus stopped the boys jumped up, getting much attention from the other children, and ran to the front. Both hopped out of the bus, but Nick, having realized he'd forgotten to thank the bus driver, stopped and went back to quickly give him a quick thank you.

This had given Owen a head start, but Nick was able to pass him when Owen suddenly stopped. As it turned out their father's car had hidden another car, a torus, from their view on the bus before and there was someone in the passenger's seat. Now Owen was staring straight into the eyes of an unfamiliar man wearing scrubs. The way he looked at him made the boy want to shiver.

Owen heard the door swing open and saw that his brother had stopped in his tracks as soon as the youngest got inside. Giving an uneasy glance to the man in scrubs, Owen jogged over to stand by his brother. He shut the door behind him before taking in the scene.

At the kitchen table their mother, dark hair in a loose ponytail, was sitting across from not their father, but a man with black hair in a suit.