I can't believe it's the last chapter! D: I loved working on this so much!

Lily, I couldn't fit the Walrider, Miles, and Young-ja in this chapter, but I assure you that the Upshurs and Parks are very good friends and the Walrider was an awesome uncle and playmate for our little trio of munchkins. :)

As weeks passed, so did years. Owen had recently graduated from college and Nick was a graduate in college.

Summer had approached, and the boys had returned from their colleges to stay with their parents until school starts again and Owen can afford his own apartment. That's why Owen was lying on his bed in his childhood room.

Having just woken up he stood and stretched. He was shirtless, leaving his scar completely on display. He looked at Nick's bed, only to see that his brother wasn't there playing on his phone.

"Oh yeah," he mumbled when he remembered Nick already had plans with his girlfriend and their long time friend Ae-cha. That girl adores her sleep. How Nick was able to wake her up and not get murdered was a complete mystery to Owen. Last he saw Ae-cha after an interrupted nap, he was tempted to hide everything fragile in the room.

Remembering that they all had plans for later, Owen slipped on some clothes before heading to the living room. Immediately, a middle-aged Lisa kissed his forehead.

"Good morning!" she said.

Waylon was on the couch working on his laptop, as he sometimes did since he became a computer programmer, "You better hurry up if you want to meet Nick and Ae-cha on time."

"Right," Owen said as he began to leave.

Lisa called after him, "And I don't want to get another phone call from the hospital saying you three snuck Annie inside."

Owen called back, "Don't worry. We won't get caught."

Waylon chuckled, "That boy."

"He's not a boy anymore," said Lisa, "You and I have raised two fine young men, Waylon."

He nodded in agreement, "Despite everything. We did."

Lisa sat next to him on the couch, "Nick had a nightmare about the asylum last night."

Waylon closed his laptop, "So did I. The usual I'm killed by Gluskin and I fail to protect all three of you. Trager got you and Walker got the boys."

She squeezed his shoulder, "It's just as I told Nick. Big Bad is dead. Miles proved it to everyone. And as for Trager, he does plague my nightmares, but Miles killed him and the Walrider destroyed his body."

"I wish I had gotten the pleasure to kill him. I passed his body on the way out and thought nothing of it. If I had known what he did to you..."

"I know Waylon, but I told you that everything would be alright. And now look at us. We found wonderful friends in the Upshurs, Nick has found a girl that he loves, Owen has long accepted his scar, and you and I have overcome every obstacle we faced since then. And we'll continue to do so."

Waylon gave Lisa a quick peck on the lip before telling her, "I plan on being by you always. You're stuck with me for the rest of your life."

"I'm counting on it."

Ae-cha flicked another petal into the air, "Are you almost done?"

Nick smiled, "The answer is still the same as it was when you asked two minutes ago."

The couple was on a large hill with a beautiful view of the Rocky Mountains. They were having a competition like they would sometimes. Ae-cha's photos vs. Nick's art. Whosever image of the Rockies looked better wins. Ae-cha had taken a stunning photo, so Nick was focusing as much attention as possible to his painting.

Ae-cha was keen on distracting him, "You know. This is my best photo yet." She held up the Polaroid, "How much do you think I could sell it for?"

Nick shrugged, "I don't know. What I do know is that... I... am... done!"

Ae-cha immediately crawled over to him and hovered over his drawing pad. Nick's image was also breath-taking.

"This is definitely a close one," she said.

"We'll have Owen judge it later. Until then, I just want to soak up this view."

"It is pretty beautiful. And not just the mountains. Just look at Annie rolling in the fields down there."

They looked toward the base of the hill to see that Annie was enjoying herself in the flowers. She would alternate between rolling or running as fast as her old legs could carry her. It made her look like a puppy again.

Nick stood, "What is it about rolling on the ground that makes her so happy?"

He saw what was coming as soon as Ae-cha said, "Lets find out."

He lost his balance as his girlfriend jumped on his back. The two were sent rolling down the hill. When they reached the bottom, Nick despite himself was laughing along with Ae-cha. They laughed even harder when Annie came over to lick their faces.

Nick stood to brush himself off, but his face was grabbed as Ae-cha pulled him in for a kiss. While she looked like she was having a completely normal kiss, Nick's eyes were wide open in surprise and his arms were out at awkward angles. When she broke the kiss, he shook his head as he tried to pull himself together. The kiss had caught him so off guard.

"Well... we better get going if we want to meet Owen in time."

Ae-cha picked up Annie, "No comment on the kiss?"

"I'll give you your own surprise kiss later."

The couple started up the hill, "Do you have a death wish, Sunny Side Up?"

Pal was in a small room where one of the walls was completely glass. He didn't look like he aged much due to how the experiments had affected his face.

He sat by the glass wall, facing it siting down. He didn't even open his eyes when he heard his visitors on the other side of the glass.

"Pal?" said Owen.

He smiled, "You're back from college."

He identified Nick's voice next, "Yep."

Finally, Pal opened his eyes, "It's good to see you both. And you Miss Upshur."

Ae-cha nodded politely. She didn't miss Pal wink at her bag where Annie was hiding.

"How have you been Pal?" asked Nick.

"Better now that I've seen you. None of the other patients tend to be as friendly towards me. They fear me. I can't blame them. I would fear me too."

Owen shook his head, "Oh come on Pal, don't be like that. Haven't we taught you anything about being optimistic?"

"You have taught me many things. I hope I have taught you just as much."

"You did, Pal," replied Owen. "You did."

Pal smiled, "Now tell me. What antics have you gotten yourselves into since we last met?"

"Oh where to begin," said Nick, "How about when Ae-cha figured out the secret of getting Owen to doing whatever she wants? I speak of course, by chasing him with a chocolate bar."

Waylon Park was tired, His nightmare had deprived him of some sleep. It was the third one this week. That's why he decided to pull out his secret weapon.

Before turning off the light he set a piece of paper down on his nightstand. One that never failed to make him happy.

The paper was old, yellowing and having various wrinkles and rips. Some dirt had even found its way onto it. Right down the middle was scotch tape holding the two pieces together. The drawings on it didn't look like they had been drawn by the upcoming artist, Nicholas Park. Yet the stick figures held onto more of a meaning than any of his drawings since then. Those stick figures represented the people he loved more than anything in the world.

Waylon closed his eyes and fell into a peaceful slumber. Yes, the experience at the asylum would never leave him nor any of his family, but they still had each other to get through anything and everything. In the end, that's really all that matters.

How did I do?

Gosh, I can't believe I finished. I feel like I have nothing to do now.

I'm not entirely sure what's next. The blog I set up for this story will be used for the short story about Lisa and Waylon's wedding, but after that, I'm not sure. Another author and I have been talking about collaborating, so that could also work. I'm debating if I should use it for my upcoming fanfictions for Until Dawn and Saw. There is also my main blog that I'm currently using for random happenings in my life (my dogs seem to be the stars at the moment) that they might fit in.

This was so much fun to write and I hope that you all enjoyed the ride as much as I did! :D