So you can hate me for posting up new stories and not updating my other ones that need it so desperately, but I can't help it if I have new ideas for stories and then lag in trying to continue them. Either way enjoy reading another new story of mine. Please don't hate me to extremely.

Fully Summary

There are things in life that can push people in different directions they never imagined going down. That's no exception for Rose Hathaway. She graduated St. Vladimir but due to harsh circumstances she never became Lissa's promised Guardian. She left under mysterious circumstances and never told any of her friends where she was going.

Fast forward almost twenty years later and things have changed at the Moroi Court. Lissa has become Queen Vasilisa Dragomir, Christian has become Prince Christian Ozera, Dimitri Belikov is still Vasilisa's Guardian and is still haunted by his past mistakes. But a chance meeting might throw everyone for a loop.

Rose's P.O.V

"Love fades, mine has."

Eighteen years later and those four little words still haunt me. I should have known better than to hope that our love had somehow survived. Maybe it had maybe it hadn't. Either way it didn't matter. He uttered those words in the church and I never looked back afterwards.

After moping around my room for a week, still kind of recovering Kirova gave me a month off; why? I didn't ask, I didn't want to know either. I had called my somewhat newly found father and told him that I wanted to move out with him when I graduated. I couldn't stand being around the Academy anymore. Abe agree and as soon as graduation came I left. I didn't have much time for explaining to my friends, hell Lissa and I even had a falling out thanks to Dimitri ( the ass he was), but those who I was still talking to I told them that I would be leaving by my own choice and if I could, I would talk with them as soon as I could.

Anyways here I was eighteen years later, working as a Guardian for my Aunt Maggie; crazy as she was we loved her. My mother and Abe got married about six months after I graduated, much to my surprise. And of course they had to keep it a secret. If anyone found out that Abe had a wife and a daughter we could easily become a liability, though it would be kind of hard considering we were both well trained Guardians but still. But I challenged Abe to his theory and changed my last name to Mazur.

Oh and here's another shocker. When I left the Academy I was pregnant; with a girl. I named her Lily, Lily Janine Belikova-Mazur. Even though I was never married to Dimitri I thought it would be nice, if she ever did run into her father, that she take his last name even if it was tagged by another last name. She's seventeen now and God does she remind me of Dimitri and yes occasionally me. But she took after Dimitri more than me, which I guess is a good thing, but even so she does have her Rose Hathaway tendencies. She had her training over at St. Basil and at home. Abe didn't think of giving her any less than the finest.

"Guardian Mazur," a voice shook my out of my thoughts. I looked up and saw that the voice was none other than my close friend, and mentee, Guardian Wolf; a young man of mid twenties with short cropped black hair and a small scar that ran from his left eye to his cheek.

"Guardian Wolf, to what do I owe this pleasure?' I asked. I stood up from my desk and walked to stand in front of him.

"Lily has requested that she see you immediately." Guardian Wolf said stiffly. I nodded my head and followed Guardian Wolf out of my private study. I marched down the long hallways of my home, for the past eighteen years. The house itself was a rather small city. Everything that we would need was within its walls.

"Lily," I called out for my daughter. Her room was in complete disarray. Clothes were thrown all over the place, draws were either half open or completely open, shoes were without a match and the curtains were drawn shut.

"In here," a soft voice shouted out. Lily's room was quiet large for a seventeen year old girl, but by the sound and direction of her voice I would safely bet that she was in her closet. I closed the door and walked towards her closet, shaking my head slightly.

"Is there something you need?" I asked my daughter. Her back was turned towards me but I couldn't help but smirk at the disarray my daughter had created.

"I don't know what to wear for tonight. I need your help mom." Lily said. I smiled and walk over to my teenage daughter. A cheeky smile graced Lily's lips as I shook my head.

"Well I don't think that his party will be that much of a big deal dear." I tell Lily. I knew exactly who she was trying to impress and quite frankly I didn't care for the boy but I supported my daughter no matter what. Though she was more like her father, more in control with her emotion, she did have a temper that rivaled my own; hell probably even my mother's.

"Mom you known that's not true. Anybody, who will be everybody, will be trying to get his attention. I know that you said act like you don't care and that he'll eventually notice you but seriously mom that hasn't worked out." Lily complained to me. I shook my head at her. The ever 'stubborn in my own opinion' teenage phase.

"Relax Lily; I suggest you wear the knee length black dress." I started to go on and on about what she should wear with the dress, how to do her makeup, how to wear her hair and what not. If you had asked me any of this stuff twenty years ago I would have looked at you like you were crazy and then punch you in the face.

Finally around eight o'clock she was ready. Guardian Wolf escorted her to the party and promised that he would keep an eye out on my daughter. I had nothing much left to do that night. My family was safe and happy and that's all that mattered to me.

Dimitri's P.O.V

"There you are Comrade," a familiar voice filled my ears. I turned around and see her smiling at me. I smile back and walk over to her, holding out my hand for her to take.

"Where have you been?" She asks me, taking my awaiting hand in hers'. I don't say anything. I pulled her in close and kissed her lips softly. I was afraid to let her go. I didn't want to let go, not now not ever.

"Whoa horsey, what's wrong?" She asks pulling away from our kiss. But she looks at me full of concern. She can see right through me like she always had before.

"I don't want to lose you again." I muttered out. She smirks at me and shakes her head.

"You're not going to lose me again Comrade; you never have." She says to me. I nodded my head. I pulled her in closer for another kiss, turning my head to the side to deepen it further. I feel her arms wrapping themselves around my neck. My hands find their way to her hair and tug gently.

I thought that something like this could never happen again. Not after I had messed things up so badly with her in the Church. How could I have ever been that stupid? She was the only one for me. But I was so buried in self pity and guilt that I felt like she was better off without me. But when she left I realized that I was at my worst without her. But no one knew where she went off too; and those who did didn't care to tell me. Frankly I couldn't blame them. I had been terrible to her. So why did I feel like She was meant to be back in my arms?

"I'm not going anywhere Comrade. Not until you wish me away." She says pulling out of the kiss; her voice was just as beautiful as I remembered it. I smile at her and pull her in for a hug. I breathe in her scent as I untangle my hands from her hair and wrap my arms around her instead, never wanting to let go.

"I'm sorry my Roza," I muttered into her hair. I can feel her crack a smile into my shoulder.

"You have nothing to be sorry for Comrade. I'm right here, just like you wanted me to be." Roza mumbles out. I shook my head. She didn't know what I was talking about. I open my mouth to tell her but she placed her finger on my lips, silencing me before I could actually get a word out.

"I know what you're going to say Comrade, and you're wrong. It's not your fault. I should have tried to understand you more; and for that I am truly sorry." Roza tells me, pulling away from our hug. I look at her quizzically. She laughs at my expression and ends with a smile.

"This is a dream Dimitri; I only say what you think I would say or what you want me to say." Roza tells me. It all made sense now. I had never gotten Roza back; she was just a figment of my imagination. Roza looked the same because she was the same. She hadn't aged for me because I didn't know what she looked like now, eighteen years later that is.

"Roza I wish I knew where you were. I would tell you that I'm sorry, that I never meant what I said. I was stupid and I-" Roza silenced me by placing a single finger on my lips. She smiled at me and shook her head.

"For once you don't know when to stop talking." Roza jokes with me. I kiss her finger and move it out of the way so I could kiss my Roza again.

"I love you; I have never stopped loving you." I muttered to her. I move my lips to her neck, to the weak spot that I know she had; right at the corner of the space between her ear and jaw. I hear her let out a breathy moan.

"And I you, Comrade. How could I ever stop loving you?" Roza says before pushing off my duster that I had on. I could feel myself growing harder against her. Just seeing her, alone, could make me grow hard. I loved her, with all my heart.

Third P.O.V

Suddenly, jolted out of his dreams, Dimitri woke up. He turned over to the bed side where the alarm clock was and slams it off. Thankfully he hadn't broken this one. The last alarm clock he had only lasted him two weeks before he broke it. Dimitri let out a groan as he got out of bed.

He had been having dreams about Rose every other night for the past eighteen years. What he had said to her in the church had haunted him ever since. He scolded himself for saying those four little words. They just came out of his mouth before he could think about the impact that they would have on her or him for that matter. I wished constantly that he could turn back the clock and take back those words that tore apart his world.

Dimitri got dressed for work, which were Guardian duties. Since Rose had disappeared he had stayed with protecting the Princess turned Queen. Dimitri thought that if anyone would know where Rose went off to, it had to be the Queen. She was Rose's best friend and (somewhat) legal Guardian. But as it turned out the Queen and Rose had a falling out, of sorts, eighteen years back and they hadn't been in contact since. Dimitri learned, about a month or two after graduation, that he was the cause of the falling out. He cursed himself even more. For all he knew she could be dead, or worse a Strigoi.

Dimitri didn't want to think about it anymore, so he did his best to push all thoughts of Rose out of his mind and focus on the task at hand, which for the time being, was breakfast.

Dimitri was silent for the walk downstairs to the main dining hall. Guardians and Morois ate separately, so he would meet up with the Queen in about an hour.

"Morning Guardian Belikov," a female Guardian greeted as soon as he entered the hall. He didn't say anything but gave her a courteous smile and nodded in acknowledgement. He didn't talk much with people but that didn't mean that he wasn't nice to people.

After the Queen moved to Court he had been gaining unwanted attention from a large crowd of females, Dhampir and Moroi alike. All tried to gain his attention but none had ever succeeded. Little did they know that his heart was already taken, by someone that he would most likely never get to see again.

'Just another day at Court.' Dimitri thought to himself. He sat by himself, ate silently and then went straight to work. When he got there Guardian Torres was all to glad to switch with him.

"Did anything happen?" Dimitri asked before Guardian Torres slipped away.

"Not much. Her Majesty is fighting with the Eastern European Parliament; she's trying to get Zmey extradited to Court for trail. Something to do with trafficking human blood." Guardian Torres explained. Dimitri nodded his head and relieved Guardian Torres from her post. Dimitri knocked on the door before entering and heard the muffled granting of the Queen's voice.

"Your Majesty." Dimitri greeted as he entered the room. The Queen looked up from her desk; the massive amounts of paper work on her desk seemed to drown the Queen.

"It's just Lissa, Dimitri." The Queen responded. She gave him that knowing smirk and glint in her eyes. Dimitri nodded his head and corrected himself.

"I assume Guardian Torres has told you what I'm dealing with?" The Queen stated, more as a question though. Either way Dimitri nodded his head but said nothing.

"Honestly, how hard can it be to extradite a man who makes no efforts to hide his activities?" The Queen sighed out. Dimitri shrugged his shoulders. If there was one thing that he wasn't good at, it was politics. He just didn't understand the structure of it all.

"Lissa, if I may?" Dimitri asked, motioning over to the stacks of paper. Lissa nodded her head and Dimitri promptly moved them aside to have a better look at the Zmey's case file.

"I know this man." Dimitri muttered out. "I've seen him before, a long time ago." Lissa looks up from her paperwork. Dimitri was holding the only photo of the infamous Zmey. Lissa raised an eyebrow at Dimitri.

"He frequented my hometown quiet often; he's not someone you want as an enemy." Dimitri warned Lissa. Lissa looked up at her most trusted Guardian with questions in her eyes. Dimitri started to elaborate more but soon was interrupted by Prince Christian Ozera, Queen Lissa's boyfriend.

"Hey Lissa," Christian greeted as he entered the room. Dimitri fell back into his Guardian mode. Dimitri watched Christian and Lissa silently. He had nothing else to do except protect the Queen, but his mind wander to his dreams of Rose. 'My Roza' he thought to himself.

"Carter, relax. Mom doesn't know." Lily said to Guardian Wolf. He smiled at the teenage girl as she led him around the busy market square. Guardian Wolf held her hand in his large one, in comparison. A part of him was scared to lose her in a big crowd, even though he knew that she could take care of herself, and then the other part of him that someone might find out about them. The thing was Guardian Carter Wolf was a man of honor, duty and responsibility. But his world got turned upside down when he was employed as a Guardian for the Zmey's granddaughter. Only a few people know who was in the Zmey's family, and those who did protected that secret with their life. Only Guardian Wolf's charge was something different all together. He thought he had seen it all, but boy was he wrong.

He met Lily when she was a freshman at St. Basil. Zmey had asked that she had a Guardian with her at all times. Carter found it to be a little strange at first, because why would he need to guard a Dhampir when he really should be guarding a Moroi, but when he found out why Zmey wanted her guarded at all times it made perfect sense to him. For one Lily's grandfather was a very powerful Moroi in the East European Parliament (even if he didn't actually have a seat in the house); two she was the only known child of two very well known and fear Dhampir Guardians, both still on active duty.

But over the course of watching her and protecting her he somehow fell in love with her. She was different from the other. She taught him things that he thought he would never feel in his life. Living the life as a Dhampir Guardian didn't allow him to fall in love with another Dhampir, or really fall in love at all. He was constantly protecting someone or something from a Strigoi threat, but she changed that. He was so focused on being good at his job that he didn't realize that he was missing out on the life of a normal twenty something year old person should do. Getting drunk, sneaking out with friends, stealing kisses from his girlfriend, going to parties. The whole nine yards. Lily changed all of that. She dragged him along to all kinds of things. She forced him to participate in those kinds of things. She got him to feel again and it was simply amazing for him. He fell in love with her crazy and wild spirit that always seemed to find trouble but somehow always managed to wiggle her way out of the punishments.

"Lily," Guardian Wolf let out a huff. Lily rolled her eyes at him. She knew him to always worry about the smallest things, and even though it drove her insane, it was something that she loved in him, and she wouldn't change it for the world.

"Carter please, I haven't seen you all week." Lily pouted and Guardian Wolf gave in. He was a sucker for her, that's for sure.

"Alright," Guardian Wolf agreed with Lily. Lily led them further away from the market square and once they were out of major foot traffic Lily pulled Guardian Wolf closer to her and gave him a passionate kiss. He responded to her with the same, if not more, enthusiasm. She snaked her arms around his neck as he pushed her up against the alley wall. His hands were exploring all over her body, up and down her side to pinning her hands next to her head. Lily relished the few moments that she could get with her secret boyfriend. Most of the time he was the stiff ridged Guardian, ready to take down an army of Strigoi to protect his Kumru, but the few moments that he hand with her he was completely different. He was more carefree and open. Something that she found very amusing when she first saw his other side.

After a few more stolen kisses they pulled apart but never let go of each others hands. Lily was happy to finally spend some time with Carter, even if it was only for a few hours. Lily thought her mother would never approve of her relationship with Carter. He was nearly eight years older than her and well she just didn't want to risk him losing his job to her losing him. Call her selfish but she had learned on from an early age that her grandfather was not the type of Moroi that you wanted as an enemy. He was always sweet and kind to her but she had seen him slip a few times and she saw what her grandfather's wrath could inflict. She never wanted that to happen to Carter. She wouldn't let it happen to him.

I hope you enjoyed this first chapter. There are a few plot changes to the original plot but there are only a small amount. More or less it will follow Richelle Mead story lines.

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