A/N: Don't own anything. I'm just borrowing the characters. Stephanie Meyer owns Twilight. For those of you who have been reading Sinners Make The Best Saints since it first came out, hehe, thank you and I've made the chapters longer and changed some things.

The accident happened about 8 years ago. My parents, Renée and Charlie, and I were in a car crash. They died on impact and I was thrown through the window. The doctors weren't sure whether or not I was a boy or a girl. I dressed like a tomboy before puberty, and I didn't have breasts or my period, so people thought I was a boy. The doctors messed up terribly and surgically gave me a penis. I had to sue them for their misconduct and now that the trial is over I was given over 20 million dollars from the hospital. I know it's crazy, a chick getting a penis put on her, but it's true. I'm hoping to get it removed when I turn 18, which is in less than one month from now.

I've been at a rehabilitation center for the last 7 years. I'm now getting out tomorrow and moving to stay with my aunt Esme, and her son Emmett. I've known that they are vampires ever since I followed them hunting before the accident. Yes, I followed them even when they have super speed, apparently I'm different too, not completely human, but we aren't sure of what I am yet.

I know that most people would actually mourn for their parents after their death, but they never accepted me or supported me after I came out to them before the accident. They kept trying to send me away after I came out, and they were going to get their wish by driving me to a "Get Straight" camp, but then the accident happened.

Aunt Esme has known about all of my secrets – lesbian, penis, not human – since I found out about all of them, and she has been very supportive and accepting. These past years I've seen her as more of a mother than Renee ever was. I don't like calling her my aunt, I'm thinking about asking her if it's alright if I call her mom, I'm sure she would love it.

Emmett is like a big brother to me. He is like a big teddy bear, kind of like Sully from Monsters Inc., unfortunately he's isn't a blue monster.

The next day.

I wake up and look around, and I see Esme in my room and she is signing all the papers for me to come live with her and Emmett. I wait until they are finished with the paperwork until I make my presence known, although I'm pretty sure Esme already knows I'm up, vampire senses and all.

"Good morning Bella, are you ready to go?"

"Yes, I can't wait to get out of here and back to your house."

"Actually we were planning on moving to somewhere else, the people here are starting to question our youthful appearances. So it may be better for you too, for a change as well, away from here after everything that has happened."

"That sounds perfect to me Esme. Where is it that we are going to move to?"

"Well there are a few places we have wanted to go back to. Alaska is one of them, there is another coven there and they are animal drinkers as well. We may go there, but it is your choice where we end up."

"Alaska sounds amazing; I have a good feeling about Alaska. Now let's go before they change their minds and decide to keep me here."

In the car ride back to Esme's house.

"How are you Bella? How is..?"

"Seriously I'm fine and you can say penis, I've accepted that I have one now, although I am going to get it removed when I turn 18. What surprises me is that even though they put a penis on me they left my vagina intact, so now I have both."

"Yes, I'll remember that. Now do you want to go to a high school in Alaska or be homeschooled? If you decide to go to high school, Emmett will be with you in every class so nothing happens to you and no Physical Education classes either."

"I'll think about it, but if I start in high school, and if I hate it can I be homeschooled?"

"Of course, sweetie. That would give me something to do during the day. Also you can draw out what you want in the house and for your room so that it is to your liking."

"Thank you, Esme for doing all of this for me."

"You know I would do anything for you, my special girl."

At Esme's house.

Emmett rushes out at a surprisingly human pace to Bella's door. He opens it and engulfs Bella in a hug.

"I've missed you so much Bella-bear."

"Missed you too Emmy-bear."

"Alright Emmett, let go of the poor girl and help her get settled for the weekend. Oh, and Bella, just go on the computer and order whatever clothes you want, knowing you wouldn't want to go out and shop."

"Okay mom."

"Okay thank you Esme."

They all go into the house; Esme works on her plans for the house in Alaska, while Bella shops online and Emmett plays video games.

A/N So it didn't have many changes, but still enough to change it up a bit.

I've finally figured out what supernatural being Bella is. Review if you think you know! For anyone who gets it right, I'd love to hear some ideas for the story. I may not use them all, but I'll try :)