Sleepless Demon: A long time ago, I started this story and I apologise for the delays of the story. University is hard work. Here it comes. Peace out.

Several minutes ago, within the prison quarters of Gato's base. Naruto lays on his side, his eyes blank like as dried blood can be seen around the edge of his nose and a little discharge comes from the corner of his eye. Naruto spasms and his right hand quickly reaches for his head in pain, his eyes rolling back. His body, unable to control itself shakes from the pain as blood trickles down from one of his nostrils. After a moment, it stops and Naruto goes into the foetal position, groaning from the experience. After a minute, he rolls to get onto his hands and knees, barely succeeding in the task.

"Another vision, Chosen Chink?" Merle asks, chuckling a little as he rests his back against the only stone wall in his cell and glances at the blonde-haired boy.

Naruto drools a little, his headache getting worse as he had been experiencing this since he started this mission. He wonders if he'll ever not suffer migraines when looking at people he knows. His mind hazes over what he remembers, seeing Zabuza's face and Haku's mask. He smirks a little, even with a few punches, he could remember telling them on what he remembered and how Gato planned on betraying him to save money. He recalls Zabuza pushing him and leaving in a hurry with his followers. Whether it was a good sign or not is left to question, but Naruto saw that he listened to him, so he had hope.

Naruto looks at the spot he was laying at and saw the concentration of dust and sweat formed around him. Naruto's mind twinges back to his old apartment, remembering how dirty it was and wishing he was back there as that is a clean haven compared to his cell. Naruto thinks for a moment, wondering when he ever had an apartment since he's lived in his adoptive mother's house. His brain twinges in pain. 'Oh, damn it…must've been past life.' He grumbles to himself. He looks at the imprint of himself in the floor, believing he had laid there since Zabuza. His body feels weaker after that conversation and curses a little, clenching his fist in frustration.

Snoring can be heard to his right, making Naruto glance to his right and sees Merle sleeping on his side, his back facing him. Naruto wonders for a moment if time passed by quickly or Merle is that fast of a sleeper. His eyes glance beyond his cell, he can see the other prisoners in the darkness. He wonders if any of them are even alive. His vision catches sight of a large looking man wearing a white cowl of a hood and an iron mask that covered most of his face. Beyond that was dark shapes that felt as if it was moving, consuming all within.

A shiver goes up Naruto's spine, feeling eyes on him as he glances back and sees the red, hungry stare of Black-Tooth who crouches at the bars, its clawed hands wrapped around the bars that blocks him from Naruto. His sight glances beyond him, seeing more soul sucked prisoners, others look like they're use to it whilst more could be considered dead at this point.

Naruto feels sorrow for them as he wonders how many of them suffer because of both he and Hinata trying to fix the future. He shakes his head, clasping the side of his head and pulling his hair slightly. "You can't do anything now…fight now and save everyone you can…for them…for Hinata…I never go back on my word…I promise Hinata…" he whispers to himself, a tear running down his cheek.

"Saving people…sounds like an idea that will end up losing people." Ash's voice comes from across the corridor. Naruto looks and sees him resting against the bars, his back to him, his bandage covered body hiding his scars. "I saved my brother from a bully, but I did a little too much damage to said bully and I had a bad reputation since then. I left shortly after to avoid some…family issues…long story, bad romance. Anyhow, when I heard of trouble at my home and that my family was in danger. I gained a good group of…let's say…warriors, to return to help my family." Ash sighs, his eyes looking at the blood stains on the back wall. "I came, and they were prepared. Fucking captain sent word ahead of time. I tried to save my family, and now, I live in this cell…I don't know which of my family are even alive anymore."

Naruto feels sorry for him. He coughs a bit more and crawls over to the bars to the hall, shuffling away from Black-Tooth and places himself against the bars, enjoying the coldness of them. "I know how it feels to want to save people. I was mostly successful…before…" Naruto's mind goes to his life, only having fragmented memories of his old life, saving people, always succeeding, a small smile creeping on the corner of his mouth. His mind then goes to Inari and old man Tazuna and the smile vanished. He wished he knew of the risk of changing the world for the better. He again grabs the side of his head as a tear runs down the corner of his eye. "I want to save everyone. I want to save my friends and…family…I never had a family…I will never lose them. I wanted to be Hokage, to get everyone to respect me." Blood runs down from his nose as he smiles again. "I remember something Konohamaru told me, back when Old Man Hokage gave a small lecture to his class…he considered everyone in the Hidden Leaf village his family. He cares for them as they care for him."

Ash remains quite for a time. "That's a nice sentiment." He replies, his eyes remain facing the wall.

Naruto feels a bit more pain in his head and groans. He soon focuses, to which his right-hand begins to glow green and hovers it over his head, trying to dull the pain. "That's why we're here. Tsunami came, and we sent a small army to hide in your country. We're aiming to save it, for the people and kick Gato's ass." Naruto clutches his head once more, a violent image of that short man's head flying from his body before a large group of people with the bloody Zabuza before him.

Moments pass and the sound of a door opening and closing a few seconds later. Naruto's trained ears pick up the sound of footsteps down the dark corridor, quiet enough for Naruto to suspect Shinobi. He tries to see if they're heading his way.

"For all prisoners in cells!" A voice calls out, loudly as it echoes across the prison. "It is best if you move away from the bars and keep low!"

Naruto looks confused, glancing at Ash who broke his gaze from the wall and seems as befuddled as Naruto. A couple of seconds later, Naruto hears something spinning rapidly and something catches his eye at the end of the hall that flies straight down the corridor. "Crap!" Naruto yells, quickly ducking as the object flies by, water falling from above as a jet like stream seems to cut through the metal and cutting deep into the rock wall, parts of it crumbling away whilst Naruto feels cold, solid metal fall on him, giving some pain from it.

"Who pissed on me?" Merle questions in annoyance, sitting up as the sound of metal clanking on the floor.

"I'd wager it's whoever cut the metal bars." Ash says, slowly raising from the floor, having ducked on seeing the spinning object. He gets up and notices the lock to the bars were sliced through like butter.

Slowly, the other prisoners with strength to exit, some grabbing severed bars to use as makeshift shanks or clubs. Naruto glances about, seeing some people enter other bars, helping up those weak or unable to stand from injuries, muscle loss or similar afflictions. "Come, Comrade, we have opportunity to return to motherland!" one of the prisoners tells another.

Moments pass, and everyone begins to slowly and cautiously make their way down, even Black-Tooth who is growling at this point. Naruto notices its bleeding from around its neck and part of its ear is severed. Naruto's surprised by the blood and suspects Black-Tooth didn't react on time, Naruto considers him lucky for not losing his head over it, yet the rage in his eyes are obvious enough, but Ash keeping his hand in front of the beast like man to stop.

"We're looking for a…Nagato? Nadara? Some stupid name?" A voice comes, Naruto's eyes soon land on a figure standing before a small group of Mist Ninja.

Naruto's eyebrow twitched, his head pounding once more as he raises his hand. "You mean Naruto?" he asks, gaining stares from all around him.

"Yep, that's the one." One of the Mist ninja says, giving a pointed finger of acknowledgement. Naruto glances at him and thinks he's familiar, most likely was with either Zabuza or Haku during his talks.

The Mist Shinobi at front begins to talk, "Right, we're going to take you out of here." This makes Naruto look at him, seeing his ANBU mask and heavily oversized clothing with camouflaged clothing. Naruto doesn't recognise him from the past, wondering how he came to be in this position. The person glances at a nearby prisoner who gets closer. "Shoo, we're not here for you. Just Nagato." He says, soon having someone whisper in his ear. "That's what I said."

"Alright…so why did you free everyone else?" Naruto asks with a hint of annoyance, looking behind and seeing the mass increase with people looking worried, confused, even some having a hint of hope, but most are afraid when they look upon the Mist Ninja.

"Distraction." The one in front says, presumably the leader says, chuckling a little.

"A distraction?" Ash questions, stepping forward and keeping part of himself in front of Naruto as a form of shield.

A man steps forward, wearing the traditional Mist Shinobi uniform; his headband covering his messy black hair and wears a breathing mask. "We are to get someone out of here as part of the agreement between Kakashi of the Sharingan and the Demon of the Hidden Mist, Zabuza. It's trickier than you'd think to get someone out of this base. We also know other prisoners witnessing his escape will bring on noise when it comes to escaping since everyone wants to join. So, we came up with the plan of making them…how you'd say…a smoke screen. The prisoners have a chance for freedom whilst we use the mass as a distraction to get Naruto out of here." He says, gaining some annoyed glared from the prisoners who stand around them.

Ash chuckles, "Rather bold to basically make them all sacrificial pawns when we outnumber you twenty-to-one."

The masked one pulls out a katana from behind his neck, showing he's got two sheathes within his shirt. Ash's eyes widen as he sees several dozen paper bombs attached to the blade. "Kenta always liked to be honest to those about to die. Also, you can certainly try. But I can most certainly guarantee that you'll all die first. Not one at a time, not all in a straight line. One big explosion that leaves nothing but a pile of limbs and blood." He says with a chuckle. "So, will all prisoners please flee whilst we get ready to use you as a shield." He says with his blade pointing at the floor, ready to stab at it to activate the bombs. "Maybe you'll get lucky and kill a guard for his weapon before he kills you." He mocks.

Several prisoners are looking worried and are about to run. "Wait!" Naruto calls out, looking at the masked man. "I am not leaving these people to die just for me to escape!" Naruto yells at him, his eyes narrowing with distaste. "Clear a path for the exit!" Naruto orders them.

Kenta speaks up. "Our escape route will not work for 'normal' people. We're going to the higher floors whilst the guards within this building will go to the lower floors to deal with the escaped prisoners." He informs Naruto. "The prisoners have a chance to escape if they're lucky, but again, they're to be our distraction."

Naruto clasps his head, pain shooting through his brain as he thinks, shaking his head. "No! I'm not letting more people die! Not like Tazuna! Not like Inari!" Naruto yells, looking back and seeing the prisoners look at him with confusion and surprise.

Ash looks at Naruto, giving him a thin smile. He turns to Kenta and begins to tear off his bandages, showing off his heavy scars and mostly healed ones. "People die during a fight. This is how war looks. I have commanded a few squads before. I think we can take over the building and defend it off until Naruto gets back to his friends. We'll leave a few people to defend and barricade the doors until someone comes to help."

Merle chuckles and looks at the people. "That'll mean we've got what? Ten, twenty chinks able to throw a punch?" Merle asks, looking at Ash with a small smile and a raised eyebrow. "A good ol' rioting against the 'authorities', ten unarmed civilians against five armed guards, they'll think they can take them. Twenty, they'll start to second guess if they can finish them before they're swarmed. Fifty, they'll panic and will want to run."

Black-Tooth gives a low growl, drool coming from the corner of his mouth. "You want us to attack human warriors with numbers?" he questions, a grunt coming from it as a bit of pain twinges from his neck.

Merle chuckles. "Have the meanest looking chinks at the front with this werewolf here." Nods towards Black-Tooth.

Ash thinks and looks at the Mist Ninja. "Are there other prison blocks?"

Kenta thinks, "Yes, but they're in different subterranean areas and none will be on our route, though."

"There are more prisons." One of the other prisoners mentions, having an accent no one can determine its origins. "On the higher levels are what, how you say…important people?"

"Important people?" Naruto questions, giving a glance towards Ash. "Aren't you the lord of the land or something?"

Ash gives a sad sigh. "Guess they want to forget me in this dark place." He says and looks at the Mist Ninja with some distaste, yet hope can be seen in his eyes. "Can you help us break the other prisoners free?"

Kenta shakes his head, "Not our concern."

"If you help us secure this building. Whatever powers my name has as the next Lord of this Nation to grant a pardon and let you keep whatever you can carry." He tells them, narrowing his eyes as he dislikes the thought of it, but he knew they're the best chance on saving as many people as possible.

"Takumi, we-" Kenta begins, but the one with the katana raises his hand to stop him talking

Kenta silences himself whilst the others seem curious. Takumi chuckles to this. "We're already going to be taking everything. Why would we need a pardon when we're going to be leaving?"

Ash glares at him, standing straight and a sneer soon appears on his face. "I've killed Ninja before. You're just mercenaries that use tricks. Think of it as me hiring your services to kill those that have raped and pillaged my lands and these peoples…" his sneer soon drops, and he looks back at the prisoners. "No…They're our lands. I hold little right to take what land they live on. But I am sure as the damned hells that I will fight for these people." His eyes glance down at Naruto and he smiles. "The people of this land are my family, you may not have my blood, but they've taken that and now I realise blood does not matter! Family are those you accept, and the people of this nation are who I call family. I am Daichi Uzumaki! I'll assume you know my reputation and being the 2nd son of Tadao Uzumaki. That fucking dwarf of a man, Gato killed the Lord, my father and who knows how many more of us they've killed! I will help you all! I will fight! I shall learn of all who they've slain, and I will make them suffer for their deaths! EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEM! I am no longer Daichi Uzumaki! I embrace the name they gave me as a mockery! I am Ash! They will fight them! Kill their legacy and burn it to ruins! All that will remain of them is ASH!" Ash yells, gaining a few cheers from the prisoners. Ash's focus on the Mist ninja, his eyes aflame. "Join us in slaying these bastards and all things you have done against this land will be forgiven, as much as I dislike the even idea of that." He tells them, a hint of anger in his voice. "You've betrayed your allegiance to him, you might as well kill him in the process."

Kenta stares at Ash with an expressionless face, showing the hints of how emotionless Mist Ninja can be. "Our job is to escort Naruto out of the facility, heading to the main office along the way."

Naruto glances at Kenta, thinking for a second and smiles. "Alright, you escort me whilst I accompany Ash? I think he'll find something of mine which is very important to me."

Takumi looks at Naruto and chuckles. "And what something of yours is so important?"

"…Visions of either future or past?" Naruto asks, trying to keep a straight face. "You can also kick some bastard's ass?"

Takumi chuckles as he sheathes his blade, "You're a lil' shit. You know that, right?"

Naruto chuckles, looking at Ash who pats Naruto's spiky blonde hair. "Right! Everyone that can move, let's go!" Ash yells, pushing pass the Mist Ninja. The able bodied quickly begin to move, reaching the door which they throw open and begin to move quietly.

Naruto swallows, quickly doing a familiar sign and unleashes many Shadow Clones, rushing up the stairs. Takumi chuckles as he follows the clones with the other Mist Ninja follow as they rush up. Naruto takes up the rear, soon hearing a hushed voice saying, "Where the fuck did all these fucking Chinese twins come from, Chink!?"

"Out of the way." Takumi chuckles, pulling out of his katana with paper bombs attached. "We're leaving with a bang!"

Takumi pushes past the group, rushing up along the wall as everyone quickly ducks and the clones cover them. The man's blade collides with the metal door, causing a flash and a few bits of shrapnel slice down the stairwell and several screams of shock and pain come from the smoke above.

Black-Tooth charges forward, soon followed by the able bodied, Ash and Merle. The Mist ninja remain a few seconds behind as combat soon comes into earshot. Naruto runs along the wall, over those in shock or too weak to climb the stairs themselves. He jumps into the middle of the room, scanning the area as he sees Black-Tooth tearing through the face of a man whilst Ash stands over one of Gato's goons with a bolt in the eye. Merle drops the body and grabs the katana by his side and chuckles a little as he swings it.

As the smoke clears, showing bodies around the room, most are guard and a few Lightning Ninja bleeding on the group. A few of the prisoners fell, one of them with lightning burns, convulsing from the damage. A guard has a large piece of shrapnel piercing his skull, spasming a little. Takumi stands next to a Lightning Ninja pinned to the wall, his hands grasping the blade in shock as blood spills from his mouth. "Y-You… fucking traitors!" the Lightning Ninja says in a weak voice.

Takumi laughs, "We're fucking rogue ninja. What do you expect?" he asks, smirking and twisting the blade.

Naruto feels a range of emotions, mostly sadness and guilt. A few drops of blood hits the floor and Naruto's nose bleeds. "We're beating Gato and his goons. Believe it." He says, looking back and seeing the remaining prisoners slowly make their way out.

Naruto hears movement coming straight at him, his reflexes causing him to spin and slap away a pair of arms and quickly roll away. A few shrapnel which lay strewn across the floor cut into his skin from the manoeuvre. During the roll, his right-hand clasping one in the shape of a knife and pulls it out before he lands back on his feet, readying himself. Naruto's eyes widen in shock as he realises it's an ANBU from the Leaf village wearing a cat mask, bird mask and monkey mask. He drops his stance and chuckles a little. "Hey there, just escaped. Are you helping us beat Gato's goons?" Naruto asks, quickly glancing to the side, seeing the Mist ninja armed. "Mist guys are helping us escape!" Naruto quickly informs them, seeing the ANBU trio who hold weapons at the ready, examining the Mist and trickling escapees.

"Naruto, we're here to rescue you and return you to Kakashi's presence." The cat masked ANBU informs him, having a weapon drawn and his gaze going from Naruto to the Mist ninja. "We are here for him, interfere with our mission and you shall not be leaving this encounter alive."

Takumi begins to laugh, "Does the Copycat Ninja hold us in such low regards that he has his shadow lackies remove us from the job he gave us?"

The ANBU remain motionless, remaining on guard, giving off the impression of them being unconvinced. Naruto swallows nervously as he takes a step forward. "Hey…ANBU dude, I convinced Zabuza to turn against Gato and Zabuza's people are getting me out of here and the others here," he motions at the increasing number of prisoners that is slowly ceasing to increase. "We're going to save everyone we can and hold this place until Kakashi Sensei and others get here to rescue everyone."

The ANBU remain motionless, their weapons remaining at the ready as they stand cautiously. "We haven't received any word of that from Kakashi, sir." Monkey masked ANBU says with a hint of confusion in their voice.

"Our mission is to retrieve Naruto, nothing more." The cat masked ANBU says, marching towards Naruto.

Naruto's eye twitches, blood running down from his nose and reaching his chin, the taste of blood slipping into his mouth. "No! I am not going to let these people die here! No more people are going to die because of me! People are already suffering, and I will do everything I can to help them!" Naruto yells, blood running from his nose freely, a trail of it coming from his right ear. Naruto's eye flicker, running red and back to blue, slitted to unslitted. "I'm going to be Hokage! I don't want more people to die when I can save them!" Naruto's teeth sharpen and flecks of crimson red along with golden spill from his flesh, vanishing in the air.

The Cat ANBU pauses, observing Naruto and his hands seem ready. "Calm yourself, Naruto, lest we have to take action."

Naruto pauses, looking at his hands and seeing them sharpen. Naruto feels the Kyuubi's power grow unstable and he swallows. Naruto clenches his sharpened teeth, blood seeping from the jagged teeth scraping against his gums. Naruto takes a few more breaths and his chakra calms down, but his emotions still seem to be unstable as his mind's eye sees death. He sees people he doesn't know fall, dying with himself surviving, despite his best efforts on trying to save everyone. Naruto looks at the ANBU, unbeknownst, Naruto has tears running down his cheeks. "I am not going to let them die…my friends or otherwise..." Naruto whispers the last bit, his right-hand twitching, memories of Hinata holding his hand.

A larger hand grabs Naruto's shoulder, gaining Naruto's attention as he looks, seeing Ash stepping forward. "I'm aware of your war, Leaf ninja. Our country is suffering, and your adversary is Gato, correct? We're taking this base over. The…Mist ninja are assisting in that regards. Look, we've broken from our cells and plan to essentially cause a riot. So, we need to act fast to release the others and be able to hold a chance at surviving. With your help, we can all but guarantee our success and take out not only an enemy stronghold but losing this building will be a key victory to this war the Leaf have entered. With this building taken over, they've lost their base of operations and their moral will take a hit, plus immediate payment will cease, and no mercenary likes being cut from their payment." Ash tells them, holding out his hand. "We have a short amount of time for a major victory. Help us achieve that and less of your comrades will fall. We have to fight together now, more than ever."

The Cat ANBU remains silent for a moment, his vision glancing down at Naruto and back to Ash, giving a nod. "Very well, we will assist." He says, giving a hand sign and the other two vanish in a whirl of smoke. "I will assist and be staying close to Naruto's position to ensure his safety and…ensure nothing happens."

Ash bows his head, sighing in some relief. "You will forever have my appreciation." He glances at those who have gathered from the prisons. "Fight for our nation! Our family! Our lost!" He yells, reaching down and picking up a blade and heads towards the main exit to this room.

The people cheer with a mixture of emotions, anger, fear, pride and hope. Merle swaggers with the others as the energetic rush on ahead whilst Black-Tooth pushes ahead of the pack, roaring in delight. Naruto smiles a little, glancing down and patting his own abdomen and then does a familiar hand sign.


At a makeshift tavern, a few of Gato's goons drink and laugh. One slaps the ass of one of the servers whilst another throws a bottle as hard as he can, seeing if he can hit a tree of the forest from this distance. He misses by a long shot and the others jeer at him, making him flip them off.

One of the drunker lot coughs and feels queasy. He glances about and something catches his attention before he vomits on the floor, gaining more jeers. The drunk spits out what remains of his meal away and glances back at something that caught his attention. "You…you guys notice that?" he asks, confused.

"You vomiting and getting some on your shirt? Naw mate, not one of the twenty people looking at you noticed." The goon slapping the server's ass says with obvious sarcasm in his voice.

"No…no. I mean that." He says, pointing towards the base of operations. The others glance over with some mild bemusement which drops as swiftly as a person being thrown out a window from the 4th floor can.

"What the-Oi! Something's happening with Gato's house!" the slapping goon yells loudly, catching the attention of nearby people who glance and see the body on the floor and they quickly grab weapons.

The group quickly rush towards the main entrance of the building whilst a few others gather more goons. The one leading them grabs hold of the handle and suddenly feels a great amount of pain around his wrist. He glances down as the wood around the door warps and parts of it split off and quickly wrap around his forearm and around his body. He yells in fear and pain, not noticing the door sealing itself off.

"Get me out of this!" the tied-up goon yells in fear, trying to break free and failing.

One of the other goons quickly pulls out a greataxe and starts hacking at the wood, freaking out slightly as the wood regenerates itself and continues to wrap around the goon. "Fuck this, you're on your own, brother." He says, quickly dropping the greataxe and runs away.

The others soon see the windows nearby being sealed by wood, almost like the wall itself is consuming them and they stand there in confusion, hearing a few snaps from the tied-up goon who's yelling in pain.

The slapping goon curses, glancing up. "Someone gets a damned ladder!" he orders, taking a few steps back, ignoring the screams of his companion as a few more bones break. He jumps a little when he hears rapid popping sounds coming from the building. He narrows his eyes, recognising them as shots from a firearm, but the average musket only fires once when this is rapid and still not stopping.


A few clones explode in smoke at a main stairwell as a few people tumble down the fairs as rapid small projectiles comes from the top of the stairwell. People scream in shock and pain and a mixture of fright from the rapid succession of projectiles whizzing pass them if they're lucky, through them if they're not. Several people cower behind the corner to the main stairwell as they hear a few ricochets from the stone wall they hide behind and bits of the wall. Half a dozen prisoners lay at the base of the stairs, bleeding from wounds and a few of Gato's men laying beaten and dead with a few projectile wounds as well.

A few moments pass and Ash makes it to the scene, pressing himself against the wall and tapping one of the escapees on the shoulder. The escapee looks back in fright and swallows, looking somewhat glad to see Ash, but still fearful. "A-Ash…th-the um…guards, they've got a weapon th-that's killing us."

Ash nods, looking confused as he pulls the escapee back and takes his place, sliding up towards the edge of the wall. His sight glances down, seeing blood begin to seep around the corner and dribble into small entry points on the floor. He swallows, quickly glancing around the corner and jumps back as rapid popping sounds come and bits of concrete fly off the wall he's covering behind. Ash curses loudly, holding onto his face as he feels a small tear across his cheek and blood running. "Damn it! Son of a bitch! What the hell is that?" he ponders aloud, sliding away as the corner of the wall is being chipped away.

Naruto comes into view, holding onto his head painfully and looks at Ash, seeing his face, "Guess I came a bit too late. Got some memories of a lot of noise and stuff tearing through me from my clones." Naruto says, hearing the rapid firing stop and a few moments later, a groaning coming from around the corner. His eyes widen as he realises someone's still alive around the corner and quickly does a hand sign.

Ash grabs his hands, "Hold it, kid. I know there's someone there, but you rushing out will likely just get them killed when those clones pop. You just said they tore through you."

Naruto curses, thinking of anything that could help, his head hurting as he tries to think of what Jutsu he has. 'Come on…I can…do I have any defensive Jutsu?' he thinks to himself, rubbing his head as the time he's spent in those cells made him feel rusty.

"Heard some guns. Where they at?" a voice comes, people glance back, seeing Merle taking a few breaths as he leans against the wall.

"Guns? You mean muskets? I don't think they fire that amount in a short time." Ash replies, remembering them from his old days.

"Muskets? Fucking old piece of shit weapons, you've got." Merle complains, looking at the damage he can see. "They've got assault rifles. Clips that shoot a lot of bullets in a short time. Fun things to shoot, especially when a bit drunk."

"PPSh-41." A deep voice responds near the rear.

Others look and see a pale, skinny man holding another even skinnier man.

"I believe they have our weapons." The skinnier man says with a similar accent to the one supporting him.

Merle narrows his eyes, looking confused, "I have to say, I know a few firearms, but those I don't know."

"It doesn't matter, how do we get up there?" Ash asks, sounding a little pissed.

As if from nowhere, the cat masked ANBU throws a blade into the wall on the other side and throws a kunai to collide with the blade, causing it to angle. The ANBU looks carefully at the knife and performs several hand signs and slams his palm into the ground. "Wood Style; Tree Branch Binding!" he says, causing the ground to warp a little. A split second later, yelps of shock and fright come from the higher level, rapid firing in random directions.

Naruto grabs his head painfully, looking at the ANBU and narrows his eyes, seeing scary eyes staring into him. "Captain Yamato?" Naruto calls out, sounding confused.

The ANBU doesn't respond and holds up his hand, telling them to wait and then motions them to go forward as the firing is still coming from above the stairway, but not down them. Ash pulls out a blade and yells in anger, charging around the corner and others quickly follow.

"Captain Yamato?" Naruto calls out again, remembering someone leading a team with him in it. A flash of Sakura comes with the team, but the other he does not recognise.

The ANBU stands up, glances at Naruto before walking on ahead, stepping over a few bodies and glances down at a groaning, injured person with a body over them, having shielded most of the bullets fired at him. He moves the body and sighs a little, seeing that it's one of Gato's men as they're dressed as a mercenary. Naruto walks around and looks up the stairs, seeing the few prisoners pushing past wooden branches that bound a few of the people on top. They are hanging there, deceased, having been swarmed by the escaped prisoners. Vomit reaches the back of his throat as he sees one of them bound to the wall and a blade stuck halfway through his skull and left there, his jaw hanging loosely open as blood dribbles out.

Naruto sees the flashing of a blade, glancing down and seeing the ANBU pull out his sword and holds it over the injured mercenary. Naruto's eyes widen and flashes behind the ANBU and grabs his wrist, stopping them from killing the injured. "Don't do that! He's down! No more death!" Naruto tells him, sounding annoyed.

"…It's not wise to do that behind an ANBU, Naruto." The ANBU tells him.

Naruto looks confused and glances down, swallowing nervously as he's holding a kunai in his other hand and has it an inch away from his stomach from behind. "I-I…sorry." Naruto says, realising ANBU have trained reactions. "Just leave him be, even if he's the enemy. He can't do anything. Look at him."

The ANBU glances down, seeing the man looking at him in fear, soon noticing the distinct smell of urine coming from the man as he cries in fear. He glances at Naruto and mentally sighs. "Fine, though learn from mistakes and control your emotions. They will get yourself killed." He tells him, standing and stepping over the crying man who continues to weep in pain and fear.

Naruto follows, holding onto his head painfully as he's sure that the ANBU is someone he knows called Yamato, same hairstyle and everything. He shakes his head, knowing he's got no time for this and he's got to ensure the least amount of deaths he can. He spits onto the wall, removing any blood that trailed into the back of his throat when blood ran from his nose from his sudden memory of this Yamato.


Near the highest level of Gato's base, several guards stand at attention, moving furniture to barricade the doors and make obstacles to give Gato's mercenaries a better chance of defending. They keep the lights around this hall and other rooms low or off to hide their numbers and allow easier sneak attacks. A Lightning Shinobi glances around, somewhat nervous. "Right! Do not let a single one of them into the office! That holds your payday and if things get hectic. Pull back and we'll unleash the trap! If anyone objects, speak now and die where you stand!" he yells, holding a katana which becomes imbued with lightning. "They've only got numbers on their side! They've spent weeks dying in that pit!"

The others shake their head, holding out crossbows and several knives at the ready to unleash to everyone that comes through. "We're gonna fuck them sideways!" one of them calls out with a laugh.

The others cheer in acknowledgement and laugh. This is cut short as someone screams in horror and agony. Weapons are readied and eyes narrow as they look around carefully, trying to figure out where it came from.

A door smashes open and several crossbows fly at it as a reaction. "Hold fire! Wait for them to get in line of vision!" the Lightning Shinobi orders them in anger.

They watch as a figure stands at the doorway, stopping from the bolds. They see it's one of Gato's men, holding onto the bolts in his chest. They soon see that he's been torn into, like he escaped whilst being fed upon by a monstrosity. "Guys…the fuck?" the man questions, coughing up blood and leans against one of the barricades.

The Lightning Shinobi pulls out a few shuriken and they begin to crackle with lightning. A hulking figure rushes out, grasping the now deceased mercenary and rushes forward, using the body as a shield. Knives, crossbow bolts and other projectiles fly at it, hitting mostly the deceased body, but a few manage to fly by and hit the hulking figure.

The mercenaries yell in shock, backing away in fear as it looks like a beast charging at them. Those that stayed were charged into, blood splattering across the walls and furniture they were hiding behind. A 7-foot-tall, almost dog like being wearing torn fabrics and stained with blood, some of his, but mostly that of other people. It tears an arm off a screaming mercenary and glances down the hallway, its frenzied eyes stare at them as blood drools from its fanged mouth.

"The fuck is that thing!" one of the mercenary's yells in fear.

"It's that fucking dog thing we caught last month!" Another calls out, quickly reloading his crossbow.

"It's still alive!?" another calls out, angry by that fact.

The Lightning Shinobi unleashes a barrage of lightning shuriken which fly towards and pierce through the beast which roars in pain, backing up as it holds up its arms. "It's already wounded! It's going to go down! Keep up the barrage!" he orders them.

They quickly begin to launch their projectiles, some missing, but a lot hitting the large target. Black-Tooth roars in rage, throwing his arms out and launches forward, his eyes set on the Lightning ninja, his arms flailing around instinctively, tearing through the flesh of those too slow to dodge.

The Lightning Shinobi glares at the rampaging beast, pulling out two kunai and they sparkle with lightning. "Bring it on, you rabid inbred mutt!" he calls out, seeing it smash through the barricades and more people, blood splattering across the walls and ceiling as he closes the gap.

Black-Tooth lunges forward, smashing into the Lightning Shinobi and blood splattering across the floor and doors behind him as the duo collide with it and tear it from its hinges. Black-Tooth continues forward, smashing into a desk and rolling over it and hit the window behind the desk and office chair. Black-Tooth grunts as its claw like fingers grasp the broken windowsill and stands. It coughs and blood splatters out from its mouth and its knees shake. They look down, seeing the kunai pierced through its stomach and chest, lightning still sparking from it. It falls to its knees, its arm leaning on the windowsill, its broken glass cutting into its arm and armpit.

Coughing comes from the desk, the Lightning Shinobi coughing up a bit of blood as he holds his back. "Got you…you son of a bitch." He chuckles, pushing himself from the desk and leans on it. Blood seeps from the nape of his neck, having been torn into by Black-Tooth before they broke from colliding with the desk

"Y-Yeenoghu…I…I slaughtered as…as…as many as I could…feed on...their souls…and look favourably on…me…" Black-Tooth grumbles before falling to the ground, blood seeping from his wounds and its eyes glazing over.

The Lightning Shinobi coughs a little more and looks towards the destroyed door and chuckles, seeing a couple of the mercenaries walking in, looking shocked that the Lightning Shinobi is still standing. "You…you okay?" they ask, as the remaining ones in the hall check on the wounded and dying.

"I've taken on worse." The Lightning Shinobi tells them, chuckling as he holds onto his ribs. "Might've broken something." He says, glancing around at the damage, "We took out their vanguard, everything should be easy after that."

The two mercenaries nod, chuckling a little. Suddenly, all blood drains from their faces as they look behind the Shinobi. He catches that and seems confused as well. The bloodlust increases intensely, a low growling coming from behind and he slowly turns, and his eyes widen in shock as a horse sized monster looks at him hungrily. Its white fur is patchy, ragged and spikes sprout from its back and along its tail which ends with a stinger. Its eyes glow red as his chest and mouth emits a yellow glow which shows its jagged fangs that sprout from its slavering maw.

"What…the-" The Lightning Shinobi began, his eyes widening as its stinger whips at him with such speed, it surprised him. It cuts into his arm and he rolls out of reach as it growls and a voice speaks in his head, some monstrous language which he has never heard no ever wants to again.

"What the fuck is that thing!?" One of the mercenaries calls out in fear as the other flees.

"We've got t-" The Lightning Shinobi begins to call out, but his body becomes numb and his body paralyses. His eyes widen in shock and he looks down at his arm, seeing a yellow substance leaks from his arm. He falls to the ground, or at least he thinks he has as his line of sight is now ground level. He feels no pain and his body isn't working. Fear is all he can feel as his eyes manage to glance up, seeing the salivating maw of that monster lunge at his face. He doesn't feel it, but he knows his life is done for as his body slowly begins to respond and all he knows is pain.

Sleepless Demon: Sorry for no updates for this long. University is over and done with and I should hopefully be able to get back to story writing if life doesn't distract me. Anyhow. Peace out.