A/N: I do not own Fairy Tail or The song.

A/N: Thank you to my amazing Beta! You rock. This chapter has been updated and I feel it totally flows better now with a few minor tweaks. Hope you all enjoy!

The Thunder Rolls

Chapter One : The Storm

Three thirty in the morning

Not a soul insight

The city's lookin' like a ghost town

On a moonless summer night

Raindrops on the window

There's a storm moving in

He's headin' back from somewhere

That he never should have been

And the thunder rolls

And the thunder rolls

3rd party POV

The city of Magnolia was preparing for the start of the rain season. As the sun started to set behind the unseen horizon, the last stragglers vacated the streets. From her window seat in the apartment she shared with her boyfriend, Lucy Heartfilia watched as the first drops of rain fell. Lucy loved storms, but had taken to watching them from the safety of the window seat, after nearly being struck by lightning during the last storm of the previous season.

A ripple of excitement flowed through her as she watched the sky split open, lightning dancing from cloud to cloud. She sat in silent contemplation until the sound of the communication lacrima on her coffee table drew her attention. Lucy's eyes drifted from the light show to the clock on the wall as she reached for the lacrima. Her mind registered that it was a few minutes after nine in the evening as Mira's face filled the screen.

"Evening, Mira. What's up?" Lucy answered, smiling as she settled back into her spot, her back to the window.

"Hi, Lucy!" Mira's bright voice rang out. "Enjoying the storm I see." she giggled.

"You know I am. Though I would much rather be out there right now." Lucy's own giggling voice replied. "But, I know you didn't call to see if I was enjoying the storm, so what can I do for you?"

"I just wanted to let you know that Erza checked in a few minutes ago. They were able to catch the last train into Magnolia tonight. So the team should be back by eleven at the latest. I think she said they might even arrive in another hour since the train was almost empty."

"That's a relief, glad they'll be back tonight. I'm starting to miss Natsu." Lucy replied, lips twitching upward as she looked at Mira.

Mira and Lucy spoke for a few more minutes before the blonde wished the white haired bar maid a good night, promising to come into the guild the next day. Eyes shifting to the clock again, Lucy set the communication lacrima back down. A soft smile pulling at her lips, Lucy resettled into the window seat to watch the storm while awaiting her pink haired slayer to get home.


Every light is burnin'

In a house across town

She's pacin' by the telephone

In her faded flannel gown

Askin' for miracle

Hopin' she's not right

Prayin' it's the weather

That's kept him out all night

And the thunder rolls

And the thunder rolls

A loud thud was heard as Lucy fell from the window seat and onto the floor. Pushing herself into a sitting position as she awoke, Lucy took in her surroundings. She noticed that Natsu was still not home. Her eyes focused on the clock as a slow, creeping fear slid into her. It was after 3 in the morning. Natsu should have been home by now. Lucy reached for the communications lacrima as she stood. Her thoughts focused on Erza as she sent a pulse of magic into the orb. A crimson blush danced across Lucy's cheeks as a very tired, and very nude Erza filled the screen, a tuft of blue hair barely visible over the re-quip mage's shoulder.

Erza's sleep heavy voice drew Lucy's attention. "What's going on…? Why are you calling, Lucy, . . . is everything alright?"

"S-so . . . sorry Erza . . . I didn't mean to interrupt." Blushes gracing both girls' cheeks as Lucy spoke. "It's just . . . it's really late and Natsu hasn't come ho . . . ."

Lucy stopped mid-sentence as the front door swung open to reveal her missing slayer. In her excitement and relief Lucy dropped the lacrima and launched herself across the room and into her boyfriend's arms.

She's waitin' by the window

When he pulls into the drive

She rushes out to hold him

Thankful he's alive

But on the wind and rain

A strange new perfume blows

And the lightnin' flashes in her eyes

And he knows that she knows

And the thunder rolls

And the thunder rolls

No sooner did she reach him than Lucy realized something was amiss. It did not take Lucy long to figure out what that something was. Every exposed inch of the pink haired mage was covered in love bites, scratches, and blatant hickies. The relief of him being home safe was quickly replaced with fury as she pushed away from him.

Fury set her blood pounding in her ears, drowning out the sound of Erza's calling out to her from the forgotten lacrima on the floor. Her honey eyes swam with pain, hurt, and rage. Out of reflex, Lucy dropped her head to hide her eyes from Natsu as she spoke softly.

"Get out . . ."

"Aww . . . come on, Luce. Is that any way to welcome your boyfriend home after a two week mission?" His trademark grin in place as if he didn't know what he had done was wrong.

"Get out, Natsu!" Lucy screamed, arm hauling back. She slapped him across the face with all the strength she had before turning her back to him, reaching for the communication lacrima. Erza's eyes widened as Lucy's arm was wrenched back, jerking the blonde mage to her feet. The lacrima went flying from Lucy's hands by the force of Natsu's yank, shattering on the floor, cutting off as Lucy's pained scream filled Erza's room.

The thunder rolls

And the lightnin' strikes

Another love grows cold

On a sleepless night

As the storm blows on

Out of control

Deep in her heart

The thunder rolls

A/N: I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter. Please leave reviews.