"You know Barry, only you would insist on going to your lab in the middle of a storm," said his sister.

"I already told you, I want to add this clipping to my evidence from the night of Mom's murder," sighed Barry.

"And I already told you, I don't mind so long as you buy me fries."

Barry smiled, and switched on the television. The news reporter was talking about some disaster at S.T.A.R. labs. "Hey, have you heard anything about S.T.A.R. labs lately?" he asked his sister.

"Not since they switched on that Accelerator thingy," she replied, frowning at the screen.

"Never mind. I'll look into it tomorrow," said Barry, turning back to his noticeboard and pinning up the article. The siblings stood for a minute, remembering.

"Mom!" screamed the young girl as her older brother tried to pull her out of the room. "No, Barry, I want mom!"

"Sophie, go with your brother," said Henry, looking in horror at the red and yellow lightning surrounding his wife.

Suddenly Barry and Sophie were out on the street, still wearing their pajamas with no idea how they got there.

"People are now trying to shut down the Particle Accelerator," said the reporter on screen, and the two siblings looked at each other in horror. Barry squatted down to get a closer look at the screen when he felt his sister tap his arm. She was looking out of the window, speechless. The television switched itself off and he followed his sister's eyes to a huge fiery explosion engulf S.T.A.R. labs. Some sort of wave made its way towards them switching off every piece of electricity in its midst. Barry ran to the back of the room and started pulling at a chain, and Sophie ran over to him, nearly tripping as the ground shook. The mysterious concoctions on the shelves began floating, just like the water in their fish tank on the night of Nora Allen's murder.

"We haven't got time for that!" she shouted, grabbing his hand and trying to pull him to safety – just as the lightning struck.

The glass roof shattered and a massive bold of lightning sent them both flying across the rooms into the shelves of chemicals.

"Barry," gasped Joe. "He told me he was going to his lab." He ran the entire way there and was greeted by the sight of his two adopted children lying unconscious on the floor. He knelt and put two fingers on each of their wrists, then pulled out his phone."Hello, 911? I need an ambulance. Two people have been struck by lightning. They don't have a pulse."

When the ambulance arrived Joe was distraught. "Excuse me, sir? What are their names? Do they have any family?" asked the paramedic.

"Barry Henry Allen and Sophie Sarah Allen. Their dad is in prison. I'm their adoptive father," he managed to say.

Iris, Joe thought. I have to call her.


"Hey baby, I don't know exactly how to phrase this but.."

"Is everything ok?" Iris asked worriedly.

"Not exactly."

"Is it something to do with that Accelerator Barry loves that blew up?"

"Yes and no. Barry and Sophie, oh God, Barry and Sophie have been struck by lightning."

"Oh my God. Are they alright? They're not dead are they?" Joe could hear Iris crying on the other end.

"No. Not at the moment. I've called an ambulance, but they're in a pretty bad state. They've been taken to the hospital."

"I'll be there as soon as I can." Iris hung up and threw her phone at the wall. Her brother and sister, struck by lightning. Aside from Joe, all they had was each other. She felt numb. Before she had even registered what she was doing, she was in the car driving to the hospital. Iris might have been crying, but she wasn't sure. Just – Barry and Sophie. Please let them be ok.

"What happened to them?" asked a doctor as the Allen siblings were rushed into the operating theatre.

"They were struck me lighting, holding hands," explained a medic.

"How are they still alive?" asked another. They were preparing to shock them when Iris West burst in.

"Miss, you can't be in here," said a nurse calmly, holding Iris back.

"I'm family," she screamed. "Barry! Sophie!"

AN: this ended up being a bit more emotional than I intended it. Anyway, this was requested by Sarahcobbler and superflashfan, hope you like. Further chapters hopefully up soon. Let me know what you think!