Hi there!

I know it's been awhile since I posted the previous chapter but lots of things came up and I couldn't focus on writing. I'm sorry! Big big thanks to the people that waited patiently for this last chapter. Actually I asked if you want a fluffy ending to this story and most of you said it would make a good closure and I think the same. I was trying hard to make up something connected to the story. I hope you'll enjoy it!

(Before you start reading I need to say that I'm not familiar with police training programs and I made up some facts for the sake of the story.)

"You're sure you want to do this?"

"Told ya. Can't wait to go in."

"It's not that easy and funny like they show it on TV."

"We're talked about this. Won't embarrass you, bro."

Jay laughed and then said to his younger brother:

"Oh, man, I would never tell we'll be standing in here together."

"Now I see." Will pointed a finger on Jay "You're just stressed I might take away your job from you, aren't you?"

And then they both burst into laughing.

"Let's get in, smartass."

The building inside was as impressive as it looked from the outside. Jay quickly found a person they needed to talk to. But he let his brother to do the talking.

"Hi, Will Halstead for the basic one-day police training."

The secretary pondered for a while and turned to Jay: "We spoke last week, right? On the phone?" Jay nodded and they shook their hands.

"Okay then." She looked into her notebook "I see we agreed he'll participate in a few classes today." Lisa, that was the secretary's name, turned some pages "Starting 9 a.m. with physical training."

"Sounds about right." Jay smiled to her and Lisa blushed a bit."

Will rolled his eyes in disbelieve.

"So…" the woman took from under the desk a package "Mr. Halstead, here are your clothes for the training, locker rooms are downstairs, second door on the left." Lisa handed it to him.

"Thanks. I'll be right back." And the younger Halstead did what he was told.

After the events that happened three weeks back, with the New York's mafia mob, the brothers talked a lot. Will was feeling pangs of guilt that he hasn't dealt with the situation better and couldn't avoid putting his only brother in deathly dangerous situation. Jay only made a joke that, in fact, his actions weren't reconcilable with the police training. After a few minutes he was deeply regretting his word, cause Will wouldn't stop asking about the training. So Jay called the Academy and managed to sign Will up for couple of classes.

And here they are.


"Huh?" Lisa's voice brought him back from his thoughts.

"Do you want to assist out coaches today?" Jay got interested and came closer to her desk.

"I thought I'm not allowed."

"As a CPD detective? Of course you are allowed."

"Okay, so if they won't mind then, yeah, I will be happy to join them. Thanks."

The brothers met outside on the training field. Jay, wearing his sunglasses, was waiting for Will. The sun was shining, not even a cloud on the sky, it was pretty warm with really delicate wind. Just perfect weather for a training.

"What on Earth you had to promise or do to this woman for signed t-shirt with my name on it?" Asked Will and turned so his brother could read "Will Halstead" on his back.

"Looks nice." Jay commented, pretending he didn't hear the question "Here's your coach." He pointed at a guy standing by a group of cadets. "Scared?"

"You're kidding, right?" Will laughed.

"Okay, I'm just asking."

And just then the coach blew his whistle what meant that all cadets had to take their positions. Jay patted his brother's back and wished him luck.

He went himself to the nearest bench, sat down and observed. It was an interesting experience, seeing his brother entering his world, the world of trainings, the world of different kind of strictness and commands.

Jay had been asked a few times to help the coach and it's been nice. Only once he and Will had a chance to exchange a few words.

"Next time you're coming to Chicago Med and I'll make sure you'll get your medical training." Will panted when he stopped running.

"Come on, man, it's just one day." Jay sincerely laughed "Imagine if you had to be going every day for trainings like that."

"That's why I decided to sit comfortably with books and study medicine."

They didn't have much time for talking, cause Will had to go to shooting range. That was one of the activities with which Jay could work with his brother individually. It looked like this class was the most interesting to Will. Jay's theory was, it's because he could wear the bulletproof vest again. It soon came up that shooting isn't as easy as it looks. The gun is heavy and you need to hold it perfectly sill when you're aiming. Jay sold Will a few tricks and what was more important – the brothers had a lot of fun together.

Self-defense… oh yeah. That was the highlight of the day. Although Will had to stay extremely focused, because of the fact his hands are his tools at work and damaging them would cause some serious consequences, he was doing just fine. Maybe that's because he wanted to impress Jay? Show his big brother that he can do a lot for him, just like Jay's trying to do to protect his younger and only sibling? Who knows.

The rest of the day was filled with mostly theory classes, gym and paintball at a very late evening.

Jay was taking part in the game as well, he was the leader of one of two teams. The other coach commanded the second group of cadets. They split between the two captains. Both groups consisted of 6 people plus the leader. They got dressed and went out. They suspected the field for the game will be cool but what they saw… left them just speechless. The field was enormous and designed urban style. So lots of cardboard buildings, cars and usual street stuff like rubbish bins or street lights. It was stunning.

The boys took their positions and after a signal the game started. When running and hiding behind the objects, Will had some flashbacks from the night they went to rescue Jay. It knocked him down for a little bit but then some other guy run to him and dragged him behind a car and explained the newest tactics. Will understood that it's a teamwork and to succeed they need to cooperate. Just like in the OR. Every doctor has their responsibilities and the success consists of their combined effort.

"Will." Jay rested his arm on his brothers shoulder, squatting behind him.

"Jay. There's one enemy on 2 o'clock." Said Will constantly holding the guy at gunpoint.

"Okay." Jay needed to think up a plan "I'll go from behind and will try to surprise him. Cover me." The younger brother confirmed that he understood and Jay moved."

Will made sure he sees both his brother and the guy from the other team. But the most important was to cover his brother's back.

And then it went so fast. The guy must have heard Jay and turned to knock the gun out of Jay's hands. But a second later the men was lying on the ground, got up with Jays help and went out with his hand up meaning he got shot and he can come back to the game after three minutes.

Jay nodded to his brother thanking him for "saving his live". Will needed that a lot. Even if it was just a game. Jay knew that.

There was a lot of shooting, running and sneaking behind the objects for both of the groups. And a lot of fun as well. But the game had to come to an end.

The day was long. The brothers thanked to the coaches, said their goodbyes and headed to Jay's car. It was after midnight, so both of them were exhausted.

"Thanks for that." Will was the first to talk after they got inside.

"For what?" Jay was thinking maybe his brother knew he stepped on a trash lying next to his feet, to make some noise and notify the enemy he's coming, while playing paintball, to provoke the guy.

"For this day. It was good experience, you know."

"Glad you liked it."

A silence filled the car.

"I hope you will never need to use that knowledge you gained today." Said Jay, protective as always.

"Of course I will have to use it. Can't wait for it!"

"How's that?" Jay looked slightly shocked and surprised by his brother's statement.

"So we're not playing paintball anytime soon?" Will teased Jay.

They both laughed.

"Cause you know, I was thinking maybe we can gather some people from your unit, from med and firehouse 51 and have some competition."

"Haaa, you don't know what your stepping into."

"Why's that?"

"I gotta remind you, you had only one day of training, they had lots more. Besides your dudes from Med. You guys would lose immediately."

"Who said I would be teamed with them? I thought we would mix?"

"Oh boy, it's gonna be a long drive home." Jay summed up what was followed by a light punch from Will.

Yeah, it's been definitely a good day.

A/N: So that's it. A definite ending to the "Unfinished Business" story. It's been a great pleasure to write it and to see your reactions and comments. Thank you a lot! Your support is crucial for my motivation. So thanks again!

Now I have to take care on some other things so I don't know when I will have time for writing stories about our Chicago heroes. And my head is so full of ideas! I've got even a plan for some crossovers. Hopefully I will be able to write even a few lines a day and create a story by the end of the year. If of course you are interested in reading it?

I hope you enjoyed the last chapter and the story in general. In case you want to tell me about it – you know the drill. Leave a review or PM me.

Thanks again and see you someday!