So kissing at Connor's house went horribly wrong. In fact, the fall out with Adam was apparently so bad that Connor decided he wanted to move in with his mom. That disaster was only narrowly avoided when Adam reconciled with Connor only two days before he was supposed to move. But that left them with no "safe" places to kiss. Not Jude's house, not Connor's house, not anywhere. With one exception: Jude was thankful that school was starting up again because at least there, there were enough nooks and crannies at school that they could hide to steal a few short heated make-out sessions here and there.

"Hey Connor!" Jude chirped when he came into school one morning about a week and a half after summer ended.

"Hey Jude," Connor replied with a pained look on his face.

"Something wrong?" Jude asked, immediately picking up on the expression.

"I have to meet my English teacher for a half hour before first hour," Connor sighed. Jude frowned; before school was usually when they hid in one of stalls of the boy's bathroom and made out.

"But what about—"

"I can't today Jude, I'm sorry," Connor said sadly, leaning over and giving Jude a quick peck on the lips in apology before turning and heading to his English classroom. Jude groaned in frustration. Finding the opportunity to make out with boyfriend shouldn't be this hard.

"Trouble in paradise?" Taylor teased, walking up next to Jude as he leaned up against the lockers.

"You could say that," Jude mumbled, pounding his fist on the locker. "Our parents are constantly watching over us like hawks and it's making it really hard to kiss Connor."

"Kiss? That's not what Bobby told me you were doing," Taylor smirked. Bobby was one of Connor's teammates and he occasionally joined them for lunch.

"You made Bobby spy on us?" Jude shrieked, his eyes going wide as he stared Taylor down.

"Not 'made'," Taylor shrugged. "More like 'bribed'."

"Why are we still friends with you?" Jude grumbled, still glaring at Taylor.

"Beats me," Taylor admitted. "But other than me, who watches over you here? It can't be that hard to make out with Connor here at school."

"Yeah, I know, it normally isn't, but Connor had to go see his stupid English teacher this morning. I just want to kiss him!" Jude lamented, slamming his fist on the lockers behind him in frustration

"You know, I can't say I pegged you to be the horn dog between the two of you," Taylor smirked.

"I'm not!" Jude protested.

"Uh-huh, sure," Taylor rolled her eyes. "You should've been listening to yourself just now."

"Alright fine, maybe you're right. But you can't blame me! Kissing Connor is just like—" and Jude then made an exploding sound, flicking his hands open next to his head.

"Okay Adams-Foster, you can keep the details to yourself, I don't want to know," Taylor quipped. "I don't care, as long as you and Connor don't turn into Connor and Daria 2.0. You two are cute together, but that would be a little much."

"Can you—can you just not go there Taylor, please," Jude hissed, shooting her a dirty look. "Besides, we won't be; I don't like PDA that goes beyond hugs or hand-holding."

"So you can't do it at your houses and you don't like kissing in public? Sounds impossible; good luck figuring that one out," Taylor said, rolling her eyes again as she started walking away, leaving Jude leaning up against his locker alone.

In a surprising turn of events, Connor didn't show up for lunch and so Jude didn't see him all day since they didn't have any classes together. But Jude did know that Connor's last class was gym, so he got his stuff from his locker and walked to the locker room to wait for Connor. Normally, Jude just waited outside, but today he feeling very needy and he wanted to squeeze every possible second out of his time with Connor. So he strolled in and sat down by Connor's gym locker. Connor was always the last one out of the locker room, and today was no different. The place was completely empty except for the two of them by the time Connor finished his shower.

"Hey babe," Connor said coolly, emerging from the steamy room with a towel wrapped his waist, acting as if it was no big deal that he was standing half-naked in front of Jude.

"H-hey C-Con," Jude stuttered, averting his eyes as his face turned bright red at the sight of Connor in a towel (A/N: I'm reminded of The Hairbrush Song here as I wrote this line…"Shocked and slightly embarrassed at the sight of Larry in a towel…" lmao). His hair was still wet, small droplets of water dripping from the strands onto Connor's face and chest, and the towel hung low on his hips. Jude had seen his boyfriend shirtless before, but this—this was different. Even when they were both shirtless in Connor's room, or when they were at the beach, Jude wasn't actually looking; because in Connor's room, Jude was preoccupied with Connor's lips and tongue, and on the beach, well there were endless distractions there. But this time, Jude didn't have anything to divert his attention and he was struggling to keep his eyes away from Connor.

"You know you're allowed to look, right?" Connor responded, sitting down and sliding down next to Jude on the bench.

"I-I just feel like—I dunno, like I'm invading your privacy or something," Jude muttered, still not glancing in Connor's direction.

"Jude," Connor chuckled. "You're my boyfriend; you're not invading my privacy. I mean, you literally have my permission to check me out whenever you want. I like it when you do; it's hot."

So Jude slowly turned his head, biting his lip as he gazed at Connor's well-defined chest, cautiously putting a hand on Connor's abs as his eyes raked up and down Connor's body, only sheathed by his towel.

"Y-you're not going to get to look for much l-longer if you keep doing that," Connor stammered.

"S-sorry," Jude murmured, removing his hand and looking away again.

"Oh fuck Jude I didn't mean it like that," Connor gasped. "Just get over here and kiss me already."

Jude smirked; that was the whole reason he ended up here in the first place. So Jude did. He grabbed Connor's jaw and wrenched his head around, crashing their mouths together. They didn't even bother with being chaste as Connor was immediately trying to shove his tongue into Jude's mouth. Jude's hand came off Connor's mouth and tangled itself into Connor's hair (and Connor's hands did the same) while his other hand was mercilessly roaming all over Connor's chest. After a few moments, both of Connor's hands moved so that they were on Jude's torso, tugging him upwards. Jude was small and very light (and Connor was super buff) so it was easy for Connor to lift him up and place him on his lap. Jude didn't skip beat, continuing to fervently explore Connor's mouth.

In the heat of the moment, they both lost track of their surroundings, getting lost in each other, so they didn't notice when Bobby wandered into the locker room.

"WOAH DUDES!" Bobby screamed at the top of his lungs before ducking into the next row of lockers over.

There was a metallic thud as Jude fell backwards off of Connor into the lockers, having lost his balance in his rush to get off him.

"Ouch," Jude mumbled, his cheeks the darkest shade of red they could possibly muster.

"Is it safe to come back?" Bobby squeaked timidly.

"Y-yeah," Jude sputtered. "O-or at least it w-will be. I-I'll see you o-outside," he said to Connor, turning and hurriedly getting out of the locker room.

"Hi bubba," Lena said, walking past the locker room the second Jude walked out. She kept walking for a second and then did a double-take, looking back at Jude again. "What were you doing in there? You don't have gym, Connor—"

"—does," Jude said, finishing the sentence for her. He groaned, running a hand through his already mussed-up hair. It was just his luck that his mama would walk past here when he was coming out of the locker room, his entire outfit soaked from the moisture that was still clinging to Connor, his cheeks flushed and his lips red and puffy. She was smart, she could put two and two together.

"Bud, you are at school," she said sternly. "Do not tell me that you two are using the locker room to have—"

"I thought I told you we weren't going to do that!" Jude quickly interrupted. "We were not doing anything like that! We were just making out, okay mama?"

"Jude, the school locker room is not the place to be doing that," Lena scolded. "Do not let it happen again," she added, and then continued on walking to wherever she had been headed before. Jude leaned up against the wall, exhaling loudly.

"Well don't you look like a very stunning, hot mess," Connor remarked as he sauntered out into the hallway.

"I didn't have the benefit of having just come out of the shower," Jude replied. "And you'll never guess who was walking by the second I stepped out of the door."

"Your mama, of course," Connor sighed, joining Jude in reclining on the wall.

"Yup. I was sternly warned not to make out with you in the locker room again," Jude said flatly. "And, I found out this morning that Taylor has been using Bobby to spy on us."

"That explains why he came into the locker room just now," Connor rolled his eyes as he spoke. "He didn't grab anything at all, he just came in, interrupted us, and then left."

"Great, so now we have no privacy at school either," Jude moaned.

"We'll figure something out," Connor shrugged. "Now let's go."

That "something" actually ended up working out better than they thought.

It took me a long time to get to writing this part, but oh well. I like how this turned out, and guess what, now there's going to be a fifth part :)