A/N: Hello everyone! I'm sorry I haven't written in so wrong! I was sick for a while, than we had play auditions (Were doing the little Mermaid! Its going to be awesome!) and just stuff happened! But I wanted to thank everyone who's supporting this story, you all make me so happy!

Hermione was very confessed, and that was something Hermione didn't do a lot. She had faced obstacles sure, they had stumped her, sometimes even stopped her ( at least for a little while), but they had never confused her.

The source of Hermione's confusion? Jasper Hale. She was starting to feel…..things…for him…that she felt guilty for feeling.

It wasn't that Jasper was in any way a bad guy, at least not that she knew of, but it felt wrong to be happy with someone so soon after her parents and friends deaths.

During the war a few months ago there had been quite a few causalities. She remembered that Arthur and Percy Weasley both died by being crushed by a wall. And that Pavarti Patil was ruined by Fenir Greyback. But the friend that really hit her was Dean Thomas. Her and Dean weren't particularly close, but it affected her the most because she had been right beside him when he died, staying with him until his hand went limp in hers. And she felt guilty, knowing she was beside him and she couldn't do anything. And it didn't help very much that Seamus Finnegan, Deans boyfriend, also blamed her.

But she held her self together, believing that her parents were going to be alright, she was going to see them and everything was going to go back to normal.

Sadly that thought was short lived. She went to Australia to find her parents, only to find out that their house had burned down, them along with it.

And since then Hermione hadn't felt any real happiness. She would fake a smile or a laugh. She may even get excited. But every time happiness was right in her reach, she would squish it, feeling too guilty when she should be hurting.

She sighed. She just didn't know what to do.

And to make things even worse, she was going over to his house today for a study session. She sighed again as she grabbed her things and made her way over to the Cullen house.


Jasper sat in his room reading his book. Well, not really, he was pretending to read, but he couldn't get Hermione out of his mind. Her beauty, her smell, her laugh everything! She was just perfect….

Jasper was interrupted from his musings by a knock on the door.

"What the fuck do you want ?" Jasper growled out, still angry with his 'brother' and 'sister' over the other day.

"Jasper, you need to listen to me and Alice. We believe your mate is, how should we say this, defective." Edward started, but Jasper was up before he could even dare to finish his thought.

"How dare you degrade my mate like that! I will kill you, you son of a bitch!" Jasper growled as he lunged at Edward. Edward rolled away, predicting Jaspers moves. Jasper went to lunge again but Alice came behind him and tried to snap off his arm. He quickly pulled out her hold and threw her through the wall.

"You bastard!" Edward yelled, as he went into the living room, where she had landed, to check on the well being of his mate. Jasper quickly followed, hoping for a surprise attack, but when he walked into to the room what he saw angered him beyond belief.

Edward held Hermione in his arms, one of her arms twisted painfully behind her back and his other hand gripping her throat tightly. She had a look of fear on her beautiful face, and tears brimmed her eyes.

"Let her go Edward." Jasper hissed, eyeing him carefully.

"I am afraid, I can not do that. You see, you hurt my mate. Tore off her arm in fact, and its only fair that I extend the same courtesy." Edward smiled evilly as he stared to slowly break Hermione's arm.

"S-Stupify!" Hermione yelled, and Edward flew backwards. Not even questioning what happened, Jasper ran over to Edward and sent him as much pain as he possibly could, causing Edward to arch his back in agony and let out a strangled scream.

"This is the second time I have warned you Edward, and the third time I will not hesitate to kill you, but let me make myself clear. You will NEVER do anything to my mate, you will never talk to her, even look at her, or you will die a slow and painful death." Japer said, keeping the pain focused on him, after about 3 minutes, he left him there a puddle on the floor.

"Hermione," Jasper said, as he quickly walked towards her. "are you okay." He took her weak form into his arms and held her tight, trying to comfort her.

After a few moments she ducked out of his arms and went to his fire place. He looked at her oddly as she pulled some green dust from her bag and threw it into the flames, turning them a dark green

"Hermione, what are you doing?" Jasper asked confused. She called out some name and jasper almost screamed as she stuck her head in the fire, and quickly tried to pull her out, but she wouldn't move.


"Poppy Pomfrey" Hermione called out, before sticking her head in the flames. As soon as she did, she felt a persistent tugging at her middle, almost as though jasper was trying to pull her out but the charms on the floo network made it now impossible to take someone form a conversation until the person wanted to leave.

"Madam Pomfrey!" Hermione called out, praying that the older woman was there.

"Hermione dear, what seems to be the matter?" Madam Pomfrey asked, approaching the young brunettes flaming face.

"Madam Pomfrey, I-I don't really know, I used wandless magic, which I cant do you, and I feel weak, and it keeps draining me, I can barley manage this conversation. Please, can you help me?"

"Step back, ill get my things and floo right in." Madam Pomfrey summoned her things and Hermione came out of the floo and before she could do anything her world went black.

A/N: PLEASE REVIEW! You all make me so happy and thanks for supporting! XD