21 years ago…

Jack Frost flew over the Kingdom of Arendelle, staff in hand, with the wind carrying him where he wanted to go, leaving a frosted trail on the ground below him as he went. He flew over to the castle, he had heard the news about a new baby girl being born there, the first born child of the king and queen, and he wanted to take a look at her, he just loved babies!

He flew over towards the open window of the babies nursery, landing on his feet on the ledge, and crouching down on the ledge, and watched as the King and Queen stood in the middle of the room, rocking their baby to sleep, with the baby in its mothers arms. She had tiny white-blonde hairs sprouting from her head, and big beautiful blue eyes. Jack watched in delight, it was a beautiful sight to see a mother and father who loved their child so much.

"She is such a beautiful little princess isn't she," smiled her mother, looking up to her husband in delight.

Her husband put his hand on her shoulder, and looked down at his baby, "she is indeed," he replied, "but what are we going to call her?"

She looked down at the baby, pondering for a moment, before looking up to her husband, "Elsa, we will call her Elsa!" She looked down at her baby, lifting her up infront of her face. "Hello baby Elsa!" She said to her daughter, "your mummy and daddy love you very much!" Baby Elsa gave a little giggle in response, making Jack proud he was there to watch this moment. It was such a happy moment.

The Queen gently laid her baby down in her small pale blue cot in the nursery, "night night Elsa, have sweet dreams!" She smiled kissing the baby on the forehead, before walking out of the room hand in hand with her husband.

Once they were both gone, Jack flew fully into the room, landing beside the baby's cot to get a closer look at her. She was such a beautiful child. He leaned over the cot, and said "hi Elsa, who's a pretty baby!" Elsa just laughed in response, reaching her hands up towards him, and waving them about.

Jack leaned further into the cot to pick baby Elsa up, but soon realised that her waving hands had knocked his staff right from his hands. He franticly reached out to catch it, and once it landed back in his hand, an accidental shot of ice shot out of the end of his stick, which was pointed towards baby Elsa!

A small amount of ice landed on Elsa's forehead, covering it completely, before within a matter of seconds seemingly seeping into her skin on her head, then it seemed like the incident had never happened.

Jack was frightened by what had just happened. Elsa seemed alright was still worried he may have hurt her. This had never happened when he went to see babies before, he thought he was careful when using his staff, but it turned out this time he was not. He wasn't going to risk hurting the baby, so he left through the window, fearful of what he may have done to the child, letting himself he carried by the wind back to where the sleigh of which all the guardians sat in waiting for him.

"Have you seen what you wanted to see?" Asked North, once Jack landed, signalling for him to get in the back on the sleigh.

"Yeah I… I did, thanks for waiting for me," said Jack nervously, still shaken by what had just happened, but certainly wasn't going to tell his fellow guardians what he did, they would be furious that he could have accidentally frozen a child to death if the situation was worse!

"Well then hurry up and get in the back!" Shouted bunny, tapping his foot impatiently, making a loud tapping noise that seemed to be annoying sandy who was sat in the seat next to bunny with his ears covered and on the other side Toothiana just looked extremely agitated with him. Jack quickly hopped in the back to avoid any conflict between them all and North started the sleigh, as the reindeers pulled the sleigh up through the sky as they all flew back to head quarters in the North Pole, with an extremely guilty Jack in the back.

"Are you alright Jack, you seem kind of twitchy at the moment," said Toothiana, touching his arm and smiling up at him.

"I'm fine," said Jack, moving his arm away, and folding them both across his chest. He couldn't let anyone know what happened.

The next day in the palace, the king and queen went to get their baby daughter so they could have an updated family portrait done of them all. The Queen went into the nursery smiling, she couldn't wait to see her little baby girl.

"Morning Elsa!" She said in a joyful voice, walking towards the cot, and just before she reached it she looked up above the cot, and squinted her eyes and little, she could have sworn she saw floating snow there. But the sooner she had seen it the sooner it had gone. The queen shook her head, ignoring what she though she saw, reaching inside the cot, and scooping up her child, cradling her in her arms.

"Now you are going to have to sit still today for your portrait my little princess!" She smiled, tickling her daughter under the chin, making her laugh and wave her little hands around. It was a joyful sight for the queen until suddenly a bolt of ice shot from her baby's fingertips, hitting the chandelier and engulfing it in ice.

The queen screamed, nearly tripping over her royal blue dress, and almost dropping her baby, franticly rushing to put her back in her cot, and bolting out of the room towards her husband who was stood outside in the corridor waiting for her.

"Honey what's wrong, where's Elsa?" He asked in a panic, noticing his wife's fear stricken face. She was too scared to even speak, she wasn't sure what had happened.

The King ran into the nursery, he ran towards the cot and leaned over it. Elsa was still there, she was ok, so what was wrong? Then he looked up to the ceiling, and noticed the iced over chandelier, and bolted back outside towards his wife, who looked quite unwell and almost faint.

"What happened honey, I said what happened!?" He asked frantically to his wife before realising she was about to faint, reaching out his arms to catch her fall. But just before she did, she said one word to him.

"Elsa," was the only thing he heard before she collapsed into his arms.

"Help somebody!" He shouted, as dozens of servants crowded round his wife, rushing to get her aid.

When he knew his wife was safe, the king went to see Elsa, he wanted to confirm his wife's claim, and soon enough once he walked into the room and shut the door, he saw a bolt of ice magic rise up and hit the ceiling, leaving a little frozen puddle above him. He didn't need any more proof, his daughter somehow had ice magic.

A few hours later in the North Pole at the guardians headquarters, the 5 guardians sat round a table having a meeting, discussing their recent work, when baby tooth flew into the room through the crack in the door, and flew to land on Toothiana's shoulder.

"I thought we weren't going to be disturbed!" Shouted bunny angrily, banging his fist on the table. "We have already had the Elves bring cookies and the yetis wanting to have a quick word with Santa about something completely unimportant about some sort of Christmas dance which by the way is another 8 months away, and I have Easter to prepare for and this meeting is already going to finish late!"

"She would have come in if it wasn't important bunny," said Toothiana, as baby tooth whispered in her ear for a few minutes before flying away, leaving Toothiana quote shocked and confused.

"Jack, I think we all need a word with you!" Said Toothiana, in a stern voice, making Jack realise that this had to be something about the baby, but just i case it wasn't he decided he would play dumb.

"What do you want a word about?" Asked Jack innocently with a twinge of guilt on his voice, as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Oh Jack don't play dumb with me, baby tooth told me he rumour going round about what you did, and you know what from that guilty look on your face I'm guessing the rumour is true!" Said Toothiana, he voice much colder towards him than usual. "You accidentally shot a baby princess in the head with ice from your staff! That could have killed her Jack if you had shot enough at her!"

The other guardians round the table looked shocked, and shot disgusted looks towards Jack, he knew he was in trouble.

"I can't believe you put a child in danger Jack, that was very irresponsible!" Bellowed North, banging his fist on the table.

"I'm…. Im sorry, it was an accident guys!" Stuttered Jack, who was now frightened what one of his fellow guardians was going to murder him with the looks on their faces.

"Oh but that's not the best part!" Continued Toothiana, "and you Jack probably don't even know this part! Somehow when you shot the ice at her, she has somehow been given ice powers thanks to Jack! I can't believe you would let something like that happen!" She shouted, flying angrily towards him and hovering infront of his face with a stern expression.

"Well…. Having Ice powers is pretty cool, I mean it is a nice thing for her right!" muttered Jack, trying his best to get himself out of the mess he put himself in!

"No it's not Jack!" Shouted Toothiana, putting her hands on her hips, "that girl may not be accepted now, because she is now different from everyone else, you have subjected her to a lonely life Jack, how does that feel?!"

Jack didn't know what to say to her the only thing he could say to her was, "but you don't know that will happen!" Toothiana sighed, she had given up with him, and quietness her voice a bit.

"Look Jack this is the case most times, so it is very likely it will happen!" She said softly, placing her hand on his shoulder, deciding to take a more sensitive root, which the other had obviously not caught onto!

"So how are we punishing him!" Shouted Bunny through gritted teeth, looking towards North to make the decision.

"Wait guys it was a mistake…." He was cut off very quickly by North telling him to shush, before eh began talking.

"It's a mistake we can't afford to happen again!" Exclaimed North firmly "Jack, I'm sorry, but for the next 28 years, I am making sure that you don't go anywhere where here may be young children without one of us present, or nearby, as we can't afford to have this happen again, and hopefully in that time you will learn to control your staff better around children!" He declared, making Jack sag down into his chair glumly.

"But North…" Jack started.

"No buts Jack, this is final!" He shouted "And Jack as an extra addition I'm never allowing you to go anywhere near the effected child ever again, you have already hurt her in life enough, this incident will not happen again!"

"But I need to check up on her, I need to know in the future she is ok, because it's my fault she is like this, I should be looking out for her!" Exclaimed Jack, still trying desperately to fight for his rights, but getting no where!

"Jack no!" Shouted North, banging his fists on the table to signify the discussion was over!

The room went silent for a moment, before the , meeting continued again like before, the only difference was a much more depressed Jack sat in his chair slumped over, head in his hands sobbing to himself quietly, trying not to bring too much attention to himself. Toothiana sat in her chair feeling sorry for Jack as she saw the horrific expression on Jack's face, she didn't mean for things to go like this and she blamed herself for mentioning the news to the other guardians! She had to make it up to him!

A few hours later, Jack sat in his office at the North Pole, sobbing into his arms with his head on the desk. He didn't understand why they had to be so harsh on him, all he had done was made simple mistake that he was sure anyone like him could have done. At least Toothiana slackened off a bit nearer the end, she was being the nicest of them all!

Jack looked up slowly, drying his tears as he heard the creak of a door as it slowly opened outwards, revealing a struggling Toothiana with a few of her little tooth fairy helpers, flapping their wings franticly trying desperately to keep the object in their arms off the ground and in their hands. Once it was in the room they settled it down of the floor, with Toothiana wiping the sweat of her brow with an extremely red face! The object appeared to be some sort of mirror, with a patterned gold frame, and was a pretty large mirror at that!

"Just wanted to ask, why have you brought me a giant mirror?" Questioned Jack, staring at the object, wondering why on earth he needed a new mirror, his old one was actually just fine!

"Jack it's just something to say sorry for basically ruining your life!" Said Toothiana with a very half hearted laugh. "Look I know you still want to check up on the child, so this mirror will show you any place you want to see, you can check up on her and make sure she is alright, I know it will make you feel better!" She smiled sweetly at him, and made Jacks face go from being quite depressed, to a beaming smile. He got out of his chair, and hugged Toothiana tightly.

"Thank you, you have made the next 28 years slightly better!" He exclaimed loudly, "but where did you get this from?"

"Oh it's just one of the old mirrors from tooth palace, we use them to check up on potential dangers we may have when collecting teeth, but we don't need this anymore," she said smiling at him, and pointing over to where the mirror was sitting in the corner of the room by the door. "Now where do you want it?"

"Well we could always put it by my infront of my desk to replace the old mirror?" Suggested Jack, walking over to the wall and standing on his desk, and reaching up his arms to remove the smaller, silver mirror which he hung there.

Toothiana turned to her little fairies, "ladies, we have a job to do, we need this mirror up there," she said, pointing up to the wall where there was a hook to hang the mirror on just sticking out of the wall, waiting for the mirror to be hung on it.

Then Toothiana turned to Jack very quickly. "Jack listen, just don't let North find out about this, he won't be happy with you, and I'm sure he will take it away!" She warned him, she cared about Jacks feelings more than the other guardians, but hat was probably because she was a woman and they tend to be more sensitive towards others!

"Don't worry I will be careful, I promise!" He smiled, giving Toothiana one last hug before she flew over to the mirror to help her fairies lift it into position