Hello there! Welcome to the world of Pokémon! My name is Oak! People affectionately refer to me as the Pokémon Professor! This world is inhabited far and wide by incredible and mysterious creatures that we call "Pokémon." We, humans, live alongside Pokémon as friends. At times we play together, and at other times we work together. Some people use their Pokémon to battle and develop closer bonds with them. As for myself, I study Pokémon as a profession.


A woman on the screen spoke frantically over the sound of pounding rain. She holds on tightly to her microphone - a fierce wind threatening to take it away.

A massive storm has swelled up south of the Johto region. This hurricane, which meteorologists are already labeling as one of the worst of the century, is creating 50-foot swells and gale-force winds up to 230 miles per hour in some areas. Many ships and planes in the affected areas have already begun losing contact with their ports and control towers, and both residents and travelers in the area are strongly advised to stay in their homes and head to their cellars if they have them. If you can safely reach a local storm shelter, please head there straight away.


A young woman looks away from the television and stares at a small, framed photo sitting on a nightstand. Tears fall down her face and into her lap as she clutches a glowing, prism, orb-shaped pendant hanging around her neck.