Derek came running into the drive, frantically getting out of his car. He ran to me, screaming something I could not comprehend. Allison went running back into the house.

"I saw her! I saw her!" he screamed, coming into a halt, just before smacking into to me.

"Whom did you see?" I asked a lot more calmly than I expected.

"Your wife! I mean Christine…I mean Victoria and Kate!"

I just stared at him, confused, his breathing rapid. It took Derek a couple more seconds to calm down; he then came right up to my face.

" I saw Victoria and Kate at the hardware store. Victoria said something quite upsetting." Derek's breathing was still fast.

"What did she say, how fucking stupid I was to leave her?" I asked without even thinking.

"No, why would I find that to be upsetting? That isn't the point! I overheard her say something how you're all messed up in that brain of yours. She said how you've probably raped and killed her; dumped her body somewhere. She then said 'it's fine by her because Allison won't go running back to her now how it's one less mouth to feed that isn't her own.'"

"Son of a fucking bitch!" I screamed.

"Fucking bitch!" Allison repeated. I didn't even hear her come back outside.

"Oh no! Don't say those words Daddy or Uncle Derek says, okay?" I said. Stifling a laugh when I saw tears well up in her eyes I let it go. I grabbed her and started to tickle her.

Derek laughed too. The tension in the room released its binds. We needed something; we needed something to cut the ropes. Hell has reached up its fiery hands: burning, scouring my arms, taking away my life. Taking away Derek's. I wonder if he can see the pain in my eyes; ravaging my soul tearing it apart slowly. I put on a façade a false, does he see, the one I give Allison. Not once did I ever tell Allison everything was okay. Because it's not. It would be a lie. It'd be a lie prolonging guilt and pain. I believe even at a young age, she could unbury that lie; it'd create such a mistrust. She would cry in her room, cry somewhere in the woods. What is most vital is to train us how to protect ourselves in both werewolf and human form. I am more equipped than Allison on evading the hunters but this is something I cannot assume. She needs to learn how to fight. She needs to learn how to protect herself in everyday life; not only now that she is a were. The arrogance of parents not teaching their children is beyond me. It is always for their own benefit. Always the excuse of 'I don't want to introduce my child violence.' This is such fucking bullshit of an excuse.

There are self-defense classes, to protect oneself , the sooner it is started on a child the better. It is something in which can be carried into adulthood. There is violence every fucking day. Violence around this world, around this town: prejudice, unfairness. Violent crimes taking lives. Maybe some of those lives could have been saved.

While deep in my thoughts, I presented the fake smile, a lie through the smile; a lie I was telling myself, but not Allison. Keeping a locked up secret of my own hurt and pain not through words but my facial expression. It's a lie that hides behind my eyes, something that will be projected through the sadness in my eyes. But what I see through my eyes is the Earth blurred around me, spinning, a smile on her face. Her laughter filling my ears.

It all fell into pieces, like a glass shattering on the ground. Suddenly I was in Hell fear filtering through my veins. I am watching Allison, she is a werewolf , Victoria has her. She sees me, she is holding Allison tightly with one hand. Her other, bow and arrow at her side, facing down. She looked at me, eyes full of sadism; it struck ice into my heart. As she stated at me, a smile of pure pleasure as she shoved Allison into a pile of leaves. A bear trap snapped around her leg. Her small leg crushed just below her knee. The sick sound of an egg being crushed filled my ears. She screamed cried with absolute pain. She is back to human form . She is screaming , screaming, screaming.

"Shut up, you little bitch!" Victoria screamed and Victoria screamed pulled the chain of rusted iron connected to torn flesh and mangled, crushed, shattered bone.

I am convulsive in the ground, blood streaming from the corner of my mouth. Someone shoves me onto my side. I vomit and I cough and I convulse on the ground just for another few seconds. I hear distressed crying and panicked voices. Sirens blaring then shutting off. Lights still flashing. I start to convulse again when I finally come to I'm in an ambulance, an oxygen mask over my mouth and nose. Someone is frantically doing something over me. I take off my mask and the putrid smell of sick smacks me in the face. Sirens wailing, the paramedic forces the oxygen mask over face again. I can breathe easier. The ambulance comes to a sudden halt. Throwing the paramedic forward, and the equipment. I am thrown forward on the gurney in which I am strapped. The paramedic must've hit her hit, she is bleeding. She checks me then looks through the windshield, after yelling profanities at the EMT, whom is driving. He doesn't respond. There is absolute fear on her face; the EMT is screaming about something.