Rook woke up before the sun roose, smiling as he fond his Amar still in his arms. Blonko spent the time between twilight and morning running his fingers through Ben's hair. Rook admiring his Amar, taking in the quiet moment with him while he could.

It was quite sometime after the sun started rising before Ben started to stir. "hmm morning" Ben said with a yawn opening his eyes but not moving his head, enjoying the feeling of rook's claw playing with his hair.

"Morning Amar," Rook purred, nuzzling Ben lovingly and kissing his neck.

"hmmmm I can't remember the last time I slept so well" Ben hummed.

"Me either," Rook said, nipping at the skin behind his ear.

Ben softly moaning "hmm wonder if it will feel twice as good in a real bed"

"It will feel good to me no matter where we are," Rook said still nuzzling him.

Ben smiled nuzzling Blonko back "hmm you do have a way with making me feel REALLY good"

"I enjoy making you feel good Amar," Rook purred huskily.

"I hope I made you feel pretty good last night" Ben said shyly, he was so lost in pleasure and all the new experiences, that he barely did anything to return the pleasure.

"You made me feel very good Amar," Rook assured him.

Ben smiled in relief "that's good" he said looking back at Blonko hissing slightly, feeling the unexpected sting of Rook's bite mark.

"Sorry Amar," he said kissing and licking the spot.

"Hmm what is this" Ben asked curiously, using two of his fingers feeling over the bite mark.

"A claim mark, my apologizes, I should have told you about it," Rook said.

"So this is a way to show others I'm taken?" Ben asked

"yes, through I am not sure if it will show when you transform," Rook said.

"hopefully it at least shows in my Revannahgander form" Ben replied "than maybe other hunters will stop trying to court me."

"They might just challenge me for the right to court you," Rook said.

"why would they challenge you, I already showed... kind of publicly, that I choose you"

"You are very beautiful Ben, I do not think that would stop any of them," Rook said.

Ben sighed "even thought they will probably run or try to kill me if they saw me transform."

"Or they may want you more if they see how beautiful you are in this form," Rook purred kissing Ben

Ben leaned into the kiss, before gently pulling away smiling up at Blonko, "maybe" he admitted since Rook's siblings seemed to think he was pretty in his human from. It wasn't hard to imagine others of their kind would too "and you do look cute when you're jealous" Ben teased.

"Would you not be jealous if others flirted with me?" Rook asked.

"yes" Ben frowned, "young one already kind of told me your pretty popular."

"I never felt a connection with anyone the way I feel with you," Rook admitted, nuzzling Ben affectionately.

"Same" Ben replied nuzzling rook back.

Rook smiled and kissed Ben, the human returned the kiss, his hand gently squeezing Blonko's hand, and he squeezed Ben hand in return as he deepened their kiss.

"hmmm we should... probably... get moving soon" Ben muttered against Blonko's lips.

"Good idea," Rook said nuzzling Ben, pulling his cock out of him.

Ben let out a long groaned as Rook pulled out of him, feeling empty without of Blonko inside of him and a little sore.

"Are you feeling alright Amar?" Rook asked rubbing Ben's bottom, "I was not too rough was I?"

"I"m okay just a little sore" he reassured.

Rook kissed his bite mark on Ben, helping him get up, then got dressed.

Ben doing his best to hid his slight limp after he changed and helped pack up their camp, however; Rook noticed the limp and as soon as their things were together, he picked Ben up to carry him.

"Rook put me down I can walk" Ben said trying to wiggle out of his hold.

"Do you want to walk with a limp," Rook asked

"It's better them be carried around" Ben pouted.

"I like carrying you around," Rook purred, affectionately nuzzling him, making Ben sigh.

"fine, you can carry me for a little while" Ben muttered.

"Do you want to see if you can transform encase we are spotted," Rook asked.

"Yeah that will probably be a good idea" Ben agreed "but put be down first, encase I turn into something else."

Rook gently put Ben down, trying to make sure he didn't make his Amar hurt any more than he already did.

Ben selected the Revennahgander form, and change into Goot Kirby the bite mark visible along the base of his neck.

"My mark stayed," Rook said happily, hugging his Amar and nuzzling his neck.

Ben blushed from the sudden hug, Blonko's touch feeling so much warmer, and the need to have his Amar close was so much stronger in this form. Ben softly purring as he hugged and nuzzled Rook back.

"This mark means a lot huh?" Ben asked.

"It does," Rook purred, licking the spot.

A warm shiver ran down his spine feeling Blonko's tongue brush over the bite mark "so I'm not surprised later... what does this mark mean to your people?"

"It is something to show that we are together, but it will not stop others from fighting my claim," Rook said.

"So pretty much it says we've had sex, but won't stop others from hitting on me?" Ben clarified.

"Basically, yes" he nodded, "Not that I blame them."

"So your saying if I was claimed by someone else, you would fight them for me?"

"Of course I would, who would not fight for you," Rook questioned, "You are beautiful and perfect, anyone would be lucky to have you."

Ben laughed a little, trying to do a mental count of how many people in his life would disagree with Blonko's words. Rook giving him a questioning, and very puzzled look.

"Sorry" Ben quickly apologized not wanting Rook to think he said something wrong "it is just that I have... courted people before and none of them really ended very well for me."

"They are fools then," Rook said kissing his Amar lovingly.

Ben melted into the kiss holding Blonko tighter, the Revonnahgander sliding his slightly rough tongue into his mouth. Ben mewing rubbing his tongue against Rook's playfully. Blonko growling softly holding his Amar closer enjoying Ben's taste.

They remained lipped lock for sometime, before Ben managed to get enough will power to gently pull away "I think your sister is right, we do have a hard time keeping off each other"

"Sorry, you are just so hard to resist," Rook purred huskily, giving him a sexy smirk that made curtain parts of Ben's body heat up.

"it's hard to argue with that" Goot replied smirking back up at his Amar, Blonko nuzzling Ben, gently taking his hand as they started walking, making sure to put more distance between them and Rook's village.

Ben smiled walking hand in hand with Blonko, just holding someone hand shouldn't be making his chest swell with warmth like it was. Ben partly blaming the extra feelings on his Revonnahgander form, but couldn't say he minded it in the least.

"Maybe now that we're further away from the village, we won't have to deal with anymore people trying to court me" Ben said, having the urge to talk, he was never good at stay quiet for long.

"Let us hope so," Rook said, his voice getting a bit dark.

"Though it would be funny seeing there reactions, when they see your bite mark" Goot mused

"They may try challenging me to a fight," Rook replied.

"I could change and fight them for you, that would probably freak them out" he offered.

"Too risky, I can fight them on my own," Rook assured "Other wise they may go back to the village and alert Master Kundo"

"Master Kundo?… was he the scary guy that asked to talk to you the other day?" Ben asked.

"Yes, no one would dare defy him if he ordered a search for us," Rook explained.

"yep decently a scary guy" Ben muttered "he did not seem overly thrilled with me, and that is with him thinking I am one of you"

"Luckily he believed you were from another village, but did not believe the story of you being captured by the outsiders," Rook said.

"Hopefully he keeps believing I am one of you... I got enough people after me as it is" Ben sighed.

"Do not worry Amar, I will not let anyone harm you," Rook promised, lightly squeezing his hand

"Thanks Blonko" Ben smiled, walking a little closer to Rook their arms brushing against one another.

"So how long do you think it will take your family to find you," Rook asked.

"I don't know it's surprising they haven't found me yet" Ben hummed "Gwen; my cousin, she's got magical powers and is kind of an expert at tracking me...they might even be on the planet by now, but with my communicator on my omnitrix not working there's no way to know for sure."

"I hope they do not draw too much attention to themselves," Rook said

"Gwen and most plumbers will be fine"Ben assured than paused "unless she brought Kevin... than you should worry...he has an ability to make things worst."

"If we are lucky, there will not be a fight," Rook said.

"Yeah I don't have that kind of luck" Ben sighed and not even a moment later...

"Ah Goot, I see Rook has failed to even take you in the right direction of your village" Rook's rival said running up to them through the brushes.

"How kind of you to follow us," Rook glared, wondering why it had to be him of all people.

"I knew you weren't skill enough to guild…" Yuchi's words fell flat seeing the bite mark on Goot, his gaze then turning to Rook, glaring daggers at him and growling lowly "you marked Goot?"

"Yes," Rook said simply, hiding Ben behind him.

"How dare you trick Goot into letting you mark him" Yuchi growled baring his fangs.

"Tricked?! I wasn't tricked" Ben said insulted, but was ignored.

"Goot Kirby is my Amar," Rook growled in his defence, his fangs also showing.

"of course you would think the pretties Revonnahgander is your Amar" Yuchi growled unimpressed, his claws extending and attacking Rook before Ben could defend Blonko's words.

Rook flipped his rival to the ground, putting a foot on his chest to keep him from getting up. "I will only say this once, leave us alone!" Blonko growled.

Yuchi's growled, eyes dilating his hair standing up making him look more feral, as he clawed and twisted Rook's foot to make him loose his balance, quickly jumping onto his feet "that is not going to happen" he growled before lunging at Rook.

Ben so wrapped in the fight, didn't notice someone sneaking up behind him. Two hands reaching out from the bushes behind him. Grabbing Ben with one hand and muffling his mouth with the other, as they pulled the transforming hero into the brushes. Ben tried to attacking, but his claws dug into wood like skin "Chill Ben" the voice behind him said, making Ben freeze and stop struggling slowly glancing back at his capture.

"Kevin..." Ben muttered, unimpressed with the snatch and grab "how did you know it was me?" Ben questioned.

"You're the only one of the natives I've scene with green eyes" Kevin replied, getting a flat looked from Ben as Kevin was betting a lot on eye colour. "come on we got to get out of here" he said pulling Ben further away from the fight.

"No, I can't leave Blonko" Ben said dragging his feet, trying to pull out of Kevin's hold, his heart racing, he couldn't leave Rook, if they dragged him off the planet he might never see his Amar again.

Ben was not listening to Kevin at all, even going as far as scratching and kicking him. Kevin doing his best to stay calm as he kept trying to convince Ben that they needed to get away from the natives as they were insane and wild. The Irony of Ben being in the natives form and acting insane and wild was not lost on him.

Rook fought his rival, but when he noticed Ben was missing. Blonko was done playing, he threw a few well placed hits and floored his rival knocking him out in the process. Rook quickly rushed around to find his Amar.

Kevin cursed seeing Rook heading towards and panicked knocking Ben out, tossing him over his shoulder and maked a run for it.

"Let go of my Amar," Rook growled when he saw Ben get knocked out, assuming that the man might be working with the mercenaries from before.

"Back off wild thing" Kevin said shooting wood splinters at Rook "I am taking him home"

"I am going with Ben," Rook said glaring and dodging his attacks.

"What!? oh no I'm not bring any strays" Kevin said as he kept running trying to get away from the wild looking alien.

Rook knew the forests better that Kevin, so he was able to jump the trees and get in front of him.

"Woah how- what" Kevin looked behind him then at Rook again "Damn you guys move fast, guess no point in out running you" Kevin said carefully putting Ben's limp body on the ground, touching one of the boulders near by, and turning his skin into the material.

Rook taking note of how gently this alien was treating Ben "If you are a friend of Ben's... I do not wish to harm you," Rook said, but still took a defensive stance, "But I am not sure if you are since you knocked him out."

"Dude you got him brain washed or something" Kevin countered, he had never scene Ben down right panic like that before, "what did you do to him?" Kevin said not trusting Rook in the least.

"Ben Tennyson is my Amar, I would not do anything to harm him," Rook insisted, angry and insulted that someone would think he would hurt Ben.

"Yeah right" Kevin scoffed, lunging to attack only to be stopped mid air, surrounded by a pink aura.

"Kevin lets hear him out" Gwen scolded, Rook's attention turing to what he assumed was a female, she had blue clothes, purple skin, glowing pink eyes, and short glowing pink hair. "If you don't mind me asking" Gwen said turning to Rook "What is your name, and what is Ben to you?"

"My name is Rook Blonko and Ben Tennyson is my Amar," Rook said. At their confused looks he continued, "He is my soul mate."

Gwen smiled, and Kevin scoffed rolling his eyes. Gewn not so gently letting him fall back to the ground. "I'm Gwen, Ben cousins, and you've meant Kevin" she said, before she caught the sight of a knocked out native, quickly sensing that it was Ben. "One of you mind telling me what happened to Ben?" she asked walking towards his knocked out form waving her hand over his head as small bits of purple light pouring out.

"Kevin here knocked Ben out," Rook growled, glaring at Kevin.

Kevin wasn't affected when Rook growled at him, having dealt with a lot larger and scarier things than him. But, when Gwen glared at him, he quickly took a couple of steps away from her, Ben groaning lightly as he slowly woke up.

Rook quickly rushed to his side, "Ben, Amar, are you alright," he asked, gently brushing hair out of his face.

"I'm okay, Blonko" Ben reassured gently placing his hand over Blonko's "But Kevin's going to have a talk with Rath later" Ben grumbled, sitting up, before glaring at his friend and attacker today.

Kevin groaned "Oh come on! I through you were brained wash or-"

"Don't do any serious damage" Gwen requested of her cousin, cutting off her boyfriend.

"No promises" Ben grumbled, but it was hard to stay mad when he felt his body melt a little as Rook nuzzled him, Blonko happy he was alright.

Ben smiled nuzzling him, before his Amar helped him back onto his feet. "You're lucky we were able to find you, those guys went to a lot of trouble making sure even I had a hard time tracking you down." Gwen explained "come on, we got a ship south of here" she said leading the way as she turned back into her human form.

Rook and Ben followed them, their hands instinctively intertwining as they fallowed the other two.

"So.. when did this start" Gwen asked smirking, looking back at Ben.

"The moment we met," Rook admitted.

Ben blushed when Gwen gave him a questioning look, before she looked back at Rook "Somehow I imagine it took Ben longer to clue in" she tease.

"He did not feel the bond instantly like I did," Rook admitted.

"Well Ben doesn't have the best track record when it comes to love" Kevin lightly laughed making Ben flinch and Gwen shot a look at Kevin "what it's true." he shrugged.

Rook glared too, holding Ben close, "I do not mean to insult your race, but there must be something wrong with them if they do not see how wonderful my Amar is."

"They weren't all human" Kevin muttered getting elbowed in the gut by Gwen.

"And no worries, there's quiet a few of our own race we don't like" Gewn provided, "so I take it your coming back to our planet with Ben?"

"Of course," Rook said politely.

Gwen smiled seeing her cousin smile up at Rook "and don't worrying about the bounty hunters on your planet, we have some other agents going after them and getting them off planet" Gwen reassured. Ben frowned he wanted to stay and help stop them, but they were here for him and had weapons just to fight him.

"Do not worry Ben, my people can handle themselves," Rook said, sensing his mates worry.

"Yeah, I know" Ben said instinctively rolling the one shoulder that a hunter hit when they thought he was a murderous animal.

"Does your shoulder still hurt," Rook asked through he didn't notice anything during sex.

"ah no, just… phantom pain, I'm okay" Ben reassured, but Rook still looked concerned, reaching out to gently rubbed his shoulder.

"Here we are" Gwen announced at first there was nothing, but then she pressed something on her wrist and a ship appeared, the hanger hissing open "we're going to head back to the main ship, so you're not targeted before we get to Azimuth" Gwen said walking in, with Kevin quickly fallowing.

Rook looked around in amazement as they stepped into the flying machine, not use to seeing so much technology.

Ben smiled gently tugging Blonko forward into the main cockpit area, guiding him to one of the seats near a window. Ben sitting down next to him and showed Rook how to buckle in, while Gwen and Kevin prepped the ship.

"I am excited to see more of the universe with you Amar," Rook said leaning over to kiss Ben.

Ben meeting him half way, deepening the kiss for a few minutes before pulling away smiling as the ship started to rumble "If you thought flying was cool, wait till you get to see space" Ben said smiling.

"I do not really care what I see as long as I see it with you." Rook smiled.

"That is so corny" Kevin chuckled under his breath,

"you should take some lessons" Gwen sighed.

Ben chose to ignore Kevin, keeping his focus on Blonko. Ben smiling as he tightened his grip on Rook's hand. He turned his Amar's attention to the window as they started to get above the clouds and into the space.

Rooks ears twitched cutely as they popped.

Ben laughed lightly, "try yawning it helps, I swear"

Rook did as Ben said and yawned loudly.

"Ears feel a little better?" Ben asked as they started seeing stars.

"A little bit," Rook said leaning over and giving Ben a few gentle nuzzles against his cheek.

"Don't worry you'll get used to it soon" Ben assured rubbing his thumb over Rook's knuckles "look that's the main ship" Ben said pointing the the large ship that was at least ten times larger then the one they were in.

Rook quickly looked and awed in amazement.

"yeah, and it's not even close to our biggest ship" Ben added, looking forward to showing Rook the universe and his world, and just getting to see new things with Blonko as by his side.

Ah Man, Blonko's cheesiness was rubbing off on him...

Notes: Oh my gosh I've updated three weeks in a row! but sadly the next and last chapter is going to take me a while to finish, and if theres anything you want in the last chapter that isn't too complicated or too outrageous, let me know and I'll try adding it in.