Prologue (Erik's POV)

Three months. It's been three months since I met her. During these past three months, I've been going through ultimate depression. And something crazy happened. I think I'm in Luela's world. Her time period. I know everything about the 21st century. I know who Nicki Minaj is, what iPhones are, and where New York City is. But I don't know where my angel is.

But Christine Daae is here. She has been attempting to make me forget about Luela and fall in love with her. I may have begun to develop some feelings for her, but today she did something that I knew I couldn't love her for.

{FLASHBACK BEGINS} I woke up today and walked into my living room wearing nothing but my trousers. I sat on my couch with a cup of tea and pondered my life. Suddenly, Christine comes flying out of NOWHERE and plops herself next to me. She puts her arm around me and one of her hands on my leg. Excuse me?! She did not have permission to do that!

"Uhh Christine?" I asked. "What on Earth are you doing?!" She met my eyes, lust literally spilling out of hers. "Well" She started in a silky voice. "It looked like you needed some company. So I'm companying you!" I removed her arm from my shoulder and her hand from my leg. "Christine, I'm fine, seriously. All I need is time for me" I said, slowly backing away from her.

I've been trying to avoid her but her eyes; they hypnotize even the most sensible of men. And today was no different. Today was even worse. She was batting her eyelashes like she had something in her eye that she couldn't get out. Almost immediately, she leaned in and crashed her lips onto mine. I pulled away but she grabbed the back of my head.

"Stop resisting, Erik" She spoke in a low voice. She kissed me again and this time, I didn't pull back. I pulled her up against me.

Then, she pushed her feet off the ground, causing me and her to fall back. It felt… uplifting. The last time someone kissed me like this was when Luela and I… WAIT! WHAT AM I DOING!?

I shoved Christine off me. "I'm sorry Christine. You are a nice friend but I do not love you" Christine looked at me with anger and sadness.

"You will regret this, Erik. Just you wait!" She shrieked and ran into another room. {FLASHBACK OVER} I've stared through the mirror all day, waiting for Luela… just a sign that she's ok.