Chapter 7 (Erik's POV)

Oh my god… I DON'T THINK I'VE EVER BEEN THAT TRAUMATIZED IN MY LIFE! When we landed, it felt like everything in the plane was falling apart!

I was gripping Luela's hand like my life depended on it. When we slowed down and started taxiing to the gateway, I let go of her hand.

Luela looked at me and held up her hand, which was red and throbbing. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry," I apologized as I stifled a laugh.

The plane, thankfully, came to a full stop and people began to stand up and retrieve their luggage from the overhead compartments.

Luela grabbed hers and mine and Siobhan got hers and Frankie's. We slowly made our way to the door of this aluminum torture chamber and, as usual, Luela started craving pizza.

"Pizza. NOW!" She yelled. Frankie snickered. "Jesus Luela, I swear it's like you're pregnant!" Luela and I locked eyes and I blushed. She gave me a dark smile and wiggled her eyebrows. Frankie noticed and the smirk left his face.

"Wait- did you- I mean- did you two…?" Oh shiz. Luela and I did have a magical moment in my lair all those months ago… jeez I had totally forgotten! How I had I do not know. Anyway, I was also starting to crave pizza so we set out to find a pizzaria.

Ok, I am so disappointed in this airport. We couldn't find a pizza place and the only place that we could find was iHop. An iHop! I mean hello diabetes!

The hash browns were ok though… but still! I've got this deformity; I don't need to get fat too! We reluctantly walked into the iHop. Luela leaned close and whispered in my ear. "I can literally smell the cholesterol,"

I snorted, trying not to laugh out loud. We sat in a booth and a pretty red head walked over to us. "Hi!" She said cheerily. "I'm Kayla and I'll be your waitress today. Can I start you off with some drinks?"

I fumbled through the drinks menu but Luela beat us to it. "Water for all four of us, please," She said in a rush. Kayla nodded and walked off.

Frankie raised an eyebrow at Luela. "You know, I actually wanted a Pepsi,"

Luela grimaced. "I'm not taking any chances here! I refuse to die of diabetes, of all things!" Siobhan nodded. "Me too. I'm actually shocked I came here,"

Frankie rolled his eyes. "You girls and you're freaking health issues. The Nilla Pancakes aren't that bad," Kayla returned with our water and we placed our orders.

Luela payed the check and we walked out of the iHop. "I" Luela started. "I am never doing that again! I can literally feel my arteries clogging!"

I laughed and placed my arm around her. I adjusted the collars of my new shirt. The day after we were reunited, Luela and I went out to get me some more 21st century appropriate clothes.

I ended up with a red flannel button-down and jeans. I still had my mask and wig; no matter how hard Luela persuaded me, I wouldn't take it off in public.

I didn't know how people in this time would react to deformity so I was going to play it safe. Siobhan and Frankie have never seen my face so I don't know if they can see the beauty underneath.

Anyway, we had gotten our luggage and we were now walking to an Enterprise dealer to rent a car. We walked down three flights of stairs and through a doorway which led to a garage.

Luela talked with the dealer and finally pointed to a white minivan. "That's our ride," She said. We all piled in; Siobhan and Frankie in the back and me and Luela in the front.

I had taken my driver's test a few days before we left. I turned on the ignition and the car revved up to life.

"Whoa!" I said. "Listen to this kitten purr!" I hit the gas pedal and the car revved again. We drove out of the airport and to the Miami freeway.

I really felt good to be out of that mirror. And away from Christine. I wonder if she had even noticed me leaving.

(Christine's POV)

Where was he?! When he disappeared, I had only expected that he had gone out for a bit but he's been gone for two whole weeks!

I had about just enough. I hopped in the boat and rowed until I reached the mirror. The mirror was smashed. It was like someone had shot something at it!

Erik must have done this out of complete desperation. It seems Erik doesn't want to love me. Well, I don't quit that easily. I walked out of the mirror and dodged a wrecking ball. A wrecking ball!

The opera house was being demolished! I shrieked and ran right into a man.

"What the heck do you think you're doing woman?!" He bellowed. "This place is being destroyed! Get out!" I huffed and stormed out; for a moment I felt like Carlotta.

I was going to find Erik. I swear if he went back to that Alexander girl, I'm gonna scream. But I had an idea. I grabbed a blonde wig and placed it on my head. They can't escape me.