Panic Room-Ch 1

Penelope Morgan woke up with a smile on her lips as she felt her husband kissing the side of her neck, she wrapped her arms around his neck and said, "I just loveeeeeeeee being woke up this way". He hovered over her and wiggled his eyebrows and said, "I bet I can think of another way you like for me to wake you up baby girl".

Penelope giggled and said, "I bet you do handsome", he crashed his lips against hers and as his hand slid up her body they pulled apart when they heard their 5 year old twins running down the hall squealing, "mommaaaaaaaaa". Derek said, "to be continued later"?, she wiggled her eyebrows and said, "ohhhhhh count on it handsome".

Derek jumped up and grabbed his daughter Amelia when she ran through the door, his son squealed as he ran right past Derek and jumped into his mommys arms, she kissed the top of his head and said, "what's wrong Mattie"?, Amelia and Matthew were surprises that arrived bright and early on Christmas morning about 7 months after Derek and Penelope were married.

Matthew looked up and said, "daddy tried to get me", she ruffled his hair and said, "he did huh"?, he nodded his head and said, "uh huh", Mia laughed as Derek kissed the side of her face several times before collapsing on the bed beside Penelope and Matthew. Derek said, "are you two ready for breakfast"?, they nodded their heads yes and Penelope said, "don't forget after breakfast Henry is coming over to play with you".

Matthew said, "awesomeeeeeee", Mia said, "yayyyyyyyyyyyy, I love Henry", Derek tickled her and said, "ohhhhhhhh no you don't missy", she said, "daddy me not Missy, me Mia". He hugged her tight and said, "ohhhh I'm sorry", she laid her head down on his chest and sighed as he kissed the top of her head and said, "daddy loves you".

She looked up at him and said, "I love you to daddy", Matthew said, "what about me"?, Derek laughed and said, "well daddy loves you to", Penelope said, "and mommy loves allllllllll of you" causing the twins to laugh. Derek said, "how about chocolate chip pancakes today"?, Mia rubbed her stomach and said, "yummy daddy" as her and her brother jumped off the bed and ran downstairs.

Derek pulled his shirt over his head and kised his wife on the lips and said, "why don't you get dressed and I'll go down and start the pancakes"?, she smiled and said, "you keep this up and I might have to marry you". He laughed and said, "goddess we've been married for 5 years", she said, "ohhhh does my boyfriend know about it"?, he winked and said, "ohhhhhh yeah he knows, he knows" as he headed out of the room.

She got up and grabbed an outfit out of her closet and headed into the bathroom to get changed, a few minutes later she walked out dressed and ready to face the day, or so she thought. She walked over and opened the curtains and said, "it's beautiful out today", she took a deep breath and then turned and headed out of the room.

When she stepped into the kitchen she smiled as she stood there watching the twins as they helped their dad with the pancakes, she cleared her throat and said,
"who wants milkkkkkkkk"?, the twins in unison said, "me me me me". She grinned as she pulled 2 cups out of the cabinet and put them on the table so she could pour milk in them.

She then walked over and poured 2 cups of coffee and put them on the table before joining her husband and beautiful children for breakfast, she laughed as she watched her kids eating. She reached over and wiped the syrup off of their chins and winked at them when the twins said, "thank youuuuuuuu momma", she took a sip of her coffee and said, "you are very welcome" as they finished their breakfast.

Across the street sat someone from their past, well from Penelopes past and he was watching the house to see what they should have had but what happened his woman, his black queen chose a chocolate adonis over him. He squeezed the steering wheel and said, "I will get what I should have had, I will get my family with my queen".