Layla's POV


I shot up in my bed when a scream rang out in my head...

"Lucy's voice... She's calling for me... Something's wrong!" I thought.

I looked to my side and put my hand on Jude's shoulder...

"Jude wake up!" I commanded.

Jude began to wake up...

"Ugh... What is it, Layla?" he asked tiredly.

"Jude something's wrong with, Lucy. We have to get to the hospital right now" I answered.

"Calm down, Layla... Lucy is fine... You probably just had a nightmare..." he told me tiredly.

"No my mother senses are tingling... Something is definietly wrong... Now you can either tell me where you put the car keys or get up and get to the hospital..." I told him.

A few seconds of silence...

"Make a decision, Jude!" I barked.

"I'm getting up..." he made a decision.

"No time to get dressed let's just go right now! I need to know if my baby's ok!" I told him.

"Ok, ok" he responded.

I jumped out of bed while Jude just sluggishly got out of bed... Probably because he was tired...

"I'm driving by the way!" I announced.

"Please no... When your worried you always end up driving like a mad woman..." he responded.

"I don't care! Now get the freaking car keys and meet me in the car!" I commanded.

I ran out of the house and got in the drivers seat of the car...

"Hurry Jude!" I thought.

Jude came out of the house a minute later with the keys he got in the passengers seat, buckled up, and gave the keys to me...

"Try not to get us killed please" he pleaded.

"Just hang onto something and shut up!" I commanded.

I started up the car and sped away from the house to the hospital...

"Layla! Your going to get us killed! Slow down!" exclaimed Jude.

"No!" I said.

After so many close calls and probably so many driving tickets I finally made it to the hospital...

"We're here! Come on, Jude!" I commanded.

I jumped out of the car and sprinted inside with Jude trying to keep up with me...

"Excuse me! Mr and Mrs Heartfilia! Please wait!" a nurse tried to get us to stop.

I didn't stop but Jude did...

"Please be ok, Lucy!" I mentally pleaded.

After a while I saw Lucy's hospital room...

"Lucy!" I called.

I rushed into the room expecting to see my little girl in that hospital bed just sleeping or waiting for someone to come in... But I didn't see what I was expecting to see...

"Where's my baby?" I asked no one.

She wasn't in here...

"Where the heck is my baby?!" I asked no one but louder.

After a while a hand came down on my shoulder causing me to turn around...

"What?!" I snapped on edge because I didn't know where my baby was.

Jude was behind me... He was on the verge of tears... I was extremely worried now...

"Layla..." he said my name.

"Jude... Do you know where, Lucy is?" I asked.

"Yes... She's not here anymore..." he answered.

That caused my eyes to widen to the size of plates...

"Please tell me you mean she was moved to another hospital" I pleaded.

"I wish I did... The nurse told me that, Lucy stopped breathing in the middle of the night and by the time someone got to her... She was gone and they couldn't bring her back..." he told me.

My eyes began to sting as they filled up with tears...

"No, no... Please no..." I pleaded.

"I can't believe it either, Layla... Lucy is dead..." he told me.

I began to cry... This was just so awful... I couldn't believe it...

"Oh my goodness... Just oh my goodness..." I cried.

Jude brought me into a hug to comfort me and I just cried and cried... My baby had died when she was only six years old...

Ashley's POV

When morning came... I had gotten dressed and I began to head downstairs with Michelle...

"It's really strange that Aunt Layla just burst into tears when we told her that we we're going to go visit, Lucy... Wouldn't you agree?" she asked me.

"Yeah... What's up with her? I thought she would of been at the hospital before we even woke up..." I answered.

"Me too..." she responded.

Once we got downstairs...

"We're heading to the hospital! We'll get breakfast on the way there!" I called.

"Wait!" Uncle Jude called.

"What do you want Uncle Jude?" I asked.

"Can you both come to the living room? I need to tell you something" he said.

We both headed to the living room... Uncle Jude was sitting in a chair... It looked like he had been crying...

"What is it Uncle Jude?" asked Michelle.

"You might wanna be sitting down for this" he answered.

We didn't really didn't understand what could be so bad but we sat down anyways...

"Ok we're sitting down... What's the matter?" I asked.

He hesitated for a few seconds before telling us both something that made our eyes widen and our jaws drop...

"Lucy's gone..." he told us.

"Y-You mean like she's at another hospital, right?" asked Michelle.

"No... She's dead..." he answered.

Michelle fainted from the shock of learning that her cousin was dead... I however had a different reaction... I shot up from where I was sitting...

"Your a liar! A fucking liar!" I yelled.

I didn't even wait for him to say something back I just ran out of the house not even bothering to close the front door...

"She can't be dead! I told her that she was gonna be fucking fine and I meant it!" I told myself.

I was sprinting down the street not really paying attention to where I was going... I just knew I was heading towards the hospital...

"I bet if I go to the hospital and to her room! She's gonna be right there! Uncle Jude is just a liar!" I told myself.

As I was running memories passed through my head... Each one was a memory of me and her together before she was diagnosed with cancer...

"Stop showing me this stuff brain! She isn't dead!" I thought.

When I finally made it to the hospital I sprinted to Lucy's hospital room...

"Lucy!" I exclaimed.

It was then harsh cold reality hit me like a hard slap across the face...

"Oh... Your really gone..." I said sadly.

Mavis's POV

It was the day after we had gotten word that Lucy had died... I had shut myself inside of Lucy's old room...

"Mavis! Time to come out!" called Zeref as he knocked on the door.

I locked the door so Zeref couldn't come inside...

"Listen I know your grieving! We all are! But you can't stay locked in her room forever! You have to come out!" he called.

"Go away, Zeref!" I commanded.

I could hear him sigh...

"Alright but remember that I'm here for you if you need me" he sighed.

He left me alone and I just sat in this room alone...

"It was too soon... Just way too soon for you to go..." I thought.

I sat in there for a while before I noticed something I had failed to notice before...

"Huh? What's this?" I wondered.

I went over to Lucy's desk where she used to do all of her homework... Lying on the desk was a picture...

"A picture?" I thought.

I picked it up and saw that it was a picture of me, Zeref, and Lucy... Lucy was a baby and happily clinging to me as I hugged her looking like I was squealing about something that probably had to do with her... Zeref was the only taking the picture seeing as one of his arms we're outstretched holding the camera in his hand... He was actually smiling in this picture...

"I remember when this was taken... She was still just a tiny little baby and we had just met... She hardly had any hair but it was growing... And I called her baldie as a teasing thing... She actually started crying and I did everything I could to make her stop... Eventually I started fake crying to see if that would work... She stopped crying immediately and tried to make me stop by making funny faces..." I remembered the past.

I realized something...

"Wait... Lucy wouldn't want me to cry... She likes it much better when people are happy..." I thought.

I tried to smile...

"I'll smile for you, Lucy! I'll try my best not to cry!" I thought.

I fought back all of my tears and just smiled...

"Now to go cheer up Zeref!" I thought.

I left Lucy's room and went to the living room where Zeref was... I sat down next to him...

"Why are you smiling?" he asked when he noticed me.

"Because Lucy doesn't want us to cry!" I answered.

"How'd you come to that conclusion?" he asked.

I handed him the picture and he looked at it...

"Remember the day this was taken?" I asked him.

"Yes... I do..." he answered. "Why?"

"Remember what she did when she did when I started fake crying?" I asked.

"She stopped crying and tried to cheer you up by making funny faces" he answered.

"Exactly! Plus she always liked it better when people we're happy! So let's make her happy instead of sad!" I told him.

He was quiet for a few seconds as if trying to figure out if what I said was right or not...

"I guess your right, Mavis... I'll try to smile for, Lucy..." he said.

He tried to fight back the feeling of sadness and smile...

"You can do it, Zeref" I encouraged him.

He managed to do it...

"Good job! I'm very sure that Lucy feels happier now that we're both smiling!" I said.

"I hope so..." he responded.

I hoped that she was happy too...

Makarov's POV

It's been very cloudy for a few days... All of my students are acting very strange... Their just all huddled up together in one spot not talking...

"That's very strange... What are they doing?" I thought.

After a few seconds of waiting and watching them...

"I better go find out" I thought.

I left my teacher's desk and went over to them...

"Kids... What are you doing?" I asked them.

"We're drawing pictures for, Lucy" answered Cana.

"Aw that's sweet of you all to do... Are you going to give them to her after school?" I asked.

"No" answered Mira.

That confused me...

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because she isn't there anymore" answered Gray.

"Where did she go?" I asked.

"Heaven" ansered Levy.

"How do you know she went to heaven? Couldn't she of just been moved to a different hospital?" I asked.

"We went to her house... Her Dad told us that she went to Heaven..." answered Romeo.

"We're drawing these pictures to put by her rock so she'll have them forever..." Natsu told us.

"Well everyone... Just know that, Lucy is in a much better place now..." I told them.

"We know..." said Lisanna.

I went back to my desk after saying that... It was very hard to believe that Lucy was dead...

Laxus's POV

I don't know why but strangely enough, Ashley has been lashing out at everyone lately... Even us...

"I have got to find out what's going on" I thought.

I began to head over to her...

"Even if she does lash out at me..." I thought.

I made it over to her...

"Hey Blondie" I greeted.

"What do you want, Laxus?" she asked.

"I wanna know why your angry at everything" I answered.

"That's none of your fucking beeswax" she swore.

"Just tell me Blondie... Get that shit off your chest..." I commanded.

"I will... But not to you..." she told me. "So fuck off..."

Ashley began to walk away from me...

"By the way what happened to your cousin?" I asked.

She stopped...

"Excuse me?" she asked back.

"I'm pretty sure you heard me..." I answered.

She turned around to face me...

"Your right I did hear you but you wanna know what happened to my cousin? Huh?" she asked.

"Yeah" I answered.

"She's fucking dead... She stopped breathing and couldn't be brought back..." she told me.

"Holy shit... She's actually dead?" I asked.

"I just told you that you fucking idiot!" she swore.

"Wait a second... That's why your so angry isn't it? Because your cousin died..." I said.

"Shut up! I'm not angry about it!" she responded.

"You are... Your just going through the stages of grief... Guess your going through anger right now..." I guessed.

"You don't know shit!" she swore at me.

I just began to walk past her to go do something else but as I passed her I told her something...

"If you need a shoulder to cry on or some shit like that... Come find me... I'm here for ya..." I told her.

When I fully passed her I could of sworn I heard her mutter a small "thanks"...

Nobody's POV

A week later it was the day of the funeral...

Friends, and family we're there and paying their respects to, Lucy...

Everyone was dressed in black and no other color besides black... Ashley even went so far as to dye her hair black...

The gravestone had flowers all around it along with the pictures that Lucy's friends had drawn for her...

Lisanna was putting down some flowers she had plucked out of the ground to give, Lucy more flowers when she saw someone...

"Hey... Your that kid from Sabertooth Room... Rogue, right?" she asked.

"Yes I am..." he answered.

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

"I felt like I should come and pay my respects even though I didn't know her... I actually dragged that idiot here too so he could face the music..." he answered.

"Really? Where is she?" she asked.

Rogue pointed at a tree a ways away from where everything was happening...

"He's over there hiding behind that tree so no one will see him..." he answered.

"He shouldn't of come here in the first place... He broke Lucy's heart... He's a big fat jerk..." she told him.

"He can leave whenever he wants that's what I told him but he hasn't gone anywhere yet" he responded.

"He should leave now... Wait... You brought flowers?" she asked.

Rogue was holding two flowers in his hand... One was white the other was black...

"Yeah... Mind if I put them down?" he asked.

"I'm not stopping you..." she answered.

Rogue put his two flowers down with the others...

"I think we could have been friends if I would have known her as long as you had, Lisanna" he said.

"I think you could have too... You seem like a really nice person even though you do come from, Sabertooth Room..." she responded.

"Thanks" he thanked her.

"No problem... It's the truth..." she told him.

After a few seconds of silence...

"Hey Rogue?" she asked.

"What?" he asked back.

"I miss her so much" she answered.

"Do you need a hug?" he asked.

"I'd like one" she answered.

Rogue extended his arms to her telling her to give him a hug which she did...

"Thanks" she thanked.

"Your welcome" he responded.

A while into the hug the good times Lisanna and Lucy had together flowed into her head and made her cry... Rogue's response? Just let her cry and keep hugging her so she probably feels a little bit better...

Lucy's POV

"Open your eyes"

I heard a voice and I did as I was told... I opened my eyes...

When I opened them I was looking down at a bunch of people dressed in black... I knew what this was...

It was one of those things called a funeral... This one was for me...

I could see everyone I knew down there and even Sting who was hiding behind a tree...

Everyone's crying... I know why their crying... It's because I died...

But I'm in Heaven now... Here nothing can hurt me... Why are they sad that I'm in a place where nothing can hurt me?

It's probably because their never gonna see me again...

I won't be there to play fight with my friends, give my family hugs, talk to them, or do anything that I used to do for them... I won't even be there for them to see... But I'll see them...

I'll watch over them from heaven and give them all the biggest tightest hug I can when they finally get here...

And I know that when they get here they'll be happy to see me too...

Hey Ashley... I know you can't hear me... But why did you dye your hair? You didn't have to do that... I liked it better when it was blonde like mine... Plus I wish I would have found out your real name... I'm very curious... Will you tell me when you get up here?

Grandma Mavis and Grandpa Zeref you may be smiling on the outside but I can tell your sad on the inside... Don't have fake emotions... Let out your real ones... It's ok to cry... I won't be upset or unhappy...

Mom I wish I could give you a big hug or make funny faces for you so I could cheer you up and make you smile... But since I can't I'll say it again... It's ok to cry...

Dad I'm gonna miss you... You we're really busy during my life but let's make up for lost tine in heaven, ok? There we can play and play until all that lost time is made up...

Michelle... I know you can't believe what's happening right before your eyes but if your going to faint... Just faint... I don't mind if you faint from shock... Hey! Did you hear me?! Oh wait... No you didn't you just fainted on your own...

Friends let's play fight just like old times when you get up here, ok? Plus let's watch Fairy Tail together too! It was over at the worst possible time for it to go off... But I'll wait for you all so we can watch it together!

Teacher... I'm not looking forwards to all that school work I'll have to make up when you get here but I'll still be really happy to see you!

Laxus, Freed, Bixlow, and Evergreen... Can you please keep my cousin out of trouble? I'd really, REALLY appreciate it if you did... Also Laxus do you like my cousin? If you do just kiss her already!

Sting don't think I don't see you behind that tree over there... I was really sad about you did... But I'm not anymore... I forgive you for everything but please stay away from Lisanna... I like that Rogue is hugging her! I think I support this!

Anyways I think I've said everything I can...

I think it's time for me to go back to heaven now...

Goodbye everyone!

Oh and Mommy?

I don't need help anymore...


I can breathe again...

Also Mommy please don't ever forget these three words that apply to everyone in our family and all of my friends too...

The words are...

I Love You

I started writing this at six pm... It's one twenty am right now... If that says something about my writing speed I don't know what does... But thank you to all the people who read and reviewed this story you gave me the encouragement to keep going because I know you wanted more! Thank you all very much! And one last time for this story!

Review plz?