I decided to take a stab at Percy/Audrey (even though I much prefer reading Percy/Angelina and writing one-sided Percy/Penelope.) I think Percy/Audrey is growing on me xD haha

Written for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry forum - Major & Minor Arcana, #5

Prompt: Write a fluffy story about a couple with a deep emotional or sexual connection.

Word count: 2129

Percy had been a righ' ol' prat and he knew it. He felt horrible. How could he live with himself? He had done such bad things in his short life. Where did it all go wrong? Downing his drink, Percy thought back to his last year at Hogwarts.

Percy was Head Boy in his seventh year, a great honour that he shared with his brother Bill. Fred and George's teasing from "Perfect Prefect Percy" changed to "Big Head Boy Percy." But the twins were the least of Percy's worries.

Penelope Clearwater, the seventh year Ravenclaw Head Girl, was his girlfriend. Until Percy caught her snogging Oliver Wood late at night. Percy had never been more ashamed, embarrassed and enraged. Not even the twins could match the level of fury he felt when faced with Oliver and Penny.

Disgusted with himself for remembering that night so clearly, Percy downed two more firewhiskeys.

As if Penny's betrayal hadn't been enough. Working for the Ministry Percy had always adored and admired had blinded Percy to the truth. Undersecretary Umbridge and Minister Fudge drilled into Percy's head the notion of Albus Dumbledore and Harry Potter as liars who wanted to take over the Ministry. In his addled state of mind, Percy had written several horrible letters to all of his family members, particularly his Mum and lil' Ronniekins.

Percy took his responsibility seriously, just like Bill and Charlie had. Unlike the twins, Percy believed he needed to be a good role model for his younger siblings, particularly Ron and Ginny. The twins were incorrigible since birth. Ginny, fortunately, had taken a liking to Harry Potter, the Saviour of our World. Unfortunately, said Saviour was also crazy, or so Percy had once believed. Ron, Harry's best friend, was in danger of losing out on his opportunity to become an Auror once he graduated if he kept in contact with Public Enemy No. 1. Or so Percy had once warned him.

Now, a year after the Battle of Hogwarts, Percy wasn't so sure of the world. It still hurt that Fred was gone. It still hurt that his Mum had accepted him, the whole family had accepted him, but Fred had been the first. It still hurt that the one time Fred acknowledged he had made a joke was the moment right before Rookwood sent his curse at them. It was all wrong that Percy was here and Fred was not.

I should have been the one, Percy thought sullenly. It should have been me, not Fred, Rookwood was after. Percy's face set into a haunted expression as he remembered killing Rookwood in revenge. Smiling grimly, Percy drained his last mug of firewhiskey. Revenge can be sweet, he supposed, as long as the motivation was right.

Looking around, Percy cursed his short purse. No more galleons, no more sickles, no more knuts. That could mean only one thing: no more blessed firewhiskey. Percy sighed.

"You out of galleons?" a woman asked, leaning over to talk into his ear.

Percy, startled, turned and, through wobbly vision, saw a pretty young woman about his age. She had placed her hand on his arm. He felt a burning sensation run through his body - no doubt the firewhiskey kicking in.

"Hullo, hullo," Percy said, believing himself to be sober. "Sorry, I'm all out."

"Ah, it's okay. So am I," she said, smiling at him.

Percy gulped nervously. A woman smiling at him did not happen every day. Adjusting his tie and horn-rimmed glasses, Percy said, "I'm sorry," in as light a tone as possible (which means, as he had drunk quite a lot), he probably sounded like a croaking frog.

She laughed, showing off beautiful pink lips and small white teeth. She had a musical laugh that was both child-like and enchanting.

"I'm Percy," Percy said, trying to keep his hand steady. "Nice to meet you."

"Pleasure," the woman returned, trying, and failing, to find his hand. Laughing, she said, "I don't think this is working. Why do you have six fingers?"

"Oh dear," Percy said, staring at his hand. "I do, don't I? Must be the drink. I'm sure Mum would have said something if I had been born with six fingers. Surely, she would have, wouldn't she?" He scratched his head, puzzled.

The woman laughed again and tried to place her hand on his shoulder. Instead, she was patting his head.

"Ah, you red-heads," she said, smiling. "You have such curly hair." At this point in the conversation, Percy had decided that Percy had left the building.

"Thank you, er, sorry," he smiled sheepishly. "What's your name?"

"My name?" she asked, looking at him with big brown eyes. "My name." She gave him a ditsy smile.

"Yes, I was asking for your name. I don't recall what it is, but you look familiar."

"Audrey. Audrey Ophelia Vaughan."

"Audrey Ophelia - very pretty," Percy said, blushing. He put it down to feeling hot and uncomfortable. "Um, are you warm? It feels warm in here." He pulled at his collar.

"Allow me." Audrey leaned over and unbuttoned his shirt at the top. "There," she said, resettling herself in her chair.

Percy's face now probably matched the exact colour of his hair. When Audrey had leaned over, he was given a perfect view of her chest. And it was quite marvelous. Gulping for air, Percy determined not to look at her and instead kept his eyes on the shelf of liquor against the wall.

"Thank you," he said stiffly.

"Much better?" Audrey asked.

"Yes. Quite. Ah, look at the time," Percy said, eyes wildly looking everywhere but at her.

"What time? I didn't see you had a watch."

"I don't," Percy replied shortly.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I understand. You probably have a wife and kids," Audrey sighed. "They always do."

"They?" Now Percy's mind was muddled. Was Audrey a lesbian? With kids? How did that even work? Right now, Percy, m'lad, you need to go to bed, his sensible mind told him. This woman is way too much for you to handle. Ignoring the voice in his head, Percy turned to consider Audrey once more. Nope, she looked perfectly straight to him. Pretty, short or at least, shorter than him, and her brown eyes were watery.

"Never mind," Audrey said abruptly standing. "Oh, dear. I shouldn't have done that."

Percy reached out to steady her. Instead, she fell into his lap.

"Oof! Oy, sorry," Audrey mumbled, blushing.

Percy merely stared at her. With her face flushed a light pink, she was so pretty. So he leaned down and kissed her.

"Spider-Man kiss," Audrey chuckled.

"Sorry, what?" Percy asked.

"Oh, don't you know the Muggle superhero Spider-Man?" Audrey asked, shocked.

"Who are you talking about?"

"Oh my gosh! Let's go watch the movies!" Grabbing Percy's hand, Audrey led him out of the pub. Thank goodness it was the Leaky, as Tom knew Percy well. Had it been any other place, Percy would have died of embarrassment. He hadn't finished paying his tab.

Six hours later, Percy was being woken up.

"Percy! Percy!" Audrey whispered in a loud stage-whisper. "Heyyyyyyy!"

Percy bolted upright. "Wha!"

"OUCH!" Audrey yelled, rubbing her arm.

"Oh, sorry. I'm not good at waking up when I don't realize I'm sleeping," Percy explained, knowing his logic was not even twenty percent alright.

"So, did you like the movies?" Audrey asked.

"Um, I think so? The third one was really weird."

"Yeah, I know! Do you like superhero movies?"

Percy adjusted his glasses on his nose. "I don't know. Movies are weird, ya know? Sort of like moving pictures."

"But not."

"But not," Percy agreed.

"I love movies," Audrey gushed. Percy smiled at her, but said nothing.

"Sorry I gave you the couch," Audrey continued as though Percy had said everything in the world. "I meant to give you an air bed, but I couldn't move you. You fell asleep right after the last movie ended."

"Oh," Percy said, still trying to wrap his mind around the events of last night.

With a sudden jolt of concern, Percy asked, "Wait, if I slept here, where did you sleep?"

"There," Audrey pointed at the pile of blankets on the floor. "I wasn't about to leave you alone, silly."

Percy's stomach growled.

"Oh, um, sorry," Percy blushed. "Must be the hangover."

"Did you have dinner?"

"Can't remember. Must have, mustn't I?" Percy mumbled.

"Well, no matter. Do you have any galleons?"

"No. Not on me. Do you?"

"Hmm," Audrey said. "Let's look."

"I'll help you," Percy said gallantly. Audrey smiled sweetly at him as they started their search.

"This feels like a treasure hunt!" Audrey laughed as the duo ransacked the apartment.

"There, five Muggle bills and two sickles," Percy said. "Oh, and here are five sickles and two knuts. I found them in my spare change pocket."

"I thought you didn't have any money," Audrey accused.

"You asked if I had galleons. And besides, my spare change pocket is only for emergencies," Percy pointed out.

"Are you such a prat all the time?" Audrey joked.

Percy immediately sobered at that. "Don't call me that!" he exploded.

Audrey stopped, face horror-stricken. "I am so sorry," she said uncertainly.

"Don't! Don't! Just stop!" Percy ran out of the apartment and disappeared.

Audrey sat down hard. What had just happened? She broke down in tears because it had been a long night. Why were relationships, even friendships, always so hard?

Five minutes later, Percy returned, knocking on the door. The door, which had remained opened since his whirlwind outburst, pushed inwards at his touch.

"Hello?" Percy called.

"Who is it?" Audrey sobbed.

"It's me."

"I don't want to see you because you don't want to see me!" Audrey said, using some sort of reverse logic.

Percy scowled and entered anyway. "But I wanted to say -"

"No! You've said your bit! Good day!" Audrey cried, tears dripping down her wet face.

"Audrey," Percy said softly.


He felt touched by her vulnerability. He felt like his world had fallen apart, and here was this beautiful, crying woman.

"You're right, I am a prat." He leaned over, took her hands in his, and kissed her wet lips.

Audrey at first tried to push him away, but he succeeded in moving onto the couch. When he did, she replied with her own desire - kissing fiercely back.

"Oh, Audrey, I haven't felt this way for a stranger in a long time," Percy confessed. "I'm sorry if I'm not, well, good enough, or what you expect, you know?" When he got this nervous, Percy lost his way with words and stumbled over his sentences.

"Oh, Percy," Audrey replied in a similar vein, "I haven't been with someone in such a long time. I just - I don't know. Please don't leave?"

"I promise," Percy said solemnly, kissing her fingertips. "I can't believe a beautiful woman like you doesn't have a boyfriend."

Audrey smirked, "And I thought you had a wife and kids!"

Percy gaped in horror. "Perish the thought!"

"What does that mean?" Audrey asked sharply.

"Wait, are you proposing to me?" Percy asked, his mind just now stumbling to put two and two together.

"Well, no, but yes. I'd prefer the traditional proposal."

"Ah, it seems I am not prepared."

"Then it can wait." Audrey smiled as Percy kissed her again and again.

"You know, it's always nice to meet strangers at the pub," Audrey grinned. "This will be quite a story to tell our kids."

Percy let out a squeak of alarm. "Oh no! What will Mum say!"

"Hopefully, she'll see the best thing for you is to marry me quickly!" Audrey teased.

Before Percy knew what was happening, Audrey had removed his shirt and he had completely stripped her clothes off.

"How did this happen?" Percy wondered.

"Hush," Audrey whispered, removing his glasses. "Relax and enjoy it."

Percy held Audrey tightly. "You are the best stranger I've ever met."

"We're not strangers anymore, stranger," Audrey replied, kissing his nose.

"Did Christmas come early this year?" Percy wondered, starry-eyed. Although his eyes probably looked that way without his strong prescription glasses.

"I think it just might have. Want to unwrap gifts again?" Audrey said in her most seductive voice. She danced sexily in front of him until Percy snogged her so long they both found themselves without clothes again.