"When do we leave?"

"In three days."

"Wow, that's soon."

"Exactly why we need to start packing." I roll my eyes.

"Okay okay, I'll pack our stupid cloths and all."


"Rose! Hurry up, we're going to be late!"

I grab my large black suitcase from the bedroom and run to the front door where Dimitri stands. "I'm coming! I'm coming!" Once I reach Dimitri I shoot him a playful glare. "You need to calm down Comrade."

"I am calm, but we need to get moving."

"Yeah sure you are." He doesn't say anything back as we walk out our door and lock it. We walk down the empty hallways hand in hand to our jet. The jet is small and white but large enough that I feel comfortable going inside of it. I don't know why it's so hard for me to block out the spirts on a plane ride. On a car drive I can do it easily, no worry. But not on a plane ride, on a plane ride I have to put all my effort into it, and even then sometimes, it just doesn't work.

I sit down into the surprisingly very comfy tan leather seats on the jet beside the window with Dimitri right beside me. The queen gave us a privet jet to get to Russia, don't ask me why because I have no idea but it's probably so she can get me away and out of her hair as fast as possible. Once Dimitri and I board the jet it takes off not too soon after into the clear blue sky. Dimitri reaches across his seat and grabs a hold of my hand. "It's a long flight Roza, why don't you try and take a nap."

"Okay." I pull the leaver and push my seat far down. I look over at Dimitri and realize that he's not doing anything. "Are you going to try and sleep too?" I ask.

"I will, just not now." I shrug my shoulders.

"Okay." I relax and slowly fall into a slumber, but not without hearing Dimitri's soft voice whisper to me.

"Sweet dreams my Roza."

After what only feels like a few minutes I wake up. I look over at Dimitri to see him looking back down at me with a frown. "What?" I mumble as I sit up and adjust my seat.

"You only slept for an hour, you should get more sleep."

"I'm not tired." Which was true, it might have felt like I was only asleep for a minute or so but I still wasn't tired.

"Why not?" I shrug my shoulders.

"I can never sleep, you know that."

"No I don't." I stare back confused.

"Dimitri, we sleep in the same bed and you didn't know that I had insomnia?"

"Well no. Since when have you had insomnia?" I think about it for a second.

"Since I was fifteen."

"What causes it?"

"Dimitri, when I was fifteen I kinda, you know, died. That's bound to leave a mark, apart from being shadow kissed."

"Oh god Roza I'm so sorry I completely forgot. It's just, hard to remember that you died once just because you're here now, in the flesh and blood."

"I know. It's fine Comrade." I turn away and look out my window. The sky has long white fluffy clouds below us but not so much that I can't see the beautiful world below us. I can see the small houses and roads with large forests covering the land. After a few minutes I start to feel the pain of a headache coming on. However I don't tell Dimitri. It's not like he can do anything about it and all he'll do is worry about me. So I sit, and stair out my window with the pain in my head getting worse and worse.

After a good ten minutes the pain is terrible. I let out an unwanted whimper of pain. Dimitri turns and looks at me. "Roza, what's wrong?"

"Nothing Comrade. I just don't like long flights."

"Roza, don't lie to me." I shake my head.

"Dimitri, really-"

"Rosemarie Hathaway." He says in a voice that means. Rose I'm not kidding around her. Tell me what's wrong now. I take a deep breath.

"It's the ghosts. They're everywhere and it's killing me." I put my hands on my head and my head between my knees. "Oh god."

"Roza, Roza it's okay, breath through it."

"I can't just fucking breath through it Dimitri!" I snap at him.

"You're right, that was stupid."

"You don't say?" I ask annoyed. I let out another loud whimper. I start to see black spots cloud my vision. I put my head back on the seats head rest. "Dimitri…" I breathe out quietly. I can feel him grab hold of my hand.

"Oh my Roza." I can hear him say beside me. "Build your walls up." I try and do as he says but it's no use. I'm too weak and the ghosts are too strong.

"Dimitri… I…can't."

"Yes you can. Just try." I try even harder but it's no use. It just takes more and more energy away from me.

I turn my head slightly and look past some of the blackness into Dimitris warm eyes. He shakes his head in agreement as if he can read my mind.

"It's okay Roza, go to sleep. I'll be here when you wake up."

I gently shake my head and do as he says.

Hey guys how did you like it? Let me know what you think. If you have any ideas let me know. I love hearing them. I hope you liked it.