Russia dreamt about his beloved Germany. How he looked beautiful that night in the snow. The night when they confessed to each other their love for one another.

But unfortunately, Russia awoke alone to the cold and cruel reality which was never as good as dreams.

Russia awoke and felt the loss of a certain warmth. Something that was always there. Something…

His scarf! It wasn't around his neck, where it usually was. He got up, and looked around his room. He looked under his bed, and in boxes. He'd over turned his and Germany's entire room when he finally finished. His chest was heaving, and Russia had yet another realization. Germany wasn't there when he'd awoken. Germany was always there.

Russia slammed the door to his room, and walked down the hallway.

He found Germany in the laundry room…

Holding… Russia's scarf.

Russia's eyes widened, and he ground his ground his teeth before smiling sweetly. His fingernails dug into the door frame, and chips of wood and paint fell to the ground.

"Germany… what are you doing with my scarf?"

"Washing it."

Russia pulled two hunks of wood out of the side of the doorframe.

"Why?" Russia's voice was shaking, and his violet eyes seemed to be illuminated in the dark.

"Russia," said Germany, "Tell me when the last time that you washed this was. And, please stop. You're going to ruin the- never mind. The door's ruined anyway."

"Give me my scarf," Russia leant over Germany to get it, but Germany's reflexes were too quick. He pushed Russia to the ground, and held the scarf over his head.

"I'll give you your scarf, if you let me finish washing it."

"No," said Russia, "You're going to tear it."

Russia rolled both their bodies over, so he was over Germany. He reached for his scarf. Germany formulated a plan. He planted his hands firmly on Russia's hips, (the scarf draped over his arm) and he rolled over so he was on top of Russia. Lastly, he pulled up Russia's shirt, and blew on his stomach with wide lips.

Russia was screaming in anger, and Germany was gasping for air, and still blowing raspberry's against Russia's stomach when America and Canada walked in.

"What are you dudes doing?"