Summary: AU. What if Castle went back for Kate at the end of Season 2?

Disclaimer: Not mine, thank goodness.

A/N: Many thanks to my betas, Li and Cami! :)

Gina's hand was wrapped firmly around Castle's bicep as they walked toward the elevator. It was comforting, in a way, how they had reconnected last night.

"See you in the fall?" Beckett called from behind. There was a hint of something in her voice, but it was probably his imagination looking for what wasn't there.

"Yeah," he answered over his shoulder, "See you in the fall."

As the doors closed, he watched her lean against the glass, her lips thin and eyes closed as if the world had just turned upside down. Maybe he had missed something? He replayed his and Beckett's conversation in his mind. She had practically flirted with him before asking to speak with him alone, and her eyes - they had been so vibrant - just before Gina showed and he'd told her they were going to the Hamptons.

"What's wrong, Richard?" Gina asked, "We haven't left the building, and you're already brooding."

The elevator slowed and opened into the lobby.

"I think this is a mistake," he said, gently taking her hand from his arm as they walked past the doors. "I'm sorry, Gina, I need to go back and talk to Beckett."

She stepped back from him. "I thought this felt like we were slipping together a little too easily," she said, "You sure you want to take a chance on her?"

"Yes," he admitted, "I really do."

"Then you need to follow your heart, Richard." The firm set of her brow and slow nod spoke volumes. "I'll take a cab from here - you go and make amends with her before it's too late. You never know, maybe she can inspire the ending of the book out of you."

"Thanks," he said, giving her a brief hug before going back to the elevator.

Castle punched the floor button and stood inches from the doors as he was slowly dragged back to homicide. He bounced on the balls of his feet, wanting to make the thing move faster, but his Jedi mind tricks still didn't work.

The bell finally rang for the floor, and as soon as the opening was wide enough, he burst through, stumbling into the bullpen, nearly face-planting onto the floor.

Kate was still leaning against the wall, her head tilted downward as she wiped at her tear-stained cheeks. Quickly, she composed herself. "Castle? What are you doing back? Did you forget something?"

The pain in her voice stung, and he knew he deserved it. "Yeah, I think so," he said, after finally finding his balance. He took a few steps forward, taking in the slump of her shoulders and the dullness in her eyes, hating that he was the cause of it. He swallowed hard, then took his chance. "You."

Her breath hitched as she asked, "What?"

"You started to say something, just as Gina walked in - she's gone, by the way, already on her way home by now. We jumped in a little too soon, I think," he rambled, then refocused his attention to her. "I made a wrong choice, and I know you have plans with Demming, but," he took a deep breath and took her hands in his, "the offer stands. Go with me to the Hamptons. Please?"

"I don't have plans with Tom - In fact, I broke up with him," she said, "that's what I was going to tell you, that there is nothing I want to do more than spend the weekend with you. I even went home while you were away and packed."

Her face remained unchanged, so he wasn't sure what to make of her revelation. "Really? You- you really did that?"

"Well, yeah, but before you get too excited, are you sure you want me to go? I mean, Gina was hanging on your arm less than five minutes ago. That's kind of a quick turnaround, don't you think?"

She had him there, but there was still hope. "I don't know if it makes a difference, but you were my first choice. You've been my first choice for a while now. When it seemed I couldn't convince you to go..." he shrugged.

Maybe this was a wrong choice, and it was too late. He began to turn back around, toward the elevator. "Well, I had to try," he said, smiling a smile he didn't quite feel. "I guess I'll go, alone. I'm not sure I want to hang around after what just happened. I'm surprised Esposito hasn't already pounded me into a pile of broken bones, going by the glare he's giving me. Not to mention Lanie, and she could make it look like an accident."

"I wouldn't worry about them." Kate glanced toward the break room and every one looked away, pretending like they weren't watching her and Castle's every move. "They'll have a hard enough time trying to figure out what happened."

"Wh-What do you mean?" He asked, then with a roll of her eyes, walked to her desk and took the bag she had tucked underneath.

"You need me to spell it out for you?" She waved at the others, then slung the bag over her shoulder, her eyes burning into his, "Don't make me regret this, okay?"

Castle was suddenly, and almost painfully, aware of all their colleague's eyes on him. Some still weren't exactly friendly. "No spelling is necessary, I'm good. We have an unforgettable weekend ahead of us!"

Beckett took the hand he offered and let him lead the way.

It was late evening when they arrived, and Castle took their bags upstairs before giving Beckett a quick tour of his house. It was breath-taking, and he made it easy to follow, listening to his stories of the inspiration for the decor of this room and that, and of times here with Alexis and Martha.

His tour seemed to be slowing to an end, and they were on the second floor, quietly walking the length of the hallway just beyond the secret passage from the library.

As the silence began to get a bit awkward, Castle spoke, "Here are the bedrooms. There are several to choose from, but I thought you might like this one. In fact, your bag is already inside," he stated, then opened the door for her. He stayed in place as she stepped inside, still awestruck with her surroundings. "The window faces East and catches the morning light. It's beautiful-" There was a brief moment, like he stopped before he could say anything else. She turned toward him as he cleared his throat and continued, "The en suite is through the door to the left, and my room is at this end of the hallway."

"Thanks," she said, then studied him for almost too long. "Why are you still in the hall?"

"I made a promise earlier that this is meant to be a good time between friends. This is your room, and I respect that." Castle took a short step backward, "If you need anything, anything at all, I'm just over here," he pointed to his room once more. "I'll see you in the morning.

She nodded, considering his words, "That's really sweet of you, Castle. Good night."

"Until tomorrow, Beckett," he answered softly, then smiled as he slowly turned and walked toward his room.

She pushed the door until it clicked shut, then leaned against it. She let out a puff of air, fluttering the ends of the hair that fell along her cheek. He was right - this would definitely be an unforgettable weekend.