Hey guys I'm back with another request for MoonLightShadowNight.

This time it's a Foxy and Mangle friendship story.

Once again in high school. Enjoy my friends.


A red headed boy and a pink haired girl both were walking to school, "Did you do the homework for English class?" Mangle asked.

Foxy head snapped towards her, "We had English homework?!" he asked.

She sighed, "Yes Foxy and Mr. Schmidt made it clear that it should be done because it's very important for today's lesson." she replied.

Foxy grinned, "Well did you do the History homework? Mr. Fitzgerald said that there would be a quiz today to see who actually did it." he said.

Now it was Mangle's turn to panic, "What! Oh no what am I gonna do? We have History second period. I'm not have enough time to finish homework." she said to herself.

Foxy coughed to get her attention, she looked over to see him holding the completed History assignment.

She sighed and gave him the English assignment in exchange for the History assignment.

They both quickly copied each other's answers down before swapping back, "What would we do without each other?" Mangle asked.

Foxy shrugged, "I'd be failing and probably suspended, expelled, and arrested by now." he said sending a grin her way.

Mangle laughed, "Come on you're not that bad." she said.

The two continued their walk to school laughing about some crazy What If scenarios.

At break both friends met up with their mutual friends Bonnie, Chica, Freddy, Gold, Clyde, Mario, and Spring.

Spring was telling something to the group, "Guys so how about we meet up at my place this weekend. We haven't had all of us hang out together in a while." he said.

Gold patted his best friend on the back, "Freddy and I will be there buddy. It has been a while after all." he said.

Bonnie and Clyde confirmed that they were going to come as well as Mario and Chica, "Foxy, Mangle what about you guys?" Spring asked.

Foxy smiled, "Sure thing man. Wouldn't miss it." he said.

Mangle nodded confirming that she was going, "Then it's settled. This is gonna be great!" Spring said excitedly.

All the friends started talking and throwing ideas out to Spring of what they could do for the remainder of break.

After school, Foxy noticed Mangle looking a little down, "Something bothering you lass?" he asked.

Mangle blushed a little and shook her head, "No...not at all." she replied unconvincingly.

The redhead turned her face to face with him, "Spill it." he said simply.

She blushed a little more and whispered something is his her.

His eyes widened, "Can you repeat that?" he asked again.

She sighed in annoyment, "I think I like...Bonnie" she said quietly as her face completely flushed in embarrassment.

Foxy eyes started to return to normal, "That's great!" he said breaking out into a smile.

Mangle raised at eyebrow, "Why?" she asked.

The boy chuckled, "I was talking to the lad the other day and he mentioned something about you looking beautiful. He also said that if he got the chance he'd go out with you, but he didn't wanna say anything that my ruin your friendship if you rejected him." he explained.

Mangle looked away shyly, "He really said that?" she asked quietly.

Foxy nodded, "Do you think I would really say something like that to make you embarrass yourself in front of all our friends? I thought you knew me better." he told her.

She shook her head, "No it's not like that. I just feel like someone like Bonnie seems way out of my league. He's cool, funny, and friendly. I'm just me." she said sadly.

Foxy shook her by shoulders, "Don't let me ever hear that from you're mouth ever again. You're not just you. You're Mangle, my best friend heck I should call you my sister. You're fun to be around, you help people out, you're one of the smartest people in school, you wouldn't believe how many times I've seen compliment you or be envious of you. Most of all, I don't know what I'd do without you. You're like family and I'm not going to let you be down on yourself for no reason. If Bonnie is so out of your league then why did he hang around with us since elementary school. Answer me that." he said breathing heavily.

Mangle smiled, "Thank you Foxy. I just...feel out of place sometimes...almost like I'm the loser of the group, but your always here to lift my spirits." she said hugging him.

He patted her back, "No problem." he replied smiling as well.

They both pulled away and smiled brightly at each other.

Mangle nervously rubbed her arm, "I'm going to try and talk to Bonnie a bit more this weekend." she said.

Foxy smiled again, "Good for you! If you're lucky you'll get your first boyfriend out of it." he said nudging her slightly.

She covered her face with her hand, "Stop it!" she screamed.

Foxy laughed and ran down the street with Mangle chasing after him.

Well I guess this is another story down. It wasn't as long as I had planned, but I might make a sequel to it in the future of this series. Just to let you guys know there's probably gonna be a little while before I come work on this story again. I've not only got a lot of school work to catch up with, but my Grandpa could be dying soon and I've got a lot of other stories I'm working on at the moment. If you're into Mortal Kombat or Tekken then I'll think you'll like them. Anyway goodbye for now.
