disclaimer I don't own anything, ANYTHING!





The spirit of Tom Marvolo Riddle ran back to Canada that had not gone to plan, not only had he lost his body, he was defeated by 2 babies, BABIES and he lost his best (but most cowardly) spy.


"AVADA KADAVRA" his favourite cut through the Muggleborn killing her instantly "Thank you Sarah but your services are no longer required" he quipped. "Peter where is the secret keeper and who is he" he asked. Peter smiled nervously happy to help his new master "my lord the secret keeper is Sirius black he's staying at the leaky cauldron at the moment something to do with him having a girlfriend I believe" voldemort smirked, he had the Potters now, that prophecy would not come true.

time skip 2 hours later (flash-forward?)

"hello Sirius" peter said, "peter what's up" Sirius asked looking slightly hung over not noticing the cloaked figure behind Pettigrew. "well Sirius you are going to tell my master where James and Lily are or you are going to die" peter replied. Sirius's eyes widened in realization "never" he spat before putting his hand to his head as voldemort destroyed his mental shields and found the location himself. "you should have just told us black its such a shame that more pure-blood has to be spilt" as Voldemort raised his wand, Sirius raised his own and shouted "diffindo" his wand shooting out the cutting curse straight at peter who failed to dodge and got his neck cut open Voldemort turned and raised his wand at Peter "AVADA KEDAVRA" he said finishing the ex-marauder off. Voldemort looked on impassively as Peter fell to the ground with his eyes glazed, dead. He turned and cast the killing curse finishing off the black lord before leaving unaware of a communication mirror that was relaying a message to the other marauders.

time skip 30 minutes later

James and lily left the manor leaving Remus alone with the twins as they left to go to the order meeting, as they walked out of the door Remus got bored and decided to talk to Sirius, pulling out his communication mirror his eyes widened as there was a message there wormtail has betrayed us if you are reading this padfoot is dead. The werewolf's eyes clouded with grief and was about to patronus message the information to James when the door was blasted open the last thing he saw was sickly green light heading towards him. Voldemort walked up the stairs as the werewolf slumped against the wall and would never stand again, "hello children ive got a gift for you" he sneered before raising his wand eyes glittering with malice "AVADA KEDAVRA" he shouted and a bolt of sickly green energy headed towards the boy with the black hair and green eyes whilst his red headed brother lay there. Voldemort smirked as the green light hit the baby but instead of the spell disappearing as he expected it rebound of the baby and hit him, he screamed as his robes set on fire and his skin slowly peeled off his bones falling to the ground as he turned into ash.


Aurors surrounded Godric's hollow as James and Lily returned, they watched as Remus's body was carried away along with the robes of voldemort. Andromeda Tonks a friend of the family walked over "the boys are fine James but Remus and voldemort are both dead along with Sirius and Peter but as you know I have a communication mirror and this message appeared earlier" she said showing the message. James sunk to the ground eyes clouded just like Remus's eyes had been before he died.


AN that's a wrap guys sorry about killing Sirius and Remus but I felt I couldn't allow them to live and see what James would become without making them try and kill him multiple time so I killed them off but I wasn't going to allow Sirius to go down without a fight so Peter died as well but because it is commonly known that Sirius would never use an unforgivable I had to use what I had.