Chapter One: Old Villains New Heroes

Author's Note: This idea came to me as I watching season 3B and I was really inspired to do this! This is my version of season 6 so this is spoilers for season 5! Please read, follow favourite and leave some constructive reviews! It always means the world to me! :)

Contains lots of Captain Swan, Snowing, Outlaw Queen and Rumbelle! With some Henry, Robin and Zelena's child and an unexpected villain! :)

Disclaimer: If I owned OUAT it wouldn't be as good as the writers make it! All rights to the amazing people of OUAT, Adam and Eddie! :)


It had been a year and a half since Emma Swan had become the Dark One. It had to have been the worse six months of her life. Letting the dark thoughts consume her every waking and sleeping moments. To think that no one loved her, which had always been her biggest insecurities, but she didn't have to worry about that. After learning how much they did for her, it made her feel better. It made her feel loved.

So for the last year it had been quiet. It had been peaceful. Never truly boring with all these fairy-tale characters but sometimes things started to decline to be near boring then someone would accuse someone else of something and it got interesting again.

Emma's brother Neal was almost two and she couldn't help but really be excited for him. For her parents. They were getting a second chance, while not forgetting about her. Then there was the child of Robin and Zelena's. Matilda. She looked almost like Robin but her red hair. She had clearly inherited it from Zelena and her eyes. They were a blend between Zelena and Robin's.

Robin and Regina had made the choice to only let Zelena see Matilda once every fortnight. Robin was all for not letting Zelena see Matilda at all but Regina had been a voice of reason (surprisingly) she said that meeting Matilda would make Zelena go from a villain to good.

The curse on the town line had been lifted but it had been almost a month before Emma had let anyone cross it. Leroy had volunteered to go across the town line and all of the towns' people had gathered at the town line as Leroy took a step over the line. It had worked. He had grinned back at them and there was a rush to get to the town line but Emma along with Regina and Mary-Margaret had stopped them. They had to be warned. Not to tell people their true identity and to always have constant vigilance.

It had only been Regina, Robin, Emma, Killian, Henry, David, Mary-Margaret and a selected few in Storybrooke that night. They went to explore but all of them had come back to Storybrooke a few days later. They didn't like the world outside Storybrooke much.


Emma Swan woke up that morning and knew it was going to be a bad day. Firstly, the hot water system wasn't working so she had to have a cold shower, secondly, she was incredibly sore from her run down of Will Scarlett who had broken into Gold's Pawn shop to find something to get him to Wonderland and thirdly, her coffee machine was playing up. All of her electrical appliances were playing up. It turned out that all electrical appliances had been playing up so Emma just groaned and hopped into her bug.

Killian had already gone to work down at the docks and Henry was staying at Regina's. Emma drove to work and was met with David who was at his desk, writing up a report on the computer. Emma sat next to her father and he smiled at her.

'Hello Emma,' David said, turning to face her, 'bad day already?'

'You don't know the half of it.' Emma groaned, running her hand through her hair. 'The hot water system broke, I'm sore from that stupid chase yesterday, all of my electrical appliances are playing up, like you heard from me this morning and I couldn't get coffee.'

'Well your brother decided he wanted to discover the apartment,' David said, rolling his eyes, 'I woke up and went to check on him before my morning shower and he was crawling around the apartment.'

'How'd he get out?' Emma asked curiously.

'Regina thinks it magic when we asked her if Henry did the same,' David said.

'Magic?' Emma asked.

David nodded. 'He wasn't hurt at all so she said she'd come over and check it out. Apparently Henry got hurt doing it from such a height for a kid but Neal didn't.'

'Luckily,' Emma said, 'then I'd have to buy the little bro ice-cream and we both know you'd hate that.'

'He's a little ball of energy with nothing in him,' David groaned, 'he doesn't need sugar.'

Emma laughed as her phone rang. She looked at it and saw that it was Killian. She smiled and picked the phone up.

'Hey Killian,'

'Swan, I need your father and Regina to come to the docks.'

'Killian? What happened?'

'Swan, just get them and drive here as fast as humanly possible.'

'Okay, ten minutes,'

'Faster Emma.'

Killian hung up and Emma looked at her father.

'We're going to the docks,' Emma said, standing up. She grabbed her gun and David stood up, his gun on his hip. 'We'll need Regina as well,'

'Let's see what Storybrooke has for us,' David said. Emma nodded and started to call Regina.

'Hello Miss Swan,'

'Regina you need to meet us down at the docks immediately.'

'Okay, I'll just tell Robin and he can come with. Mary-Margaret can look after Neal, Matilda and Henry.'

'Be quick.'

Emma hung up and they were driving along the road with the sirens on. A ten minute trip took about three minutes and Regina had just arrived in a cloud of magic with herself and Robin when Emma got out of the car, holding up her gun.

'Why are we here?' Robin asked, positioning his bow and arrow already.

'Killian called us,' Emma said, worried about her boyfriend's safety. Something felt off. The group almost ran over to the Jolly Rodger when they saw Killian running over to them.

'What happened?' David asked.

'It's a villain,' Killian said.

'A villain?' Regina asked. 'Please, it can't be. It's been quiet.'

'I think I know a villain when I see one, Regina,' Killian spat.

'Who is it?' Robin asked.

'It's me, laddie!' Emma slowly turned around, willing herself to not let it be him. Any other villain but him. She'd prefer Cora or the Queens of Darkness. She'd prefer Rumplestiltskin as the Dark One but not this one. She could understand the other villains, Cora for power, the Queens of Darkness for their happy endings, Rumplestiltskin for his son but she could never quite understand this one. Was it power? Or family? Or the joy of being dark?

Emma stared at Peter Pan. He looked like the same as ever. His evil smirk, his calculating eyes, even that green outfit was the same.

'Pan,' Regina said, producing a fireball, 'what do you want?'

'I've come back for my revenge.' Pan said.

'You're dead,' Robin said, 'how are you alive?'

'You're a new one,' Pan said, taking a step closer to him. Robin shot an arrow at the same time Regina had thrown a fireball. Pan stopped both with magic and he just smirked at them.

'You honestly thought that was going to work on me?' Pan laughed. 'You'll have to try a lot harder than a pointy stick and some fire. I'm immortal! I'm Peter Pan.'

'You're a demon,' Killian spat, 'nothing more than a coward.'

'Captain, is that a smart move?' Pan said, walking over to Emma. Emma held her gun up but Pan ignored it.

'Stay away,' David spat, 'that's my daughter.'

'Considering her condition?' Pan asked, ignoring David's statement. It made Emma confused and angry.

'Condition?' Emma asked, glaring at Pan. 'What are you talking about Pan?'

'Oh you don't know Saviour?' Pan laughed. 'Of course you don't! You're pregnant of course! Can't you feel the kid?'

Emma's blood ran cold. She had suspected for a week that she was pregnant but she thought it was the flu, nothing to worry about and she knew that Pan's information was true. He manipulated the truth to fit himself, so what did Peter Pan want with her (suspected) child?

'I'm not,' Emma said, hoping he was lying, but knowing he wasn't, 'I'm not pregnant.'

'Really Saviour?' Pan asked, laughing. 'Why don't you check? I have a deal to make.'

Regina shot a fireball at him but he vanished. Regina, Robin, David and Killian were looking at her.

'Am I?' Emma asked, looking at Regina.

'I'd have to check,' Regina said, 'I can make a potion.'

'How long does it take?' Emma asked.

'Five minutes if we leave now.' Regina said.

Emma nodded and looked at the place where Pan had vanished from.

'Robin, David and Killian, go warn the towns' people,' Emma said, 'and put a border on the town line. Pan is our problem.'

Emma Swan was in for a bad day.


Author's Note: Please read, review, follow and favourite! Tell me what you liked, what you didn't, what you'd like to see and I'll try to include it!

Thanks for clicking on this story! And enjoy your day! :)