Disclaimer: The Cullen's, the Swans, and most of the characters mentioned in the story that are known from Stephanie Meyer's beloved Twilight Saga, are all hers and hers alone. I neither have nor wish to pass them off as mine. I do appreciate the fact that she did bring them to life and allows us to play with them in our imaginations. The only thing I will claim is the current storyline.

The awesome and talented dowlingnana searched out my errors and corrected them.


I'm sitting just like everyone else waiting to see who is going to get the acknowledgment of a job well done by winning the OSCAR and who is going to walk away with nothing more than the fact they had been nominated for the statue that is handed out in each category. Of course, others are here tonight to offer support to a friend or cast member while others that are lesser well known as yet are just wanting to be seen with the legends of Hollywood.

And, I guess you could in a sense call me one of the legends at this point in my career. I'M EDWARD CULLEN and I'm still much sought after, a name as they say to be reckoned with in the industry, and I stay busy as hell. I have to, or, I'll lose my mind in a hurry. There's no way that I can stay still for long and allow my nightmares to catch up with me; to allow my thoughts take first place in my mind; to allow myself time to give up. If I do that then I'll be no use to anyone, our two sons or her.

If I slow down or stop the blame of what happened will drag me down and swallow me whole. And, chances are that I won't be able to survive that. So, I keep working, stay busy and pray for a day that I'll be able to see her once more. That my family can be whole once more. I also pray for forgiveness from her family who lets me know that I'm to blame and from mine who tries every way possible to let me know that I'm innocent. But, if I'm innocent, why are we all messed up now?

In my career I've received one Oscar, but, have been nominated many times for the various areas of the industry. But, this is the first time that I've been nominated for best director as well as all of the other categories that is open for an actor.

They are getting ready to reveal the winner of Best Actor, but, I don't really pay any attention to the words. Even if I did become the winner it would be an empty victory since my beloved isn't here to share it. She's the one that has always kept me on track and stable.

Suddenly the applause and everyone starting to rise lets me know the winner has been announced so I stand and start looking around to see who was receiving the award since my mind wasn't listening. Someone comes up to me and offers to escort me up to the stage and i look at them with the question, "Why" coming out of my mouth. They smile and indicate that everyone is waiting for me.

Shit! I guess that means I've won and now I have to stand in front of all of these people and utter words that really have no meaning to me. No meaning since she isn't here.

A/N: What is going on that Edward carries the guilt of blame? Who is 'she'? And why does her family blame him for whatever happened?

Hope you'll join me in this new story as we learn what has brought Edward to this point and where he may go from this point.

All thoughts and reviews are always welcome. Thanks for reading.