Ever wondered what it would be like to be the servant of a beautifully homicidal demon?

Look no further!

I will personally take you through the journey of what it's like to be the maid of one of the most dangerous men of Suna.

I will try my best to capture his pure insanity and animalistic instincts as well as his strength and intellect.

Lots of details. Lots of imagery.

~ Enjoy ~


His icy glare bore into my soul. Light teal eyes with no pupil, almost no light to show softness, black-rimmed and slightly squinted at the corners. His stance was rigid, strong pale arms clenched together in a tight cross under his chiseled chest, covered buy his nicely fitted midnight colored shirt. His fingers seemed to dig into his exposed elbows as I watched his eyes rake down my form. His aura was choking. I could feel his eyes on my skin like needles, but it was his presence that took my breath.

This was the demon of the sand. Gaara.

My thoughts were racing. I had heard of his abilities and knew very well he could have my life if he pleased. His lips gave away no emotion, pressed into a solid line that refused to reveal his thoughts.

It was only his eyes that spoke.

Like icy fire, they burned into mine before scorching my skin.

I could feel my cheeks heat as I attempted to straighten myself under his sharp eyes, trying desperately to quiet the sound of swallowing my unease, my eyes sliding to the ground. I couldn't bare to watch those harsh eyes pick me apart and instead tried to focus on the dark wooden floors at my feet, the dimly lit room casting eerie shadows in every corner.


He let escape only that sound, almost just a rumble from his throat to signify the end of his attentions.

My pale eyes slid up cautiously to where his form had been only to see that he was now sitting on the silky sheets of his king sized bed, facing the wall to my left. I let out a small breath and tried to steady my hands as I smoothed out the skirt of my uniform.

I had done it. I had faced the demon of the sand and managed to live.

I attempted to remove the hair sticking to the back of my neck by brushing it onto one shoulder, the silky raven locks flowing down my protruding chest. I bent down in a bow, letting my eyes close for a moment before straightening again.

"Gaara -sama." I began, straining to keep my voice unwavering. "My name is Huyuga, Hinata. I have been assigned as your personal maid. Do not hesitate to beckon me for any reason."

My eyes rested on his form, arms now folded loosely across his thighs, back slightly hunched, eyes unblinking as they were fixed on the western wall. I could not tell if they held the same intensity they had a moment ago, but his form seemed now more relaxed.

I felt safe my life was safe for the moment.

My fingers twisted in my frilled white apron around my waist and I felt my feet beginning to ache in the low black heels of my uniform. I must have been standing in his room for hours the way my body felt exhausted and screamed to leave. In actuality, it had only been about ten minutes.

After a long silence, his face angled towards me and his eyes caught mine again. I then noticed the fire was now smoldering, no sign of the heat they held before. He gave a slight nod to acknowlegde my words when I noticed his gaze slide lazily to the left side of my neck, now exposed. They lingered for a moment before they closed and he suddenly leaned back onto his bed, cropping his hands behind his pillow.

I had to admit I was suddenly surprised to see him lounging comfortably in front of me. Almost as if he wasn't a demon.

"You may leave."

I bowed again and turned on my heel to leave when I felt something grainy swirling up my arm. A gasp left my lips as my eyes shot down to see sand spiraling up now to my throat. It slid to the delicate vein of my pulse before suddenly disappearing, leaving behind a few flecks that itched as they rounded to the back of my neck before settling there. I turned my head very slowly to the form still lounging on his silken bed, eyes now open and trained on my own.

A small smirk suddenly graced his pale lips seemingly responsively to the shock on my face.

"I will summon you when needed. You will feel it."

I resisted the urge to reach up and touch the grains on my neck, swallowing the terror that had risen from the sudden event.

He was twisted indeed.

I managed a tiny nod before slipping out of the room and into the safety of the hall, my heart hammering into my rib cage. I swallowed and fell back into the door to arrange my thoughts and composure.


She thought I couldn't see the way her eyes wavered, the way her hands clasped together in front of her, her teeth catching her lip. I could see the way her mind was trying to calm herself while standing in front of my bed, in front of myself.

She thought I was a monster, just like everyone else.

My fingers bit into my elbows as I steeled my face, not wanting to scare her from my room completely. Even if I was just as uncomfortable with her in my room as she was to be here.

I let my eyes wander down her form, even though I could tell she wanted to whimper from the harshness of my stare.

I didn't care.

I mentally scoffed. What a ridiculous outfit they made her wear. White frilled headdress on top of long wild black hair, collar with a black button up top, waist-tied apron, layered skirt bottom that stopped half way up her knee, pale slender legs that curved slightly on the outlines then dipped into dainty ankles and cutesy black heels with bows.

I gazed back up to see that she had averted her gaze to the floor.

Pathetic woman. Too scared to even hold her eyes off her toes.

I slid to sit on my bed, no longer amused with the sight of this woman, feeling slightly disappointed to be granted yet another fragile maid. She was no different. Just as fearful and weak as all the others. She would quit soon.

I let my eyes blur at the wall as memories of past woman swept through my mind. Their timid personalities and emotions written all over their faces. They were all the same.

I heard heard shuffling and caught sight of her bowing her head then rigidly straightening before her soft voice came.

"Gaara -sama."

I could tell she was straining to keep her voice even but her aura betrayed herself. "My name is Huyuga, Hinata. I have been assigned as your personal maid. Do not hesitate to beckon me for any reason."

I took a mental note of how her voice sounded saying my name, not bothering to take her own into memory. I debated the tone of her last sentence. As if I would need her approval to beckon her at will. Hell, if I felt like slaughtering someone, she'd be the first to beckon. I realized she was becoming more uncomfortable with the silence, so I tilted my face towards hers and gave her a nod to show I heard her practiced words.

That's when my eyes caught her skin.

My eyes sauntered to the delicately exposed paleness of her neck and settled on her pulse. My mind flickered to the thought of the blood flowing through the veins and how it might look staining her pristine skin before squelching said thought.

Suddenly feeling very weary of having her in my presence, I fell back onto my bed and tried to meditate. Wishing her to leave my room, I told her she could go. Upon hearing her heels clatter against the floor, the sand from my gourd suddenly acted of its own accord. My eyes opened to see it snaking up her small arm to her throat in the same place my eyes had lingered on.

I guess it wished to make my thoughts come true.

I demanded it to return, unable to allow myself to kill her until she proves her worth- or lack there of. A thought suddenly hit me. Smirking at myself, I decided to leave a few speck of my chakara-infused particles on her skin, deciding I would try a new approach to "beckoning" my new maid.

I tried to ignore the delicious way her pale eyes widened in terror and instead focused on my words. "I will summon you when needed. You will feel it."

Her head bobbed slightly and she all but scrambled out of my dark room, her lingering scent staining it. I could almost feel the way her back slumped against my heavy door and her breaths came out in rags. I shook my head, doubting she would last the remainder of the week.

Feeling her aura begin to leave through the grains on her neck, I let my eyes close again, beginning to sink into the meditative thoughts that would accompany me throughout the remainder of the night.


- Hi! -

This is the first story I've written in a long time, and I hope someone out there enjoys it!

I've been really interested in fanfics lately, and had a strong urge to make my own with

things I'd personally want to see in one.

Lots of tension!

Lots of feelings!

Lots of lemons! ;D

-Ch 1 Fin-