A/N: Part three... The final part (this was meant to be a bloody one shot).

Will there be a sequel? Maybe...

"Cause, baby, now we got bad blood. You know it used to be mad love. So take a look what you've done-"

Clarke loved Taylor Swift, she really really loved Taylor Swift, to the point that anybody who contested her greatness was quite frankly dead to her. So it was with a heavy heart that she had to request Anya turn the repeating track off. "Anya, do you think, maybe we could listen to another song?"

"No, this song reflects my feelings for you." Clarke wouldn't call Anya stupid, she wouldn't dare, because the other girl apparently hated her and had no qualms about trying to kill her. As if to remind her of that very fact the Jeep jerked into another pot hole.

"We were never in mad love." And how dare she try and use a Taylor Swift song against her. It was the worst kind of sacrilege.

"Don't question me Princess." There was a long list of offences that could be used as motive for murdering Raven, telling Anya about her high school nickname was currently at the top, just above setting her bed on fire the week before.

"Anya stop being mean to Clarke." Lexa had been sulking in the front passenger seat, and Clarke felt a sickeningly sappy warmth spreading through her chest that she had broken her silence to defend her.

"Oh, she speaks." Anya and Lexa had fallen out. Sort of. Maybe. In truth Clarke wasn't entirely sure, because when they had fallen out in the first week of college civil war had almost broken out on the ground floor. She still remembered a distressed Octavia Skyping her from the relative safety of Lincoln's room and having to stop Bellamy mounting an all out rescue mission to save her. It didn't seem that bad... Yet.

What Clarke did know was that according to Anya they couldn't be trusted to sit in the back together and not 'taint' her Jeep. Clarke had pointed out that her memory of Denny's was forever tainted thanks to catching her best friend and her girlfriends best friend fucking there, which had ended up with Lexa physically pulling a flailing Anya out of arms reach of her. It was a ten minute whispered argument between the two, a round of rock, paper, scissors and an arm wrestle later before Anya had relented and dropped her threat to make her walk back.

Lexa was her hero, whilst Anya was proving to be the bane of her existence.

"Why are you always so horrible to my girlfriends?" Even from Lexa's profile Clarke could see her pouting. That plump bottom lip, just begging for her to lean forward and-

"Because your choice in them sucks Lexa." Clarke gasped in offence.

"Hey, I am literally sat behind you." She thought about kicking the seat, or maybe keying the side of the car, or maybe just throttling Anya from behind, because she would defend her honour. In truth she didn't actually have that much honour left, ever since starting college it had slowly been chipped away at, but she would defend the small amount she did have left to the grave.

"Princess back there is my case in point. Apart from the whole girl next door look and her massive-"

"Hey!" This time Clarke did kick her seat, retribution be damned, because only Lexa was allowed to comment on her massive-

"What exactly is it you see in her?" Lexa looked thoughtful for a moment and Clarke held her breath, because apart from Lexa proclaiming that Clarke was now her girlfriend before getting back into the Jeep at Denny's, she didn't really know why Lexa liked her.

"Me." The waggling of her eyebrows was entirely indicative of what Lexa was implying and Clarke slapped her hand over her mouth to hold in the laughter.

"Oh God, Lexa, seriously? I will kick you out this Jeep."

"No you won't, Indra would kill you."

"So what do you see in me Lexa?" She really was curious about exactly what it was that Lexa had a thing for, was it the blonde hair, was it her massive-

"I have a strap on in my room if you would prefer that instead?" Clearly her question wasn't going to be answered in Anya's jeep, which was unfortunate, because Anya was proving to be a terrible driver, so there was a strong chance this was the last conversation they would ever have.

Lexa had always struck her as confident, it was in the way she walked, her strides strong, her head held high, her chest ever so slightly pushed out. Clarke knew, she had watched Lexa walking across campus from her seat by the bedroom window enough times for Raven to call it her stalking perch. So with that confidence it shouldn't really have surprised her that Lexa had been confident enough to bring one with her. "You brought a strap on to college?"

"No I bought it for her." Anya's voice piped up from the drivers seat, and Clarke's mouth dropped open in shock, because what the hell was her girlfriends room mate doing buying her girlfriend a strap on.

Her girlfriend. Clarke smiled dumbly at the thought, she couldn't wait to start introducing Lexa as her hot girlfriend and making everyone both uncomfortable and jealous of the public displays of affection she was already planning. Kissing by the fountain in the middle of campus was right at the top of the list, because that fantasy had interrupted her studying at least three times a day. It was also pretty much the only PG rated fantasy she'd had about Lexa, the rest she would most definitely not be doing in public. Like Lexa's mouth latching onto her massive-

"She said, and I quote, that she bought it to see if the a visual representation of the boner I had for you would help me get over it." She couldn't see Lexa's eyes, but she could feel the eye roll from the back seat of the car.

"And did it?" If the heated looks Lexa had been throwing her the past four weeks were anything to go by then Clarke thinks she already knows the answer to her own question. It was most defiantly a no, but she would give Anya a card or some chocolates if the strap on turned out to be any good.

Anya let out a noise of disgust. "No, but she insisted on wearing it around our room every night."

"I'm really quick at putting it on now." Lexa turned back in her seat, throwing a wink at Clarke, and despite all her confidence Clarke wondered if Lexa had ever actually had a proper girlfriend before.

"Have you ever actually had a proper girlfriend before?" She had been spending too much time with Raven and Octavia, she used to know when a question was and wasn't meant to leave the confines of her head.

"My ex, Costia, she was my only long term girlfriend, she died." Lexa stayed facing her, but her eyes fell to the floor and Clarke froze, instantly wanting to sink right through the bottom of the Jeep and into one of the endless holes the car kept hitting, possibly into the depths of hell where she belonged for such an insensitive comment.

"Oh God Lexa-"

"She did not die." Anya interrupted her and for once Clarke didn't want to strangle her.

"In those two minutes I really thought she was dead Anya." Clarke was confused and she kept silent watching the exchange between the two women in the front.

"Bitch was a crazy ass drama student, she faked her own death in front of Commander here."

"She wasn't crazy." Lexa sounded defensive, but Clarke would beg to differ, because that was bat shit levels of crazy.

"She faked getting shot. In the head!" Both Anya's hands left the steering wheel as she threw them in the air and Clarke grabbed onto the seat in front of her, because she was far too young and attractive to die. "See terrible taste in girls." Her hands clamped back onto the wheel and Clarke almost cried in relief.

"That's... Intense." Clarke wasn't sure if she was talking about Lexa's ex or the fact her whole life had just flashed before her eyes when Anya had released the steering wheel.

"We were going to different colleges, she was just breaking up with me." Lexa sounded completely nonchalant as if someone faking their death in front of their significant other was perfectly normal behavior.

"Yeah, most people have a conversation, not fake getting shot in the head, then run away and refuse to speak to you ever again!" Anya for once was making sense, and Clarke hated it, but she was going to have to agree with her.

"That is a bit extreme Lexa." Lexa huffed, glaring at both of them in turn before staring back out the window. If anything she should have been happy that her girlfriend and best friend were agreeing on something that didn't include her own embarrassment.

"Bandaids don't fix bullet holes-"

Lexa's head whipped back round to Anya, and later on that day Clarke would happily admit to Lexa how turned on she became when the brunettes voice practically growled at Anya to turn the song off.

Lexa, much to Clarke's disappointment, took her role as leader of the ground floor seriously. There were much more important things that they could be doing, in the dorm building, in one of their rooms, in one of their beds, but instead they were stood in the cold waiting for everyone to come back from paintballing.

Clarke watched from her perch on Bellamy's car as the man in front of Lexa placed his hand on the brunettes shoulder, and practically barked with laughter before finally leaving. "Was that the last of them?"

"Yes, did everyone from you floor make it back?" She slid off Bellamy's bonnet, walking back to Lexa.

"Yes." Clarke had no idea, she couldn't remember seeing Murphy, but he always managed to slink back whenever they thought they had finally lost him. "I can't believe we were bared from a Denny's."

"I can't believe we've been on two dates and you haven't kissed me." It was time. Everybody had finally left the car part. Anya was nowhere in sight. It was just them. She stepped even further forwards and watched Lexa gulp, stepping back at Clarke's advance until her back hit Anya's Jeep. Checkmate.

Leaning in as close as she dared she could feel Lexa's breath hitting her face, and the effort it took was super human, but she moved her face to the side of Lexa's and gently pressed her lips against the flushed skin of her cheek.

She had every intention of pulling away... But it was Lexa, and their track record of respecting each others personal space was terrible, if they were to be graded it would be an F, nul points, completely useless try another subject. So instead she just pulled her head back, suddenly aware that her hands were braced on either side of Lexa's head, and the brunettes hands had come up to rest on her waist.

"You want to do this here?" Clarke's voice had dropped an octave and she watched Lexa's eyes widened at the husky sound of it, her short nails digging into the flesh of her hips, and if Raven and Anya had almost got away with having sex in Denny's surely they could get away with doing it up against Anya's Jeep. Even if part of her only wanted to do it there for revenge.

"No, come with me." Lexa quickly ducked out underneath her arms, her hand grabbing onto one of them. There wasn't so much as a glance over her shoulder when she started dragged her towards the dorm building. People were greeting them, but for once Lexa was following in her example and being a terrible floor leader by ignoring them all.

She was so distracted at the heat of Lexa's hand in her own and the prospect of what was about to happen that she ended up walking straight into the back of the other woman when she stopped abruptly. "Oh my God. She's socked me."


"Anya's socked me." Lexa pointed towards the sock hanging off the door handle and Clarke could feel the rage building up inside her, because she knew exactly who Anya was in there with.

The whole door shuddered as she slammed her closed fist into it. "Raven Reyes if you come back to our dorm room in the next 24 hours it better be for a threesome, because Lexa and I aren't going to stop having sex even if you come in."

She didn't wait for Raven to respond, she had other more important things to be doing. This time it was her dragging Lexa, and she cursed Raven, because she didn't care if she had a bum leg, she still should have been the one that had to trek upstairs, not her. The corridor was clear, and the door to her room shone to her like a beacon as she continued to drag Lexa behind her.

"Hey Clarke, look they gave me a trophy-" Octavia was suddenly in front of her holding an abomination of a statue, but Clarke didn't have time to analyse why a paint balling course had given her a statue of what appeared to be a mutated gorilla.

"We're about to have sex, get out my way." She didn't wait for Octavia to respond, but through her lust clouded mind she was sure she heard a call of 'Princess is joining the grounder pounder club'. It was entirely possible that was her own subconscious though, because her door was five steps away and she was about to join the converted grounder pounder club.

"We really are?!" Lexa sounded like she had just been told all her Christmas and Birthday wishes had come true at once, and Clarke would take that as her consent to the idea.

"That's right Lexa." The door was finally in front of her and her hands fumbled with her shoe, quickly removing her sock and tying it around the door handle. "Come on, I'll let you pet the puppies."

"I-" The door slammed shut and Clarke quickly pulled off Lexa's coat, throwing it onto Raven's bed, her own quickly following. "I think this dorm building has a no pet policy Clarke." She rolled her eyes, because for someone who acted like they had all the game in the world, Lexa truly had no game, and Clarke pushed her back onto her bed.

She wasted no more time, there had been enough of that already, and pulled her shirt up over her head, happy with the sinful sound Lexa made at the sight of her topless. "These puppies Lexa, now get the rock collection out."

Lexa didn't hesitate, practically ripping her own shirt from her body and this time Clarke moaned, because she hadn't been joking, her abs were a work of art.

"Can we kiss now?" There really was no more time to waste, and Clarke wasn't even sure how she managed it with any semblance of grace, but she was straddling Lexa, her hand cupping the back of her head as she crashed their lips together. It was unfortunate that Lexa also had the same idea about 'crashing' their lips together, because the next day the pair of them would have to deny that their split lips were from an over eager first kiss.

A/N: Prayer circle for my car (and bank balance), she's in the garage having her first service tomorrow.