King Benjamin examines through piles of reports regarding the other villain descendants that are still inside the Isle. A year had already passed since the arrival of Mal and her friends from the Isle of the Lost and the changes that they brought not just to themselves but for the rest of Auradon. The succeeding events were a bumpy ride, everyone was pessimistic, skeptical, and were expecting for the worst. Still, in the end, the young king had proven that there is love and goodness in them providing that they'd be given a chance to prove it.

And that's exactly what just happened, Maleficent's evil plan was foiled, Auradon was saved, and four souls were freed from the way of wickedness.

And now, it's that time of the year again to choose a new batch of second chancers from the Isle. However, a sudden request from an allied kingdom about the arrival of their prince to study in their kingdom might alter his plans a bit. That prince is greatly infamous due to his temper and attitude and is considered to be just as troublesome as a villain descendant. Thus, the number of kids that will be pulled out from the Isle will be restricted to one and Ben knows the most suited candidate.

Settling down on his choice, he went to pay Mal a visit and ask her opinion regarding the newcomer. However, her reaction was not what he expected.

"You're out of your mind!" Mal exclaimed.

Ben raised an eyebrow. For a moment there, Mal sounded like the people who had gone against his decision a year ago to bring her and her friends from that Isle. Of all the people he had expected that his girlfriend will always be open of giving her fellow villain kids a second chance. He never imagined that he will hear her say such a thing. "Oh…kay, that was unexpected."

However, Ben knows better than to quickly judge Mal on her response regarding the matter. If there is someone in Auradon that supports this decree as much or even more as he does, it's his girlfriend. So there is either something very bad or very dangerous about this that even a former Isle resident like herself will think that pulling this person out will be catastrophic.

"Is there something I need to know?"

"Ben!" she exclaimed again, panic is slightly obvious in her voice. "You're trying to pull out Fang from the Isle."

"And that's a bad idea?"

"No. It's not a bad idea." Mal said in sarcasm. "The bad idea was when you pull me out of the Isle, bring me here in Auradon, and give me a second chance with a naïve hope that it will succeed when there is a 90 percent chance that it won't. Not to mention that you dated me. That's what a bad idea is. What you're trying to do now is a masochistic desire to cook the best recipe for a disaster!"

"Come on, Mal. This Fang can't be that bad." After witnessing the disaster that had almost fallen during the day of his coronation he can no longer imagine anything that can be worse than that.

"That's exactly the point. She's not."

However, it appears that evil is not what Mal is afraid of.

At the secluded islet beside the Isle of the Doomed, Fang had just completed her daily training when the letter from Auradon arrived. At first she thought that it might have been a mistake or a wrong sent but when she looked closer the letter is truly addressed to her. What do they want? She thought. She had no idea why the kingdom of heroes is interested to a villain's child like her, a castaway villain's child to be exact.

It had been 2 years since she left the capital of the Isle to live in seclusion. Away from her father, away from Dragon Hall, and most of all away from their pettiness. She never liked the Isle, the Dragon Hall and their teachings. She finds them pathetic and boring and she hated the other kids for falling for it especially Mal and her gang.

Those four, they are always fawning and looking up to their parents despite the fact that they are just a bunch of failures. Wickedness? Evil? Give me a break! Without result, none of those are significant. Only the victors matter in battle, the winners are right and losers are wrong. Plain and simple. Their parents are stuck in this island and they were born in this island not because they are evil but because they are too weak to win.

So they can keep their goddamn excuses and live a long pathetic life in this godforsaken place while she will harvest the thing that truly matters above all else.


Opening the letter, she was surprised to discover that the content of the letter was an invitation from the 2nd King of Auradon, King Ben. It was an invitation to leave the Isle and start fresh in their kingdom.

It was then that Fang remembered the rumored decree that was relayed to her a year ago when she made a brief visit in the capital. She heard that the crown prince and now king of Auradon is trying to reach out to the descendants of his people's enemies and give them a second chance. Crazy. But the crazier part was that the first batch sent to Auradon was Mal and her gang, the number one fawners of Dragon Hall.

She never heard anything about it since then, what happened next, and how it all ends? She had completely forgotten about it if this letter, asking her to be this year's beneficiary of that decree didn't just arrive.

Well, Auradon had always been a place of interest for her. She didn't just have a reason to pursue it until now.

Reading further, it said that attached with this letter is a teleportation spell which will transport her to the port of Auradon where a car that will escort her to Auradon Prep School is waiting.

Damn! A Teleportation magic? "Looks like King Ben didn't do his homework. Oh well, guess I'm swimming."

"Okay, now you piqued my interest. Tell me more about her." Ben asked Mal as they headed together to her room.

Mal stopped in front of her room's door and continued, the fear in her eyes is still as intense as when he first told her the news. "Fang is different. Let's say that she's beyond the battle between good and evil. For her, it's a trivial child's play."

"And what's not a trivial child's play to her?"

"Life and destruction," Mal answered. "Her battle is between those two opposing sides. Survival of the fittest, the strong will live and the weak will die."

Mal leaned her back on the wall and sighed. "Fang is the only person I know that doesn't see the Isle as a dungeon of monsters. She sees it as dumpster for losers. The way of wickedness doesn't fancy her and back in the days the two of us often fights in Dragon Hall because of that difference in point of view."

"She sounds complicated."

"Tell me about it. She's impulsive, short-tempered, and pigheaded. That's why I'm telling you she's bad news because even for us she's a ticking time bomb."

"Well, Fairy Godmother had sent the letter. So even if you can persuade me to change my decision, it's too late now. That letter is imbued with a teleportation magic. She might arrive tomorrow."

Upon hearing that, Mal gaped and rolled her eyes. "God, you didn't thoroughly checked her didn't you?"

"What's with that face?" Ben asked, responding to her teasing. "Is there something else I need to know?"

"Aside from her extreme beliefs? Yeah. She's also a natural anomaly. Fang is born with immunity to magic."

It was his turn now to make a shocked expression. "Magic Immunity?"

Mal nodded.

"Then the teleportation magic won't work."


Then a realization struck him. "Wait, if she's immune to magic then that means…"

"The barrier doesn't work on her either." Mal finished for him, confirming his suspicion. "And she could have left the Isle if she wanted to."

"Why didn't she?"

"She doesn't have a reason." Mal crossed her arms over her chest and moved closer to him. "But now that letter you sent had just given her one. She'll be here tomorrow."

"Mal, the Isle is at least two hundred miles from here. There's no way that she can make it by tomorrow if the spell will not work on her."

"Ben, she's the only daughter of the warlord Shan Yu. So you should expect that she was raised to be a warrior in the harshest possible way. Peak physical condition, near unlimited stamina, agility, super strength, weapon and hand to hand combat mastery, and everything that can turn her into a powerful warrior, name it, she has it. And I bet that she'd just grow stronger since her leaving from the capital. Teleportation magic or not, Fang will be here tomorrow. I can assure you that."

As Mal finished her sentence the door beside them burst open, startling both of them. "Fang is coming!?" Evie exclaimed.

"This year's beneficiary," Mal told her.

"When is the earliest ride out of this place? I need to be gone before she arrives."

Evie dashed back to their room practically trying to pack her stuffs in panic. Ben and Mal followed her. "Evie calm down."

"You don't know a thing about her, Ben. She's a monster and she still held a grudge on me when I broke her ice sculpture." She hyperventilated, her olive skin losing color. "I know I shouldn't have taken that bet with Carlos. You think Doug will let me stay in their house? It might be a dwarf's house but I think I can live there. My stepsister did."

Mal reached to her, placing her hands on her shoulders. "Evie. Breath."

Evie took a long deep breath, kicking away some of her unease. "Thanks."

"Evie, this is not Dragon Hall anymore. This place has orders, restrictions. And you know Ben, I'm sure he didn't choose Fang if he doesn't have a plan in case things get ugly." Mal turned to him. "Right Ben?"

"Of course," he assured her. "As matter of fact, the reason that I choose Fang was because she's the best candidate to be paired with our new enrollee."

Mal and Evie faced him. "New enrollee?"

He nodded. "A prince from an allied kingdom. He'll arrive tomorrow along with Fang."

"And this prince, does he have a name?" Mal asked.

"Prince Eleazar," Ben answered. "Son of Queen Elsa of Arendelle."

"The Snow Queen!" Both girls exclaimed.